Do German Shepherds Get Cold? 5 Quick Tips to keep them warm now!

Do you have a German Shepherd? If so, do they get cold during the winter months? You’re not alone if you do! In this article we’ll answer that question and share some tips on how to keep your pup warm.

German Shepherds are one of the most popular breeds in the United States. They are loyal, intelligent animals with tons of personality. But do german shepherds get cold ? Well, yes – but there’s no need to worry too much about it!

Reasons why German Shepherds Can Tolerate Cold Weather

German shepherds are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and bravery. One of the things that sets them apart from other breeds is that they can tolerate colder weather better than most other dogs! These three reasons will help explain why your German shepherd might not mind the cold so much.  

1) They have a double coat to keep them warm

With a thick undercoat and an outer layer made up of coarse hairs, these dogs are prepared for cooler temperatures. The heavy double coat also traps air close to their skin which helps maintain body temperature in colder climates.

2) Their nose is great at sensing smells

This means they can find food buried deep in snow or ice without any difficulty as well as bark when danger is near.

3) They do not sweat like humans do

Humans cool themselves by perspiring which means we lose a lot of water over the course of a day. German Shepherds do it differently and don’t need to spend as much energy cooling off because they pant or get their tongue wet when they’re feeling hot.

4) Their paws act as natural snowshoes

Because german shepherds walk on their toes and not their whole foot like other breeds do, they don’t sink into deep snow as easily making it much easier to move around with ease.

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QuickWays to Keep your German Shepherds Warm in Colder Months

The cold months of winter are coming and you have a German shepherd. You know that they need to be kept warm in order for them to stay healthy, but how? Well, here are some tips on how you can keep your pup warm this winter season: 

1) Dress them up with appropriate clothing

This should include a coat or sweater. They also might like earmuffs or boots!  Keep in mind that they do have a double coat, but it won’t do much good when the temperature is below freezing.

Wear a coat over his current one so he stays extra warm. -Invest in some booties or socks made specifically for dogs if he doesn’t have any already because they will help keep his paws dry from slushy snow -Tie an old sweater around his neck or waist like a scarf to provide warmth without being too bulky. He might also enjoy wearing sunglasses as well!

2) Keep food bowls inside the Home

It is too cold outside for your pet’s food bowl so it needs to be kept indoors where it is warmer.

3) Turn down the Thermostat

Your german shepherd’s natural fur will keep him/her warm enough if the temperature doesn’t drop below 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

Yes, German Shepherds do get cold! When the winter months come around it is important to be mindful of how your pet feels in order for them to stay healthy and happy. By following these tips you can keep your pup warm this season as well as maintain their happiness level throughout the year!

4) Exercise

Make sure they get enough exercise which will keep them warm and energetic all over the winter months.

Now we will focus on 5 exercises that you can do to keep your German Shepherds warm in the colder months.

The following suggestions are geared towards dogs living in cold climates, but they may also be applicable for those living in warmer weather zones as well. 

The first exercise is called “Find Your Way Home” and it has two variations: a) your dog walks with her nose close to the ground sniffing all around; or b) your dog walks alongside you while looking back at you periodically. This game gets her heart rate up and builds muscle tone.

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The second exercise is called “Paws Up” and requires a partner who will hold an object such as a tennis ball or toy out of reach of the dog. Your pup will do a series of high jumps and leaps to reach the object, which strengthens their muscles while burning excess calories in order to keep them warm!

The third exercise is called “Pinwheel” and it requires some assistance from another human who stands with his or her back towards your pet then spins around quickly causing the dog to do a series of quick spins and leaps. This game also strengthens muscles, gets the heart rate up, and burns excess calories while keeping your pet warm!

The fourth exercise is called “Jumping” which can be done inside or outside. Your pup will do a number of jumps in order to keep his muscle tone strong.

The fifth and final exercise is called “Sledding”. This game has your dog lie on his back with all four paws in the air, then pulling him either forward or backwards while he slides across a smooth floor. This strengthens their muscles while giving them something to do during winter months!

5) Other Tips

German shepherds are naturally capable of surviving in cold climates. Their thick fur and double-layered skin help them stay warm during the winter months, but they do need some extra care to keep their paws healthy. Follow these five tips for keeping your german shepherd’s paws comfortable all year long! 

-Keep their nails trimmed so they don’t accidentally scratch themselves on hard surfaces like ice or snow.

-Give them paw protection when going outside in areas that have been treated with chemicals such as salt or sand to melt ice and snow.

-Offer a bowl of fresh water indoors and outdoors each day to make sure they’re hydrated and won’t lick off important protective oils from their nose while out exploring the frosty world.

How do you Know if your GSD has Hypothermia?

German Shepherds are known for being stubborn and protective, but what do you do if your GSD is showing signs of hypothermia?

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Hypothermia is a condition where the body temperature drops below normal, which can happen in extreme cold weather. You may notice that your dog’s ears or nose appear frostbitten, their gums are pale or have turned blue-grey, they’re shivering uncontrollably, and/or they’re lethargic.

If you suspect that your dog has this syndrome it is imperative to get them warmed up as soon as possible! Here are some tips on how to warm up a German Shepherd with hypothermia: 

1) Offer food – The best way to help a dog who doesn’t feel hungry is to offer food. This will help give them strength and energy, which will surely do wonders in getting their body temperature back up!

2) Wrap them up warmly with towels, blankets, or even a heated doggie bed – The best way to warm up a GSD is by providing them with some heat. Your best option is to use something that they can’t chew through like an electric blanket, doggy heating pad, or even towels and blankets!

3) Warm water bath – Fill your bathroom with hot water and then place your german shepherd in the tub; do not submerge them! The heat from the water will flow through their body while the temperature gradually increases.

4) Get them out of the cold or wet environment as soon as possible- The first thing you need to do when confronting hypothermia is get them out of their current situation, whether it’s getting them into a warm house or putting clothes on over their wet fur. If they are shivering uncontrollably, wrap them up with blankets and give hot water bottles filled with heated water. It’s also important not to do anything that will make them colder, such as putting a cold blanket on top of them.

Final Thoughts

We hope you found this article informative, and that it will help keep your German Shepherd pup safe during the winter months. Be sure to check with their vet before taking them out in cold weather for more than a few hours at a time. And remember, any temperature below 20 degrees Fahrenheit is dangerous for them! As always, we’re here if you have any questions or concerns about how to best take care of your four-legged friends through these colder seasons.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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