Are German Shepherds Good With Cats? 8 Training Tips to Bring Them Together

It is no secret that cats are a very popular pet. They are adorable, independent, and are not difficult to care for. It is also well known that German Shepherds are an excellent companion animal. So what happens when you put these two together? Do German Shepherds get along with cats? The answer may surprise you! In this article we will talk about whether german shepherds are good with cats or not as well as 7 ways to train them to get along!

Personality and Temperament of German Shepherd

German shepherds are bold, confident and intelligent dogs that require a lot of attention. They were originally bred to herd sheep in Germany and have been used as military working dogs for centuries. German Shepherds are also one of the most common breeds chosen by police departments in North America because they have an innate sense of what is right or wrong. This makes them very protective over their family but may be wary around strangers. If you’re considering adding this breed into your life, it’s important to know these facts about its personality and temperament so that you can better care for him/her! 

How to Prepare your New Cat for the Introduction

Do you have a new cat in your household? Are you also pet-parenting a German Shepherd and are worried about how to introduce the cats with each other? This post offers tips for preparing your new cat for the introduction process. 

Your first step is to make sure that all food, water, litter boxes, toys etc., are put away securely so neither animal can get into them. You will want to leave both doors open so they can still explore their surroundings without feeling like they’re being trapped. Next, find a room where the animals can be separated from one another and set up some bedding on opposite sides of it (like blankets or towels). Make sure there’s enough line of sight that they’ll be able to see and smell each other. It’s crucial that you are not in the same room as them during this introduction process because your body language could be misconstrued by one of the animals (like a hiss, growl, or snap). This is called “interference” and can lead to fighting between pets!

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8 Training Tips on Bringing German Shepherds and your Kitty Together

Bringing a new pet into your home is always exciting.

But when you’re bringing two pets into the same space, it can be double the excitement!

German shepherds and cats are both very sociable animals, but they also have their own unique needs. In this blog post we’ll cover 7 tips on how to bring these two furry friends together in harmony. Here’s what you need to know:

1) Bring them together slowly

Don’t just place your cat inside of the german shepherd’s territory without supervision at first because then it will feel like an invasion.

Start by placing one animal outside of their enclosure and let them sniff each other from there before letting them meet face-to-face for a few minutes.

2) Scent Smelling

Allow your german shepherd to smell the scents of your cat before ever meeting or playing with each other. That way they are more familiar with what it smells like and less likely to be afraid.

– Allow them to sniff you if they are not already snuggling up next to you – Letting them sniff around where the cat spends its time can also help. If there are spots that have a strong scent, rub their nose in it!

– Get an article of clothing from someone who works at home (like yourself), put some smelly treats on one side and let all over the other half, then hand this over for them to smell  afterwards  to get accustomed to different types of scents coming from cats

– If they are still on the fence about cats, put a piece of their food in with your cat’s and let them sniff it out. You can also try rubbing some dry food onto your clothes or skin to get that scent as well.

* It is important to note that this may not work for all german shepherds  so if you are trying these tips at home please be cautious!

For example: Introduce one animal outside of its enclosure initially before letting them meet face-to-face. After introducing each other slowly, allow both animals time to explore the new environment together without much interference from their owners. This will enable an easier transition process while giving enough space for any pet personalities involved to settle down.

3)Physical Face to Face Meeting

Allow your german shepherd to meet the cat face-to-face in a safe space. This is where they are most likely going to be able to sniff each other and interact physically as well!

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Keep it supervised at first so that if there are any issues, you can step in quickly – But don’t just let them get on their own because this may result in aggressive behavior from either animal which could cause some wounds or damage for both pets involved.

For example: Once your animals are comfortable with one another’s smells and have reached an understanding of each other’s boundaries (such as not jumping up), allow them time together without close supervision but always within sight range.

If anything goes wrong, provide “the look” before the situation becomes unbearable. This may avert a fight before it starts and is your best bet at getting the animals to settle down with each other.

4) Use Commands

Make sure you train obedience commands early on so that they respond well to voice commands like “sit” or “stop.”

5) Establish Rules Early

Dogs need consistency when it comes to training so set clear boundaries from day one by telling them “No” or “Stop” if you catch them barking at or chasing after the cat. You should do this every time without fail even if it’s not the first time they are doing it.

– The cat should be a little more docile in this situation because usually its higher up on the ground and can escape easier – But if you introduce your pet to a new environment, make sure that there are places where cats are safe from dogs (such as high perches) so that no one is at risk of getting hurt or injured

For example: Set rules early by telling them “No” when you catch them barking or chasing after the cat. You should do this every single time without fail even if it was their very first offense just like we tell kids about dangerous situations before explaining why later on. This will establish better boundaries for both pets involved while letting each animal understand the other’s boundaries.

6) Use Treats

You can also use treats to help your german shepherd get along with the cat! Rub their nose on any spots where there are strong scents of a cat’s presence, rub some food onto your clothes or skin from time to time so that they are exposed to different types of “cat” scents and put pieces of their own food in with yours. This will allow them easier adaptation since they are already familiarized with what is deemed safe for both animals just by smelling it beforehand.

For example: You should always be cautious when trying these tips at home because not all German Shepherds are going to react well  – but if you do try this, make sure that you have given enough space for each pet personality involved to settle down.

Related Post:  Do German Shepherds Drool? 11 Reasons & 7 Tips to Reduce the Issue

– This should go without saying but don’t have both animals in the same room together at any point or if you are just introducing them to each other. If they are not able to be supervised, make sure that one is always inside while the other is outside so there are boundaries for all pets involved and no accidents happen.

7) Know about Your German Shepherd

Gather as much information about your German Shepherd before getting a cat because this will help give you an idea of what type of personality it may have and how they would react when meeting their new feline friend! Remember these facts whenever considering adding a pet (or two!) into your home!

8) Never Punish Them

Do not punish either animal for any reason because this may damage the relationship between them and will only make it harder to integrate pets into your home

For example: Never ever punish either one of these animals for their actions. This is counterproductive and puts a strain on both creatures’ relationships with each other, making integration that much more difficult.

They are good family dogs but are often aggressive towards cats if they are introduced as adults. If you are introducing them at a young age there should be no problems  but always introduce them slowly so that neither creature feels threatened or attacked by another pet in the house. Take precautions when taking care of this situation because even though society sees German Shepherds as “man’s best friend”, not every German Shepherd will get along with cats .

Final Thoughts

If you’re interested in adopting a cat, but have no experience with them or don’t know much about cats as an animal group, the advice is to be patient and give it time. You may not see your German Shepherd interacting positively at first; this does not mean that they won’t eventually come around! It’s important to keep those interactions positive for both animals so that a bond can form. Once there has been some progress made on both sides of the equation, take things one day at a time and enjoy all of the new experiences together. One thing I learned from my own personal experience was that just because something doesn’t happen right away doesn’t mean it will never happen- sometimes patience pays off.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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