Can Dogs Eat Quaker Oats? – What You Need to Know!

The Quaker oats company takes the lead as the most popular oat-based food brand in the United States. A household name, Quaker oats products include packaged oats, oatmeal, and oat cereals.

When it comes to dogs, they have their share of food products manufactured as per their nutrient-based needs.

Still, the thought of giving your dog Quaker oats can pop up in your mind. While most human food products are not ideal for pooches, does that stand true for Quaker oats?

Are Quaker oats safe to feed your pooch? Is it okay to feed Quaker oats to your dog?

Can dogs eat Quaker oats?

Plain Quaker oats are safe for dogs to eat. Quaker oats are full of soluble fiber that keeps the dog’s digestive system healthy and sugar levels in check. Furthermore, the high amount of carbs in Quaker oats keeps the pooch filled with energy.

Several minerals and vitamins are also present in Quaker oats. If served in moderation, Quaker oats can be very beneficial for pooches. They are also a great alternative snack for dogs with wheat allergies.

What are the benefits of Quaker oats for dogs?

Quaker oats are rich in nutrients that contribute to a dog’s health and well-being. Below are some of the health benefits of Quaker oats for dogs.

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Healthy bowel movement

Quaker oats have a high soluble fiber content which accounts for a regulated bowel movement in pooches. It treats constipation by softening the stool, making it easier to pass. Soluble fiber also helps get rid of diarrhea by adding bulk to the stool and solidifying it.

Stronger muscles and bones

There is a large quantity of protein in Quaker oats. Amino acids in protein are called the building blocks of the body. Protein builds stronger muscles and enhances bone density in dogs. It also strengthens the dog’s immune system.

Moreover, Quaker oats contain calcium which also strengthens the bones and teeth in dogs.

Lower cholesterol levels

There is a fiber known as beta-glucan that contributes to lowering cholesterol levels. It is found in abundance in Quaker oats. Beta-glucan also promotes heart health and boosts immunity in dogs.

Protection from anemia

Iron deficiency leads to anemia which can be a life-threatening condition. Quaker oats are a good source of iron. Iron is needed for the formation of red blood cells. It helps circulate oxygen throughout the body. The essential mineral is involved in producing hemoglobin, which is responsible for carrying oxygen within red blood cells throughout the body.

Healthy skin and fur

Quaker oats carry vitamin B in them. Vitamin B protects the furball from several skin diseases. It also maintains a shiny coat. Vitamin B also protects the dog from flea infestations.

Reduced Inflammation

Linoleic acid is a type of omega-6 fatty acid present in Quaker oats. It helps heal wounds and alleviates inflammation throughout the dog’s body. Linoleic acid is also necessary for normal growth and reproduction in pooches.

Protection from free radicals

Free radicals are extremely harmful to pooches and can damage their enzymes and DNA. Zinc present in Quaker oats acts as a strong antioxidant and defends the dog’s body against free radicals.

Manganese which is also present in Quaker oats aids in forming an enzyme called superoxide dismutase, which also neutralizes harmful free radicals.

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Regulated blood pressure

Magnesium found in oats regulates blood pressure by relaxing the blood vessels, thus protecting dogs from hypertension. A balanced magnesium intake also reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

How much Quaker oats can dogs eat?

The amount of Quaker oats you feed your dog depends on its weight. A general rule is to serve 1 tablespoon of Quaker oats for every 20 pounds of a dog’s weight. Following this rule, you can give your dog Quaker oats once or twice a week at maximum.

While oats are great for dogs, you should always feed them in moderate quantities. Excessive consumption can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and even bloating, a serious condition.

Another thing to look out for is oat allergy in dogs. Although rare, some dogs can be allergic to oats. Slowly introduce them into your dog’s diet and look for any symptoms. If your dog seems fine, you can continue feeding it Quaker oats.

What type of Quaker oats is best for dogs?

Always buy plain Quaker oats for your furry companion. Don’t feed your dog flavored Quaker oats as they may contain xylitol which is toxic to dogs. You should also avoid instant Quaker oats because they are highly processed and have lost most of their nutritional value.

How to serve Quaker oats to dogs?

You should always give your dog cooked Quaker oats. Raw oats can be hard to digest and lead to an upset stomach. Cook oats in water rather than milk. Dogs are sensitive to dairy products, and lactose can be difficult for their stomach to break down.

Don’t give your pooch oats right after cooking. Let them cool down to room temperature before serving. Avoid adding any sugar or extra ingredients to the Quaker oats.

Related FAQs to dogs and Quaker oats!

What kind of oats are safe for dogs?

Plain oats are the safest type of oats for dogs. They are full of nutritional value with no preservatives or artificial flavors.

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Can dogs eat raw Quaker oats?

You shouldn’t feed raw Quaker oats to dogs. They are hard to digest and can cause stomach disorders in pooches. Cooked Quaker oats are the way to go.

Will oatmeal help my dog poop?

Oats contain soluble fiber in them. If a dog suffers from constipation, soluble fiber can help. It moves undigested through the body and mixes with the stool. This softens the poop and makes it easier to pass.

Final thoughts on feeding Quaker oats to your dogs!

Quaker oats will be a good addition to your dog’s nutritionally balanced diet. As long as you feed them in moderation to your pooch, Quaker oats will be favorable for its health.

When choosing a variant, always go for plain Quaker oats. They are the safest and most optimal ones for your dog. And yes, don’t forget to cook the oats before serving them to your furry friend.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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