Is Tic Tac safe for Dogs?

Mouth freshers don’t get the credit they deserve. You pop a couple before an important business meeting, a date, or simply before going out. They come in handy packages like that of Tic Tac. Speaking of Tic Tac, aren’t they the most convenient mouth fresher? On a regular day out with your dog, you realize that its breath stinks. Naturally, you take out a Tic Tac but wait – can dogs eat Tic Tac?

Can dogs eat tic tac?

Ideally, your dog should not eat Tic Tac. It contains absolutely no ingredient that should benefit your dog. And since Tic Tacs are so small, feeding them as treats just won’t be enough. On the contrary, some of the ingredients of Tic tac might actually harm your dog.

In the past, Tic Tac had been under a lot of fire for using a toxic ingredient in Tic Tac. The said ingredient, Xylitol, is highly toxic for dogs and should never be fed to them. Tic Tac has changed its formula for the candy now and prides itself in being dog friendly.

But does that make Tic Tac candy or gum safe for your dog? Let’s find out together.

What Tic Tac contains


A classic flavor of Tic Tac contains the following ingredients. Keep in mind that there might be a slight change in ingredients for different flavors.

  • Sugar
  • Maltodextrins
  • Fructose
  • Thickener
  • Rice starch
  • Anticaking agent (magnesium salts of fatty acids)
  • Flavorings
  • Mint essential oil
  • Glazing agent (carnauba wax)

Nutritional value

A 100 gram of classic Tic Tac contains:

Carbohydrates97.5g (94.5g sugar)

Hazards of tic tac for your dog

Tic tac candies are relatively safe for dogs as they contain no xylitol. But should your dog really eat any Tic Tac candy? The short answer is no. Xylitol may be absent from the candies now, but these candies are made from huge sugars. And we all know how bad sugar is for our precious dogs.

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Your dog can eat a couple of Tic Tac candies and probably be fine. But anything more than this may require your immediate attention. The excessive sugar in Tic Tac can upset your dog’s stomach resulting in:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Toothache

Feeding Tic Tac candy to your dog should not become a regular thing. Even if you don’t see a problem after the first try, there is always a risk of choking due to the small size of these candies.

On the other hand, Tic tac gum is a big NO for dogs. The chewing gum form of Tic Tac still contains Xylitol which is insanely dangerous for dogs. Xylitol increases insulin production in dogs which might result in brain injuries, seizures, liver failure, and even death.

Healthy alternatives

If you are so bothered about your dog’s stinky breath, you should consider feeding natural fresheners to your dog. They come in a variety of flavors and from authentic brands. Since they are made for dogs, they don’t contain any ingredients that might hurt them.

Alternatively, you can add a couple of mint leaves to your dog’s diet. Mint leaves work great as mouth fresheners and are safe for dogs too. Be sure to never go overboard with leaves – a couple would be enough.

Related FAQs to Tic Tac and dogs!

Can Tic Tac kill dogs?

Tic Tac gums contain the dangerous ingredient xylitol, which is extremely harmful to dogs. If consumed, it can cause severe damage to a dog’s health and even death in extreme cases.

What happens if a dog eats one Tic Tac?

A single Tic Tac candy won’t probably harm your dog. As for Tic Tac gum, a dog can suffer from serious health problems because of the toxic Xylitol.


We understand that you want to share all your happiness with your four-legged friend. But as a pet owner, you should be aware that all human food is not suitable for dogs. While dogs can eat many human foods, Tic Tac and other artificial candies should never be fed to them intentionally. A candy or two won’t do it any harm, but your dog may suffer from grave health issues if it becomes a habit.

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Photo of author

Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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