If you own a dog, you must have asked yourself, can dogs eat bitter melon? The reality is that bitter melon tends to be safe for canine consumption. However, it carries several health benefits for dogs but should not be consumed carelessly.
Dogs can eat bitter melons only if they are provided in moderation. You can give bitter melon 1-3 times per week to your pup.
If your dog has accidentally consumed some, there is no need to panic. Considering its taste, you must have thought that it is something that can cause huge trouble. So, let’s discuss why bitter melon should be avoided even though it is safe.
Is bitter melon bad for dogs?
Bitter melon is neither poisonous nor bad for dogs. In fact, bitter melon belongs to the same family, which produces watermelon, zucchini, and pumpkin.
With that said, there is hardly ever been a case where a dog accidentally chewed on some bitter melon or pumpkin and died as a result.
How to feed bitter melon to your dog?
Here, there are two things you need to consider. The first is that bitter melon is awfully bitter. If you wish to offer it to your pet, you should mix it with their favorite meal. Secondly, even though bitter melon does not cause any problems, it can lead to indigestion and stomach-related problems if consumed in excess.
If you wish to make the most of this nutritious food, you should offer it no more than 1 to 3 times a week. Then again, dogs can easily eat the seeds and skin, but the quantity should be moderate, not to cause any complications down the road.
Potential health risks of feeding bitter melon to your dog
Consuming bitter melon increases the insulin level and decreases your dog’s blood sugar. With that said, dogs that are on medication to help lower their blood glucose should not consume too much bitter melon. It can cause their blood glucose to fall quite low.
You can lessen the bitter taste through intense cooking and seasoning of bitter melon. At the same time, even if your dog eats bitter melon with ease, the additives might not be digestible. For instance, ingredients like onion, spice, salt, and oil cooked with bitter melon make it unhealthy and unsafe for dogs.
In some cases, too much bitter melon can cause vomiting and diarrhea to your pooch too.
Therefore, while preparing a meal for your dog with bitter melon, you should keep it as simple and plain as possible. Plus, you should avoid it if your dog is pregnant. There have been several cases where animals have suffered miscarriages due to eating bitter melon.
Does bitter melon provide nutritional benefits to your dog?
As mentioned earlier, bitter melon has several benefits to offer to your dog, including vitamin C, A, and folate. Plus, it is also packed with fiber, zinc, potassium and iron, and anti-oxidants. These important nutrients and vitamins come together to offer several benefits to your dog’s immune and digestive system.
For instance, vitamin C helps reduce inflammation and fights against several dangerous diseases. On the other hand, vitamin A helps improve your dog’s vision and skin. Additionally, it also improves immunity, which is crucial for the proper functioning of cells.
Furthermore, folate, potassium, iron, and zinc promote canine development and growth while improving immunity and organ health.
Since cancer is quite common amongst dogs, the anti-oxidants in bitter melon help prevent your dog fight against free radicals and environmental pollutants. In addition to that, the high-fiber content promotes gut health and encourages natural bowel movements.
What if my dog accidentally ate a lot of bitter melon?
Considering that dogs are carnivores, bitter melon does not tend to be a natural food for them, which is why it should be offered in moderation. Due to its hypoglycemic effect, dogs with low blood sugar should totally avoid bitter melon.
Although excessive consumption of bitter melon can make your dog sick but not serious to the point where it needs medical action or hospitalization, however, your dog will vomit and experience diarrhea, but that is most of it. After a few spells, your dog should be fine.
If your dog vomits after eating bitter melon, you should keep a bowl of freshwater for it to drink, as vomiting can lead to dehydration.
Treatments for bitter melon poisoning
If your canine friend has eaten a lot of bitter melon, the worst it will experience is stomach ache, runny nose, and vomiting. Therefore, there is no need to panic. As a result, the condition should normalize after a day or two.
However, if you observe that the condition is not improving, you will have to consult a vet, as mentioned previously, although bitter melon can offer several nutritional benefits but can be harmful to dogs with certain underlying conditions.
In such a case, you should immediately call your vet and do not wait for your dog’s health to normalize itself. Bitter melon can react with medications and turn into a serious problem if your dog is pregnant or suffers from glucose problems.
Related FAQs to dogs and bitter melon!
Is bitter melon poisonous?
No, bitter melon is not poisonous. However, just like any other food item given in excess, it can cause problems if too much is given.
Therefore, if you are offering it to your pet, you should be careful of the frequency of the consumption.
Can dogs get addicted to bitter melon?
Bitter melon, compared to other food items, has a unique bitter taste. Because of this, its rare that your dog will ever crave it.
Wrapping up our thoughts on whether dogs can eat bitter melon!
Bitter melons are consumed worldwide primarily due to their health benefits.
Occasionally, adding one to your dog’s meal won’t harm but can surely lead to digestive issues if offered carelessly. This is why you should also opt for safer alternatives that carry a fewer risk of health complications should your pet accidentally consume too much.