Can Dogs Eat Jaggery? – Nope, Nada, No!

Jaggery is a well-known delight amongst humans. It may have some benefits, but can dogs eat jaggery as well? The reality is that there are mixed reviews about feeding jaggery to dogs. The primary reason is that jaggery contains a lot of sugar, which can lead to serious health concerns.

No, dogs should not eat jaggery. Even if your dog has developed a taste for it, you should not offer jaggery even as a treat, as it could lead to weight gain and diabetes. Jaggery contains 70% sucrose which is too much sugar for your pup.

So, let’s take a deeper look into why jaggery works with humans but maybe problematic for your furry friend.

What happens if my dog eats jaggery?

Jaggery does not make your dog immediately sick. If you have fed a couple of pieces to your dog, you should not be concerned about it as it does not lead to serious complications. However, if you keep feeding it regularly, your dog will experience weight gain, diabetes, cavity, and various metabolic conditions.

The first complication is diabetes. Regularly feeding jaggery to your dog can cause enlarged liver, seizures, urinary tract infections, and heart complications. Then, jaggery could also cause gut bacteria imbalance resulting in inflammatory bowel disease.

In addition to that, your dog can suffer from several other health concerns, such as cavities and inflammations in the body and urinary tract infections.

The major reason jaggery is not recommended for dogs is because it contains 70% sugar. This delight contains a rich concentration of sucrose that can lead to obesity, dental problems, weight gain, and metabolic problems.

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Opposed to humans, the intestines of dogs are not designed to break down sugar molecules and convert them into energy. As a result, depending on the dog breed, your pet may suffer from varying health conditions.

How does jaggery affect dogs in the long run?

Feeding jaggery to your dog can lead to health concerns like diabetes, cavities, etc. However, another important thing to keep in mind is that even though sugar is not an imminent danger to humans but can turn toxic in the long run.

If your dog’s calorie intake is more than it can burn, the sugar is converted into fat. The more food your dog eats, the more energy is converted and stored as fat. Ultimately, you shall observe your dog gaining weight rapidly.

The extra weight takes a toll on the dog’s body, especially the legs that struggle to carry the extra weight. This results in your dog feeling tired and is found spending a lot of time resting instead of moving around. 

Therefore, to prevent health complications like joint problems and heart disease, you should not offer jaggary even as a treat.

Can sugar destroy dog teeth?

Dogs rely on their teeth to break down food items, making them easy to swallow and digest. As dogs are carnivores, their sharp teeth pierce through and shred raw meat. However, if their daily intake contains a lot of sugar, do not be surprised if their teeth start to decay.

Eating sugar regularly can damage your dog’s teeth by weakening its tooth enamel. Plaque may also start building up, leading to other health problems.

This complication is not only common among dogs but also among humans. The reason is that microorganisms inside the mouth convert sugar into acids that destroy the teeth. At the same time, if your dog’s dental health is ignored for extended periods, it will need dental rehabilitation, which isn’t expensive either.

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What are the alternatives to jaggery for dogs?

You may feed the following sweet foods to your pup instead of jaggery:

  • Coconut syrup
  • Maple syrup
  • Blackstrap molasses
  • Coconut sugar
  • Stevia
  • Carob
  • Honey
  • Barley malt syrup

If you observe that your dog shows any signs or symptoms of some food, you should immediately take that food item away. It is suggested that dog owners, when offering something new to their dogs, should monitor them closely to prevent choking or other serious concerns.

Related FAQs to dogs and jaggery!

Is feeding sugar to dogs Ok?

No, feeding sugar to dogs is not Ok. It has the same consequences in dogs as it does in humans. Health complications like obesity, dental damage, and diabetes might occur.

These issues are tough to counter and may take years for your dog’s health to return to normal.

Can dogs eat dates?

Yes, dogs can eat dates but in little amounts because dates are very high in sugar.

Can dogs eat honey?

Yes, dogs can eat honey. But keep in mind that it should be offered in moderation. Honey contains antioxidants and several vitamins and minerals that offer your dog a quick boost of energy and keep it from skin irritations and allergies.

Concluding our thoughts on whether dogs can eat jaggery!

So, jaggery is not recommended for dogs. In fact, anything that contains sugar should be avoided. It is important that you look for other healthier alternatives if you wish to treat your dog occasionally. And if your dog is showing signs of weight gain, tooth decay, etc., you should immediately consult a vet and consider changing its diet.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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