Is Blue Cheese Alright for Dogs to Eat?

Blue cheese is popular among humans, and its ingredients complement your taste buds. It may even appeal to your dog due to its sliced form. But can dogs eat blue cheese in the same way that we do? 

The simple answer is; No, dogs cannot eat blue cheese in large amounts as they can be extremely sensitive to it. The fungus present in a blue cheese like Stilton causes vomiting, diarrhea, and even seizures, so keep your dog away from it.

Stilton and Roquefort are among the most dangerous types of blue cheese for your dog.  

Can dogs eat cheese?

Mostly, it is safe for dogs to consume cheese. However, excess of it might cause serious issues to your dog due to high-fat content. If you do it regularly, your doggy will be at a high risk of obesity or, in worst cases, might even develop fatal diseases.

What happens when dogs consume blue cheese?

If your dog eats a small piece of blue cheese, don’t worry, serious problems are unlikely to occur. For large pieces of blue cheese, consult your veterinarian immediately. If your dog is timely taken care of, it will get well with some medication.

Mold Penicillium, a fungus required to make blue cheese, is unsafe for your dog. Once fed in a large quantity, your dog will likely acquire a high temperature, diarrhea, or a similar health condition.

Is blue cheese beneficial for dogs in any way?

No, blue cheese is not beneficial for your dogs in any way. Generally, it is unsafe for your dogs to consume blue cheese, even in tiny amounts. That is because its fungus will outweigh the benefits that dairy products offer. Hence clearly, the advantages of blue cheese are confined to humans only.

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How much blue cheese is bad for dogs?

As mentioned earlier, there are no benefits associated with feeding your dog blue cheese. If you still wish to do so, make sure to confirm with your vet beforehand. Then, as per instructions, you may give your dog blue cheese in small amounts since excessive amounts may be fatal.

Although you may want your dog to eat blue cheese, the best alternative is to avoid it. Obviously, anything that causes pain to your pet should be avoided.

What foods can be used as blue cheese substitutes?

You can feed your dog anything you eat, but only in little amounts to avoid causing harm. It is advisable to seek permission from a veterinarian first. You can give your dog treats like apple, chicken, bananas, turkey, or even red meat. However, be mindful of the food being cooked properly before feeding it to your pet.

Final words on whether dogs can eat blue cheese

Hopefully, by now, you know whether feeding your dog blue cheese is a good idea or not. However, if blue cheese has been consumed in a large amount, you need to see your vet timely. Moreover, look for alternate options, so your dog’s health is not compromised.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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