Can Dogs Eat Tendon?

Dogs love to eat anything with meat or beef included but can dogs eat tendon? While the idea of eating beef tendons tends to be a bit on the gross side for humans but not for dogs as they absolutely love chewing on them.

Beef tendons can be offered to your dog as a treat containing high amounts of proteins while being low in fat. In addition to that, beef tendons also help improve your dog’s joint, mental, and dental health. However, if you are offering beef tendons for the first time, you should monitor your dog closely as they might become stuck in the throat.

So, this article will investigate the advantages and disadvantages of offering beef tendons to your dog along with some alternatives to keep it from harm’s way.

Are beef tendons safe for dogs?

Yes, beef tendons are mostly safe for dogs to chew. The beef tendons are basically used as chews made from 100% natural dried beef tendons. These are usually taken from the Achilles tendon of a cow but any long thick tendon can be used for the purpose.

Additionally, beef tendons are available almost everywhere in the world but Europe and Turkey tend to be the main sources of tendon chews for dogs based on their quality. Back in the day, beef tendon chews were not considered a healthy food item for dogs. As a result, they were either wasted or minced up into dog food.

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However, the situation today is the opposite. Tendons are fairly popular amongst dogs and are six to ten inches, either dehydrated with heat or air-dried. Plus, some tendons are wood-smoked to add extra flavoring. This makes them a healthy treat for dogs as the tendons keep them busy with chewing for hours, without any significant side effects involved.

What are the advantages of beef tendons for dogs?

Beef tendons are known to improve the mental and dental health of dogs by offering plenty of chewing time. Plus, the tendons also contain chondroitin and glucosamine, which helps improve joint health. As you offer beef tendon to your dog, it will play around and chew the tendon, releasing endorphins that help improve mental health by making your dog feel happy and relaxed.

Furthermore, if your dog suffers from anxiety or loneliness etc. beef tendons will provide the perfect distraction for an hour or two. Since some dogs tend to be sensitive, beef tendons will keep them from panicking whether it is a thunderstorm outside or fireworks taking place.

Beef tendons have a fair contribution to joint health in dogs as well, considering they are full of connective tissues. Containing chondroitin and glucosamine, beef tendons are known to significantly improve joint cartilage health of osteoarthritic dogs. Not only do chondroitin and glucosamine stimulate the production of glycosaminoglycan, which make up the cartilage but also stimulate the production of hyaluronic acid.

What is the nutritional value of beef tendons?

As mentioned earlier, beef tendons contain high levels of proteins but low-fat concentration. This makes them an excellent choice for overweight dogs. It is estimated that beef tendons contain 77% proteins, 6% fat, and 9% moisture.

It is important to know that proteins keep the muscles strong and dogs should be offered protein-based foods to help strengthen their bones, teeth, joints, etc. Plus, even though beef tendons are low in fat, that does not mean they are completely fat-free. Therefore, you should make sure to offer a moderate amount each day, while looking out for any symptoms too.

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At the same time, consider the age and size of your dog as well while feeding beef tendons. Medium and large dogs can have them daily. However, smaller dogs should not be offered more than five days a week as tendons tend to be quite large. However, if you are willing to put up with the effort, you can saw them in half or multiple pieces.

What are the disadvantages & risks of beef tendons for dogs?

Beef tendons are amongst the very few food items that carry risks. However, there might be a problem with your dog choking on it. This is why, it is important to saw the tendon into little pieces, making it easier and potentially less dangerous for your dog to chew and eat.

On the other hand, beef tendons are easily digestible and pass through the intestines as well without any issues. Your dog might have a problem with beef tendons if it is allergic to beef. But otherwise, beef tendons will hardly raise any bells.

What are the alternatives to beef tendons?

Some dog parents simply refuse to offer beef tendons to their dogs based on their assumptions but ostrich tendons, bully sticks, chicken feet, etc. tend to be equally nutritious and beneficial. Ostrich tendons are high in proteins, low in fat, and last a long time for strong chewers.

Meanwhile, dogs tend to love bully sticks as well but only if you can get through their bad odor. Plus, bully sticks are very high in calories as well, even though they improve dental health and provide plenty of chewing time.

And finally, chicken feet help improve joint health as they come with plenty of natural chondroitin and glucosamine. However, they won’t be keeping your dog occupied for long.

FAQs related to tendon and dogs!

Are tendon bones good for dogs?

Yes, tendon bones tend to be long-lasting and help clean the teeth and gums. While chewing satisfaction is one thing, providing a safer option is another. Tendon bones are comparatively a lot healthier and safer than rawhide.

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Can puppies eat tendons?

Yes, puppies can eat tendons but only if they are cut into small pieces. Beef tendons can be sticky and might choke your dog, leading to death in extreme cases.

Are buffalo tendons safe for dogs?

Buffalo tendons are a tough meaty snack that will keep your dog chewing for hours during the day. However, the hours-long chewing process does not come without benefits. Buffalo tendons help maintain healthy gums and teeth, while carrying extremely low calories, making them perfect for dogs of any size, breed, or age.


In the end, it is always a good idea to consult with your vet when it comes to introducing a new treat or snack to your dog’s diet. Dogs react differently to varying food items. With that said, it is your utmost responsibility as a dog owner to ensure your pet’s good health and to consider important factors such as age, size, and breed before adding something new to the diet.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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