Can I Feed Navy Beans to My Dog?

Beans are a great way to cook a healthy meal. No matter the variety, they enhance the flavor of any protein they are added. Navy beans are just the same – not only delicious but also healthy for everyone.

But can you say the same for your dogs? Can dogs eat navy beans?

Can dogs eat navy beans?

Yes, dogs can safely eat navy beans. Beans, in general, are safe for dogs. They contain high amounts of fiber and proteins that make excellent food for your dog’s health.

Navy beans are full of essential nutrients that boost a canine’s health. While beans of almost all kinds are healthy for dogs, you should check up with a vet before introducing them into your dog’s meals. Some dogs can be allergic to beans; it’s better to be safe than regret it later.

Benefits of navy beans for dogs

Owing to the nutrients they contain; navy beans have the following benefits for dogs:


The high amount of fiber in beans helps with digestion. Older dogs who cannot digest food easily anymore prefer to eat beans. It eases up their digestion and clears their gut from infections. Fiber also helps in bowel movement and prevents constipation.

Since beans are easily digested, it helps the dogs to curb their appetites. They might feel full even after consuming a hand full. That is why vets suggest feeding navy beans to overweight dogs.

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Folic Acid

Vets recommend feeding navy beans to pregnant dogs because of the presence of folic acid. Folic acid is super healthy for pregnant dogs. It is required for the production of normal blood cells and DNA synthesis.

Folic acid is also good for anemic dogs as it boosts the making of healthy red blood cells. It is also great for lactating dogs as folic acid helps produce a regular breast milk supply.


The presence of iron in navy beans is wonderful for pregnant, lactating, and senior dogs. It improves their heart’s health and maintains the level of healthy blood cells.

Surprisingly, navy beans have more dietary fiber than proteins. Researchers have proven time and again that fiber content enhances the overall digestive system. And if your pet friend’s gut is healthy. They have little chance of getting serious diseases like cancer. Your dog can eat navy beans, and you can be sure that their health will not be compromised.

Can navy beans be bad for dogs?

Navy beans are good for your dog. But they must not be used as a standalone meal item. Navy beans do not have enough proteins to meet your dog’s requirements. Your dog can eat navy beans with another protein source like meat.

Navy beans could be hazardous to your furry friend if you feed them too much. These beans contain high amounts of potassium, which harms the kidney and heart. Signs of sickness include diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach aches. If you see your dog getting sick after eating navy beans, rush to the hospital.

How to feed navy beans to your dog?

Following are some of the things you should take care of before feeding navy beans to your dogs:

  • You must never feed raw or undercooked navy beans to your dog. Try to cook navy beans at your home after washing thoroughly.
  • Avoid feeding canned navy beans to your dog. The more an edible thing is processed, the worse it is for your dog’s health.
  • Do not add any kind of seasoning to the beans. Salt and spices are not healthy for dogs.
  • Navy beans should not be the only thing in a dog’s meal. It is best to give beans as treats to your dog. Otherwise, add beans to a protein that your dog eats to balance up the nutrients.
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Related FAQs to navy beans and dogs!

What beans are not safe for dogs?

Beans with seasonings, canned beans, and any bean in the raw form (except green beans) are toxic for dogs. Dogs must particularly avoid eating red kidney beans and fava beans as they contain some bad toxins for their health.

What are the best beans for dogs?

Black beans, lima beans, lentils, navy beans, green beans, and chickpeas are healthy for dogs.

Can beans give dogs diarrhea?

Broad beans are suspected to give stomach issues in dogs. Similarly, red kidney beans contain the toxin Lectin, which is poisonous to dogs. Fried or baked beans are unhealthy but not toxic for dogs. Overconsumption of beans can cause diarrhea and vomiting in dogs.

Can dogs eat white beans?

Both types of white beans, cannellini and Great Northern beans are safe for dogs to eat. The only condition is that they must be cooked at home without seasoning.

Can dogs eat baked beans?

No, baked beans will not hurt your dog. Baked beans are healthy and should only be given in small amounts to your dog. Your dog can get sick if it eats a lot of baked beans regularly.

Final words on can dogs eat navy beans!

Navy beans are a wonderful addition to your dog’s diet. They are packed with healthy nutrients that suit a dog’s health and even boost their digestive system. But then again, beans don’t make up for a full meal. It would be best if you were always careful of the amount of navy bean that your dog takes so that you can enjoy everything in moderation.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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