Can Dogs Eat Cuties? – Dog’s Treat Guide!

While cuties are consumed by people around the world, many often ask can dogs eat cuties as well? The fact is that cuties, mandarins, and halos belong to the same citrus family. With that said, they are not known to be toxic to dogs, but that does not mean they are entirely safe either.

Yes, dogs can eat cuties; they aren’t toxic to dogs. However, give them to dogs in moderation. Even though they are not toxic, you have to remember that the canine digestive system is not designed to process fruit. So, let’s take a look into the benefits and side effects of this human food before you can offer it to your furry friend.

Can dogs eat cuties?

As mentioned earlier, halos, cuties, oranges, and mandarins are not toxic to dogs. Even though the nutritional benefits are quite similar, the canine digestive system reacts varyingly to human food items. The reason is that the canine digestive system is designed to process meat since dogs are carnivores.

On the other hand, cuties offer a large concentration of Vitamin C, dietary fiber, potassium and are low in sodium as well. With that said, there is not going to be an issue if you were to offer cuties to your dogs, as they will help boost the immune system.

However, keep in mind that your dog might have allergic reactions to it. In fact, before offering any human food to your dog, you should make sure that your furry friend does not suffer from allergic reactions as a result. Some allergic reactions can be serious and may become life-threatening. Therefore, it is suggested to consult your vet first.

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Benefits of cuties for dogs

In addition to Vitamin C, Cuties also contain Vitamin A. While Vitamin C helps the immune system fight against free radicals, Vitamin A helps with the overall growth and development process. Plus, the potassium found in cuties helps regulate blood pressure and nerve and brain function.

And finally, the dietary fiber stimulates bowel movements, which makes it easier for the dog to digest food and pass out. In some cases, dogs might experience constipation that should be immediately dealt with before it turns serious.

Side effects of cuties for dogs

Cuties may not be toxic to dogs, but the owners should keep in mind that halos mandarins contain a moderate amount of sugar, which can be problematic to diabetic dogs. Plus, you should not offer the fruit with peel as a whole as your dog can face some trouble digesting them, leading to vomiting and diarrhea.

If your dog has accidentally eaten some cuties, you should not be worried about it. However, if it is your first time offering cuties to your dog, make sure that you offer them in small amounts so that your pup doesn’t have a reaction to it.

What to do if your dog eats too many cuties?

Dogs can be clever and smart at the same time. Should a day come when your dog chews on some oranges or clementine while you aren’t looking, you do not need to panic, and emergency help isn’t needed unless the situation turns serious.

In such a case, you need to keep a close eye on your dog so that you can immediately react to the situation if it turns out for the worst. Your dog may or may not even react or show any symptoms depending on the breed.  

Related FAQs to dogs and cuties!

Can dogs eat orange peel?

No, dogs cannot eat the orange peel. In fact, even humans cannot eat the orange peel. The reason is that these peels can obstruct the digestive system leading to severe constipation, vomiting, or diarrhea.

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Keep a watchful eye on your dog for the next day or two if it consumes an orange peel.

Is citrus harmful to dogs?

Citrus is not proven to be harmful to dogs. It primarily depends on the amount of citrus content present in a particular fruit. In the case of oranges, halos, and cuties, you should not be bothered much as long as your dog’s consumption is moderate.

Meanwhile, some fruits such as lemon tend to be relatively much more acidic and toxic. Experts suggest avoiding offering such food items to your dog.

Can oranges harm my dog?

No, oranges in a moderate amount will not harm your dog. At the same time, you should avoid overfeeding them to it. Consuming oranges in excess can upset the Glycemic Index, diarrhea and vomiting. This is particularly the case with puppies. The digestive system hasn’t matured or developed enough to process complicated food items at the early stages.

Therefore, overfeeding in both cases can lead to serious health concerns. And with a notable amount of sugar present in oranges, you should make sure that your dog is not suffering from diabetes.

Can dogs have orange juice?

Even though oranges are not toxic to dogs, you still shouldn’t give your dog orange juice as it is high in sugar and is super acidic.

What are good orange alternatives?

Instead of feeding cuties to your dog, you should consider some good alternatives such as:

  • Green beans
  • Carrots
  • Apples
  • Brown rice

These foods are known to improve the health of dogs without any serious side effects. Your dog can consume such food items that help improve its eyesight digestive system and are low in calories. Otherwise, you will simply be putting your dog at risk.

Concluding our thoughts on whether dogs can eat cuties!

Dogs can eat cuties; they are healthy fruits; however, keep in mind that you should only offer them occasionally to prevent overconsumption. The excess intake of sugar can cause problems, and since the canine system is not designed to process human foods in the first place, you should avoid anything and everything that leads to constipation, stomach upset, or diabetic problems.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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