Can Dogs Eat Multigrain Bread? Everything You Need to Know!

Multigrain bread, especially when made with whole grains, is full of healthy nutrients that can help prevent several diseases in humans.

The commercially sold variants comprise whole or refined grains such as wheat flour, barley, oats, millets, etc., with edible seeds sometimes being used as an extra ingredient.

Multigrain bread is delicious. If your dog has a sweet tooth, he wouldn’t mind munching on some of this yummy delight.

However, before sharing the treat with your pooch, you need to ensure whether multigrain bread is safe for your pet? Can dogs eat multigrain bread? Let’s find out!

Can dogs eat multigrain bread?

Multigrain bread is safe to consume for dogs unless it contains ingredients that are harmful to them. If your dog does not suffer from a grain allergy, multigrain bread can be fed in small amounts.

But the insignificant dietary value it offers does not make it an excellent addition to a dog’s nutritionally balanced diet.

Multigrain bread is just a calorie filler for dogs with few beneficial nutrients. It does not provide the same health benefits in pooches as in humans. You can’t give dogs foods solely based on how they taste.

Foods including treats added to a dog’s diet plan should also offer some health benefits to them. There are better nutrient-dense options than multigrain bread available for dogs.

Are there any side effects of feeding multigrain bread to dogs?

While multigrain bread is not an ideal food for pooches, it does not cause any side effects on a dog’s health. This remains true only if the bread does not have ingredients that can be fatal to the canine.

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Some of the ingredients dangerous to dogs that can be found in commercial multigrain bread include:

  • Chocolate: It is incredibly toxic to dogs. Depending upon the amount consumed, chocolate can cause health complications ranging from vomiting and diarrhea to even seizures and heart failure in severe cases.
  • Raisin: Sometimes found in multigrain bread, raisins can cause dehydration and also kidney failure in pooches.
  • Xylitol: The chemical is sometimes added to different food items to enhance sweetness. Ingesting xylitol can cause dogs’ low blood sugar, seizures, and even liver failure.
  • Garlic: If garlic is present in multigrain bread, it can cause anemia and organ damage in canines.

Is multigrain bread bad for dogs with grain allergies?

Multigrain bread is made of two or more grains. It is not generally deleterious to dogs. But if your dog is allergic to grains, multigrain bread can cause several health issues, including:

  • Itching
  • Rashes
  • Stomach disorders
  • Fur loss
  • Ear inflammation
  • Inflammation of paws
  • Seizures

Multigrain bread can also be toxic to dogs with a gluten allergy. Furthermore, some variants of multigrain bread can have nuts or seeds that can harm dogs.

What happens if a dog eats multigrain bread?

Dogs can be very clever when it comes to sneaking around and eating foods they are not supposed to.

If your furry friend got its paws upon some multigrain bread, there will most likely not be any severe health issues as long as a small amount is ingested.

If consumed in a large quantity, multigrain bread can cause stomach upset or even bloating in dogs, a serious condition requiring emergency treatment.

However, if your pooch has a grain allergy or the multigrain bread ingested had ingredients toxic to dogs, digesting even a tiny amount can pose serious health threats. Check the product label to determine what ingredients the bread contains, and contact your veterinarian accordingly.

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Related FAQs to breads and dogs!

Is whole grain bread toxic to dogs?

Whole grain bread is safe for dogs if it does not contain ingredients that are hazardous to them. Whole grain bread can be beneficial for dogs as it provides fiber but make sure to keep a lookout as whole grain bread contains a lot of calories.

Can dogs eat brown seeded bread?

Yes, dogs can eat brown seeded bread if the seeds are not harmful. However, brown seeded bread does not contribute much to a dog’s health. Moreover, eating it regularly can cause obesity in pooches because it is high in calories and sugar.

Can dogs eat white bread?

White bread is safe for dogs to consume. But there is no point in giving white bread to your fido since the dietary value it offers is close to zero.

Can dogs eat toasted bread?

You can feed toasted or brown bread to a dog. Whether the bread is toasted or not, it is not a valuable addition to a dog’s diet as it provides negligible amounts of nutrients to dogs.

Our verdict on can dogs eat multigrain bread!

Although multigrain bread is not usually harmful to dogs, it does not do much good either.

Making it a regular part of your dog’s diet is not a good idea because it cannot fulfill your dog’s nutritional needs.

You can find numerous alternative food options to add to your dog’s diet that are helpful in maintaining the perfect health and lifestyle for your dog.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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