Can Dogs Eat Thyme?

Thyme is a well-known herb amongst humans packing serious benefits but can dogs eat thyme? There are several different types of thyme used in dishes all around the world. While humans can consume them without any problem, dogs may struggle with it.

However, it is generally believed that thyme is beneficial for dogs. The digestive system of dogs is limited when it comes to digesting human foods. This means thyme can only be offered in moderation. Plus, you should not replace it with other healthier alternatives.

So, let’s take a look into how you can feed thyme to your dog without disturbing its health.

What are the health benefits of thyme?

Thyme is a powerful herb that is beneficial to both humans and dogs. To begin with, thyme helps improve digestive health as it contains antispasmodic characteristics that aid in digestion and prevent symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

At the same time, thyme is also known to help alleviate digestive tract infection, indigestion, dyspepsia, etc. However, before offering thyme to your dog if it is suffering from such health conditions, it is suggested to consult your vet. Thyme may or may not help in some cases, which calls for the vet to prescribe additional medication.

On the other hand, thyme contains vitamins A, C, and K, which are powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants help combat free radical damage. Both humans and dogs need such essential vitamins to improve and protect themselves against ailments.

Talking about antibacterial properties, thyme contains thymol, which is an active component known to provide potent antibacterial effects. This means the herb is a good fighter against bacterial and fungal infections that is common amongst dogs.

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Furthermore, when it comes to antimicrobial activities, thyme comes to the rescue as well. It contains several qualities that kill microorganisms. Studies have found that thymol prevents bacterial resistance to penicillin medicines.

And finally, there is some growing evidence that thyme helps improves respiratory health too. Offering thyme to your dog will assist with preventing asthma symptoms and enhance bronchial airflow. If your dog experiences asthma symptoms, offering thyme might prevent bronchial spasms and other respiratory disorders.

What are the health risks of thyme for dogs?

Apart from all the benefits, thyme can also be slightly risky for your dog as it could cause indigestion. Thyme leaves are fibrous, which means that if your dog was to consume them in excess, it could lead to the stomach being upset.

Moreover, you should not restrict your dog to just thyme oil. You should apply a small diluted amount to your dog’s skin and opt for other essential oils as well to keep the skin and coat in perfect condition. Plus, thyme is known to slow blood clotting. This means that it should never be offered to a dog either before or after surgery as it could lead to excess bleeding.

And as mentioned earlier, thyme comes in several different varieties, which means you have to be careful while offering a particular type. For instance, Spanish thyme contains a chemical called diterpene, which makes it toxic to dogs. Not only can it lower your dog’s blood pressure to an alarmingly low level but also irritate the skin and upset the gastrointestinal tract as it contains eugenol and carvacrol.

Upon consumption, If you observe that your dog is experiencing difficulty in breathing, bloody diarrhea, or vomiting, you should immediately contact a vet.

How much thyme can dogs eat?

Everything in excess is bad and the same goes for thyme. Even though thyme is a herb that belongs to the mint family but can upset your dog’s health as well if offered regularly and in huge amounts. Keep in mind that dogs are omnivores, which means animal-based meals are their primary source of nutrition.

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They are able to eat herbs and other human foods but are left deprived of the benefits as they cannot digest them. Therefore, thyme can be added to their meals once or twice a week for a change. If your dog develops a taste for it, you can continue offering it. However, if it doesn’t you should opt for something else that interests your pet.

How to offer thyme to dogs?

Thyme can be offered in a variety of ways as part of a snack or meal. You do not have to offer thyme as a whole but simply chop it down and add it to the meals. However, it might be that your dog does not like its smell or may refuse to eat the meal. In this case, you will have to be a bit creative.

For instance, you can prepare homemade dog treats, smoothies, etc. Add some of your dog’s favorite fruits along with thyme to make a perfect meal. Plus, you can also use it to brush your dog’s teeth.

FAQs related to thyme and dogs!

What herbs can dogs safely eat?

Dogs can eat herbs like sage, rosemary, dill, and anise without provoking any serious health concerns. However, keep in mind that these herbs should only be offered in moderation as dogs mostly benefit from animal-based meals.

What herbs are not good for dogs?

Herbs such as chives, chamomile, hops, leeks, etc. are not suggested to dogs. These herbs could trigger allergies and other health issues that may call for extreme medications and remedies.

Is mint toxic to dogs?

Dogs can safely eat one or two fresh mint leaves per day. If offered in excess, it could lead to the stomach being upset. Therefore, offering a few small bites occasionally should do the trick.


Dogs can eat thyme as long as they develop a taste for it and do not experience any symptoms. At the same time, you should monitor it closely for any symptoms and always opt for a balanced diet. Substituting thyme for other healthy ingredients won’t benefit your dog’s health. The safety of your dog when it comes to thyme is subject to moderate consumption, the right type, and other important factors.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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