Can Dogs Eat Lard? Is It Safe For Dogs?

How do you feel when you enjoy a scrumptious meal, and your beloved pup looks at you with puppy eyes? You want to give in to its innocent appeal and share your food with it. But will it be a good idea? You must know that dogs cannot eat all types of human food. Lard is exceptionally healthy for us, and most of us love frying, cooking, or baking food in it. However, when you have a dog, you may wonder, can dogs eat lard?

Let’s read about it!

Can dogs eat lard?

No, dogs cannot eat lard. Lard can cause several gastrointestinal problems, including gastroenteritis. Also, dogs should not consume more than 25% of fat calories, and lard is high in saturated fat. Plus, it can lead to weight gain. Lard goes through a process and is filled with spices that can be harmful to dogs’ health.

Food cooked in lard is tasty and healthy, but for humans. Besides, lard has monounsaturated fats at 48 percent, which helps in lowering blood pressure and maintaining healthy cells. Still, it is not a healthy choice for dogs. Since dogs need to consume a certain amount of fat, many pet parents assume feeding lard to their four-legged animal is a healthy move. On the contrary, it can harm them.

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Let’s learn about the procedure of making lard.

How do they make lard?

Lard is a semi-solid fat that is separated from animal meat. Generally, it is made from pig meat and is made through rendering. The fatty part of the pigs, such as the belly or hips, are cooked on low flame until fat is separated from pig meat.

Lard may not be common in modern kitchens, but it used to be a staple aspect of old kitchens. Lard is processed with various ancient salts and seasoning, making it salty fat. Since the meat comes from pigs’ necks, backs, or butts, salts and different spices are used to make it soft and edible.

When it comes to your canine friend’s diet, you need to be 100 % sure before feeding it anything. Lard has a high content of sodium, which can harm your dog’s health.

What happens when my dog eats lard?

When dogs eat lard, they can develop gastroenteritis or pancreatitis. Plus, lard is 100 % fat, which can result in obesity. If your dog eats lard, take it to the vet and start its treatment without delay.

A tiny amount of lard may not result in any significant health issues. Still, you must ensure that it should become a part of your dog’s daily diet. If your dog has eaten lard in a large quantity, seek a vet’s assistance immediately. They may induce vomiting and remove food from your furry friend’s stomach before it can cause any severe health problems.

Like other fats, lard can also cause inflammation of the pancreas in dogs. Thus, removing lard from a dog’s stomach is necessary to avoid the risk of developing pancreatitis.

What do I do if my dog eats lard?

Seek a vet’s assistance immediately. When you know that your dog has consumed a massive quantity of lard or any other type of fat, take it to a vet immediately. The vet may make your dog throw up and remove the toxic substance from your pup’s body.

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How do I know that my dog has developed pancreatitis?

Common symptoms of pancreatitis in dogs are:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Decreased appetite

Most of the symptoms mentioned above are common signs of other illnesses in dogs. Therefore, chances are you may not realize that your dog is suffering from pancreatitis.

Monitor your dog’s condition closely when you realize that it has consumed lard. It may take a praying position by lowering its front legs and head and putting its rear end in the air. It is a sign that the dog has developed pancreatitis and needs immediate assistance.

How is pancreatitis treated in dogs?

Dogs can recover from pancreatitis; however, there is no specific cure. Most dogs recover with supportive treatments, such as intravenous (IV) fluid therapy or Vigorous monitoring for a worsening condition.

If your dog gets pancreatitis, it may be admitted to the hospital for two to four days. Initially, your vet may recommend no food for a day. Generally, dogs suffer from unbearable pain when they have pancreatitis, and to dimmish it, the vet gives analgesics. Additionally, your furry friend will be given intravenous fluids to recover the loss of electrolytes. The food is gradually reintroduced to the sick dogs while the vet monitors their condition.

What should dog owners know about fats, specifically lard and dogs?

Fats are a good energy source for dogs as they yield 2.5 times more energy than carbs. However, not all types of fat are beneficial for your pup. Since lard is 100% fat and made through rendering, making it a poor choice for a regular dog.

Lard is pure fat and comes from the pig’s natural lipid layer. While natural fats are recommended to be given to your canine friend, lard is not a good choice. A regular pet dog does not indulge in heavy activities that require high energy consumption. Instead of adding nutrition value, lard can cause health issues and weight gain.

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So, avoid feeding lard to your dogs; alternatively, incorporate healthy fats into your furry baby’s diet.

Related FAQs to whether dogs can eat lard!

What fats can dogs eat?

Safflower, sunflower oils, corn, and soybean oils (vegetable oils), are healthy for your pup. Moreover, fish oil, flaxseeds, and canola oil are also fine for dogs.

Can dogs eat pork grease?

No, your dog cannot eat pork grease. If your dog has eaten a tiny amount of pork grease, do not fret, it has not itself into any danger. However, if it has gone overboard while consuming pork grease, it can develop pancreatitis.

Can I feed gammon fat to my dog?

Gammon fat is not safe for your pup. It is high in fat and can cause pancreatitis in dogs. Plus, it can cause various stomach-related issues in your furry friend.

Is Gammon fat OK for dogs??

No, it would be best if you did not feed bacon to your dog. Bacon has high sodium content and fat. It can cause indigestion resulting in vomiting or diarrhea.

Which food should a dog avoid?

  • Caffeine
  • Soda drinks
  • Sugary food
  • High-saturated fat
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Grapes

Concluding our thoughts on whether dogs can eat lard!

Dogs love to sniff around the house and put everything in their mouth. When they see their owners eating something, they want to have a bite too. However, pet parents want to feed high-quality food to their dear animals and avoid feeding something that can harm their dogs. Lard is animal fat and often goes through a process. While lard is a healthy choice for humans, it is better to avoid feeding lard to your dogs.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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