Can Dogs Eat Slime Without Harm?

Slime has become a huge must-have in this day and age. Ever since it became popular, it is found in every house whether as a play thing for children or as a stress reliever. If there’s slime in your house, chances are that your dog may get its hapawsnds on it.

As a pet parent, you may want to know if the slime is safe for dogs. These canines love to taste every new thing they come across; thus, you might have a query, “can dogs eat slime?”

Let’s dive into it!

Can dogs eat slime?

Absolutely not! Dogs cannot eat slime as it has a high salt content. Dogs can develop salt poisonous or hypernatremia. Besides, slime may have some chemicals that can be toxic to dogs.

Suppose your dog throws up after ingesting slime. In that case, it could be the onset of aspiration pneumonitis, which could put your beloved pet’s life in jeopardy.

If you have kids, then you must have slime at home. Children love the gooey semi-solid, semi-liquid substance and can spend hours playing with it. Now, dogs and children are insuperable, and dogs often play with children’s toys. However, you need to ensure that your dog does not eat slime as it could be life-threatening.

Store-bought slimes may contain some chemicals which are not suitable for dogs. Still, they are not as toxic as homemade slime. Homemade slime causes a severe reaction in dogs and can be highly toxic.

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Slime can be harmful to kids too. In case they ingest slime, you may need to consult a pediatrician. So, introduce slime to your children when they are sensible not to put it in their mouth, and never let your dog eat it.

Let’s break down the ingredients of homemade slime!

What are the ingredients of homemade slime?

  • White glue
  • Bicarbonate
  • Food color
  • Glitter (optional)

You can also use laundry detergent, borax, table salt, toothpaste, or liquid starch. Homemade slime is easy to make and an exciting activity for children who love to do DIY projects. Some of these elements may not harm dogs in small quantities and when used alone. However, when you follow a procedure and mix all ingredients to make a sticky paste, slime, it becomes toxic to dogs.

Below are the harmful effects of the ingredients:

White glue/ Liquid glue

If dogs end up ingesting glue, it can disturb their GI tract. As a result, your canine friend may suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, or nausea.

Boric acid/ Borax

Borax and boric acid appear identical but are different. However, they are made from the same chemical compound. The chemical is harsh, and even one-time ingestion can lead to stomach-related issues in your beloved animal.


Detergent on its own is very harmful to dogs and can cause corrosive damage to the oral cavity or GI tract. But when it is diluted to make slime, it loses some of its characteristics. Hence, it is less likely to harm your pup. Still, it is recommended that you do not let your furry friend eat detergent as it does not add any nutritious value.


The recommended amount of salt for dogs is 0.25g to 1.5g per 100g of food. Exceeding this quantity can cause several health problems, including sodium poisoning. Since your dog already consumes salt through its food, ingesting slime will be excess and can put its health in danger.

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Most toothpaste and shampoos contain xylitol which is a big no for dogs. It can cause hypoglycemia and liver failure.

What happens when a dog eats slime?

When a dog eats slime, it may throw up immediately. Unlike most cases when dogs vomit, the danger of prohibited food items subsides; with slime, the threat is still there. Slime can cause aspiration pneumonitis, which can cause coughing, fever, difficulty breathing, or loss of appetite.

Whether it is store-bought or homemade, slime is not for your dogs. Your beloved animal will most likely join your children while they play with slime; you should not let it come near it.

What do I do if my dog eats slime?

Do not make your dog throw up at home. Nor should you try to treat your pup by yourself. If you suspect that your dog has ingested slime, you must take it to the vet without wasting any time.

Your furry friend may not show any sign immediately after consuming slime. It may take more than 12 hours before the body can show any symptoms. So, if you suspect that your fur baby has ingested slime, consult a vet without delay.

How do we prevent our pets from ingesting slime?

  • Keep slime in the locked cabinets.
  • Put slime out of your pup’s reach.
  • Do not let your child play with slime when your dog is around

You may not find slime enticing enough that you taste it, but your dog would most likely find the gluey substance fascinating. Your dog will most likely put it in its mouth if it gets a chance. A wise approach is not to let such an accident happen by taking necessary precautions.

Related FAQs to whether dogs can eat slime

Is it toxic to eat slime?

Slime is dangerous if someone eats it. Slime is children’s favorite, and young kids may find the sticky substance fascinating and try to eat it. Therefore, parents need to monitor young children when they play with slime. They must instruct them not to put it in their mouths. Still, if someone ingests slime, parents must consult a pediatrician.

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What is the side effect of slime?

Slime contains several chemicals, including borax. When children use it for a more extended period, it may cause irritation. Besides, some reports have suggested that it contains chemicals resulting in convulsions, diarrhea, and impaired fertility.

Can dogs eat edible slime?

No, slime is toxic to dogs. It contains substances that are not safe for dogs, such as laundry detergent. If dogs ingest detergent and throw up, they are highly likely to have inhaled a small amount of it. Detergents can cause severe reactions and lead to multiple health issues.

Is Play-Doh slime toxic to dogs?

Yes, it is. Homemade playdough needs a large amount of salt. High consumption of salt in dogs can disturb your dog’s health. Plus, it can cause salt poisoning.

How do I know that my dog has salt poisoning?

An abundance of salt does not suit a dog’s body. Within hours of salt consumption, your dog will start throwing up, suffer from diarrhea or have nausea. Other symptoms include seizures, weakness, and muscle tremors.

Concluding on if eating slime is safe for dogs!

Slime is children’s favorite as it stimulates their curiosity and gives them sensory experiences. Dogs love to try whatever children are doing; thus, keeping slime away from dogs is a challenge. The danger is slime is toxic to dogs, and if they ingest it, it can cause health issues.

So, you need to be on guard when you allow your child to play with slime and ensure that your four-legged friend does not come near this gooey substance.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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