Are Molasses Good for Dogs to Eat?

Have you ever wondered, can dogs eat molasses? Dog owners often ask this question, and the answer is yes, but there are some drawbacks attached as well. Even though molasses does not cause imminent harm, you should practice caution while offering it to your dog.

Molasses contains artificial sweeteners that make it not so desirable for dogs. If the artificial sweetener used contains xylitol, you should keep it away from your dog at all costs. Plus, molasses are safe and healthy as long as they are used in pure form. However, only a small quantity should be offered occasionally to reap the benefits.

So, let’s move further and discuss the types of molasses and how you should feed it to your dog to prevent serious health concerns.

Can my dog be fed molasses? What matters?

Molasses contain a concentrated form of sugar, which is neither recommended nor healthy for dogs. As a result, if your dog is already suffering from underlying health conditions like diabetes, you should avoid feeding molasses to your dog.

According to several studies, more than 34% of the dogs in the United States are obese simply because their owners are not careful with their diets. This means that one should be critical and extremely careful while deciding what to put in the dog’s bowl because dogs will eat almost anything. However, the consequences that follow will take a serious toll or may leave permanent damage to the dog’s health.

What are the types of molasses?

To better understand whether molasses should be offered to dogs, it is important to know what it actually is. Molasses is a natural sweetener that is made using beet sugar or cane and is mostly used in baking.

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Molasses can mainly be divided into two types, sulfured and unsulfured molasses.

Sulfured vs. unsulfured molasses for dogs

The two most common varieties of molasses tend to be “sulfured” and “unsulfured”. Unsulfured molasses doesn’t harm your dog’s health if added to its diet. Meanwhile, sulfured molasses contain sulfur dioxide added as a preservative, which can harm your dog.

Even though molasses is not that popular in the United States, it is regularly consumed in the United Kingdom. Once the sugar has been extracted from the juice, you end up with a black, thick syrup.

This procedure is repeated several times to yield different varieties and types of molasses. Let’s take a deeper look into the types below.

There are 5 kinds of molasses: light, dark, blackstrap, treacle, and sorghum.

Light molasses

Light molasses is a type that is also known as original, regular, and golden molasses. As compared to regular molasses, light molasses is not that sweet. This type is derived from the first boiling and features a milder appearance and flavor.

Considering that light molasses come up with a relatively milder flavor when compared to dark or blackstrap molasses, it might be suited to your dog’s health. Still, given the amount of sugar in light molasses, it should be offered occasionally.

Dark molasses

Dark molasses is derived by the second boiling of sugar cane or beets, allowing manufacturers to extract more sugar from the plants. The leftover is a darker and less sweet syrup in the pot. It also comes with an intense flavor and packs more nutritional value as well. Plus, dark molasses is usually used in savory foods rather than desserts.

Blackstrap molasses

The blackstrap molasses is the result of the third boiling process and features the bitterest flavor of all types. Additionally, it packs more nutritional value than the other varieties and is high in iron as well.

Furthermore, blackstrap molasses is also low in sugar, making it the most appropriate type to offer to dogs. Obesity can result in serious health concerns. Therefore, monitoring the amount of blackstrap molasses offered to your dog is crucial, even if it is the least harmful.


The true treacle dates back to Victorian times. Today, treacle is available as a blend of molasses and refinery syrup. It comes in a variety of different colors, ranging from light gold to nearly black. Although British treacle could be substituted for molasses in many recipes, molasses will hardly ever work as a replacement for treacle.

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Treacle is high in sugar; therefore, it isn’t recommended for dogs.

Sorghum Molasses

Technically, sorghum is not molasses. It comes from the sorghum plant, which is specifically grown for molasses. Plus, it is also called West Indies, unsulfured or Barbados molasses. The syrup is made from the juice of the stalk, which is then cooked and clarified.

Sorghum contains loads of nutrients and antioxidants and helps maintain your pup’s blood sugar level.

However, even though sorghum does not contain Sulphur, sorghum molasses contain preservatives added to lengthen its short shelf life.

Which molasses should I choose for my dog?

Molasses are commonly used in dog treats but in a moderate quantity. Molasses are not harmful in themselves, but ingredients like artificial sweeteners make it a problem. With that said, if you plan on offering molasses to your dog, it is suggested to opt for natural molasses that do not carry any side effects. If you’re to pick one type of molasses, go for blackstrap.

If you have purchased store-bought molasses, go through the ingredient list and check for xylitol or similar harmful items. On the other hand, natural molasses tends to be extremely healthy and beneficial to dogs. In its purest form, molasses can be used on a regular basis and added to your dog’s regular diet offering vital vitamins and minerals.

What are the health benefits of molasses for dogs?

Molasses is rich in antioxidants, contains iron and vitamins, helps with your pup’s digestion, and keeps its bones strong. Along with that, molasses also helps with dogs’ skin problems.

If consumed in moderation, Molasses are healthy for both humans and dogs. However, it features a slightly harsh flavor, which might take a bit of time to get accustomed to, but it is packed with vitamins and iron.

If you’re worried about your dog suffering from diabetes, feed it molasses! Molasses contains chromium which is great at preventing diabetes.

Molasses also helps with digestion, especially for pets that suffer from constipation, as it contains iron. Plus, if your dog is suffering from some skin concerns, you could use molasses in pure form as a remedy.

Moreover, molasses is also known to prevent osteoporosis and help strengthen bones in dogs. And finally, the presence of vitamin B6 helps your dog digest fat naturally and without any complications.

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How much molasses can I give my dog?

When it comes to feeding molasses, you should consider your pup’s size. If you own an average-sized dog, 1 tablespoon of molasses in a day will be a good starting point. If your dog is tiny and weighs below 10 lbs., 1/8th teaspoon is enough for it. You should only give your pup molasses 2-3 times a week.

Keep in mind that you should not replace molasses with the main food item or an ingredient in your dog’s diet.

How can I feed molasses to my dog?

Molasses can be fed in several ways. It can be used as a topping for treats and an ingredient in snacks to add some sweet flavor. You can be very creative when it comes to using molasses but should make sure that the syrup does not contain any potentially harmful ingredients.

If you are still skeptical about the amount of molasses to be fed to your dog, seek veterinary help.

Related FAQs to dogs eating molasses!

Is molasses good for animals?

Molasses is a good source of energy and minerals for animals and humans alike. Considering its nutritional value, molasses is safe and healthy to consume as long as harmful ingredients like xylitol are not used in its production.

Can molasses make dogs sick?

If consumed excessively, molasses can cause diarrhea or loose stools. Therefore, pets and humans with sensitive stomachs or digestive problems should avoid this syrup.

Is molasses anti-inflammatory?

Among the different types, blackstrap molasses is considered anti-inflammatory. Plus, this type does not influence the glycemic index and helps relieve joint pain.

Can dogs have molasses in peanut butter?

Any peanut butter that does not contain xylitol is safe for dogs to eat. It is a good source of healthy fat and protein for your dog only if consumed in moderation. Therefore, molasses in peanut butter won’t harm your dog as long as there are no harmful artificial sweeteners involved.

Concluding our thoughts on whether dogs can eat molasses!

Pure molasses is actually healthy and beneficial for your dog’s health. You can use it in treats such as toppings or simply add it to your dog’s diet. But remember, moderation is key. Overfeeding can lead to digestive problems that might require medication or immediate expert attention.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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