Can Dogs Eat Pizza Rolls?

There are many reasons why pizza is fairly popular amongst humans but can dogs eat pizza rolls? Typically, pizza is made using a combination of cheese and delicious toppings on top of a dough base, which is perhaps why billions of pizzas are consumed every year.

However, experts suggest that dogs should not be offered pizza rolls. The primary reason is that pizza rolls might contain ingredients such as onion and garlic that are toxic to dogs. Therefore, if you plan on offering some to your dog, you need to be extremely careful.

This article will explore everything you need to know about pizza rolls, especially the potential risks associated along with the healthy alternatives you can offer to your dog to prevent serious health concerns.

Will pizza hurt my dog?

Whether pizza is going to be harmful to your dog depends on the ingredients used. Traditionally, pizzas are made using ingredients like onion and garlic. Plus, the basic ingredient is processed meat which is equally harmful in the long run. This means that it is quite possible that some varieties are solely made for humans to consume.

Apart from garlic and onion, cheese tends to be a good source of vitamins and proteins in humans. But in the case of dogs, some happen to be lactose intolerant. This could lead to an upset stomach. Plus, cheese is also high in calories, which can increase the weight of your dog if consumed on a regular basis.

On the other hand, processed meats such as salami and sausage are high in fat. Upon consuming excessive fat, dogs can trigger their pancreas, which can lead to inflammation, ultimately resulting in extreme pain. Moreover, dogs can also experience vomiting and diarrhea since their digestive systems are not designed to process high amounts of processed meat fats.

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Next, salt is also one of the ingredients used to prepare pizza rolls. Too much salt consumption can lead to salt poisoning causing the muscles to become stiff and resulting in jerking motions. Infact, in some cases sodium poisoning can stand in between life and death, forcing the vet to take extreme measures to save a dog’s life.


What happens if my dog eats pizza?

If your dog happens to taste or eat some pizza while you were looking away, it is most likely that it will experience diarrhea and sickness. Even though one piece won’t harm your dog to the point where things turn fatal but they can as well if you continue ignoring the consumption. However, if the piece consumed by your dog contains potentially harmful ingredients, you will have to watch out for the symptoms.

In addition to that, the side effects and what happens to your dog after eating pizza also depend on the quantity consumed and your dog’s age. Generally, smaller dogs tend to experience relatively more symptoms than mature dogs since their digestive systems are not properly developed. At the same time, it needs to be kept in mind that toxic ingredients can trigger long-term illnesses that will affect the overall lifespan of your dog.

At the most, your dog is going to experience diarrhea and vomiting after consuming some pizza rolls. The good news is that you can quickly fix the issue by offering some medications but not without consulting your veterinarian. And if you tend to give into the puppy looks each time, you should make sure that the pizza does not contain any ingredients that can turn a treat into danger.

Can I offer homemade pizza rolls to my dog?

Yes, you can offer homemade pizza rolls to your dog as long as it is safe from toxic ingredients. To make some, you should use white flour, wheat, water, basil, a few slices of fresh mozzarella, and some sundried tomatoes. Then, you should pre-heat the oven to 375-degrees Fahrenheit and chop up the basil, sundried tomatoes, and cheese into small pieces. Mix wheat and white flour in a bowl, adding the chopped pieces and mozzarella.

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Moving on, pour in the water and stir until the mixture turns into a sticky dough. Once the dough is ready, flatten it using a rolling pin and then cut it into circular pieces using a cutter. Then, shift the pizza to a baking sheet and allow it to bake for around 20 minutes until it turns brown. Finally, allow the pizza to cool and cut into small pieces before offering your dog.

FAQs related to dogs and pizza rolls!

Can I give my dog pizza bread?

Yes, your dog can eat pizza bread but only in moderation. At the same time, you should not make it a part of your dog’s regular diet as it needs vitamins and minerals to grow and develop.

What happens if my dog eats half a pizza?

If your dog happens to consume pizza, it might cause stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. Although a tiny piece won’t cause any harm but if consumed in excess, your dog might need treatment to induce vomiting. Ingredients like salt, garlic, and onion can turn your dog’s health condition upside down within minutes and in some cases, might require serious medical attention.

What can dogs not have?

Dogs should not be offered chocolate, caffeine, macadamia nuts, milk and other dairy products, avocados, etc. These food items contain are proven harmful to dogs and can trigger serious allergic reactions as well. Therefore, dog owners should make sure that these food items or the food items containing such ingredients should always be avoided.


So, there you have it. Now you know why you should not be offering pizza rolls to your dog. But if you are still planning to treat it every now and then, you should opt for a safer homemade alternative explained above. Keep in mind that some dogs are sensitive to food items usually consumed by humans. This means they can have a difficult time digesting even safer ingredients. Therefore, you need to monitor your dog closely and avoid offering pizza rolls if some symptoms show up.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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