Can Dogs Eat Egg Rolls? – 4 Issues You Should Know!

Dogs love to scarf down whatever scrap food you leave on your table; be it pizza crumbs, rice grains, or chicken bits, your furry friend wouldn’t care for your permission. But when you are fond of Chinese cuisine, egg rolls are a regular food item at your home. The aroma of egg rolls would make your dog and show you its puppy eyes while asking for it. Thus, you may have a question “can dogs eat egg rolls?”.

Let’s learn about it!

Can dogs eat egg rolls?

Yes, they can; however, they should not. Eating egg rolls does not pose any severe threat to canine’s health, but consuming them in large quantities can be harmful. Egg rolls are fried food, and they can upset a dog’s stomach, causing diarrhea, vomiting, and other stomach-related issues. Also, they have a high sodium content, which can cause several health problems.

Egg rolls are a savory treat, and it is hard to eat only one. As a pet parent, you know that your beloved dog does not let you enjoy your food alone and is always by your side to have a share. While canines can safely consume many human food items, it would be better if you avoid feeding egg rolls to your furry friend.

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Why shouldn’t you feed egg rolls to your dogs? – 4 issues you should know!

As a pet parent, you must know the dos and don’ts of your dog’s diet. Fatty, processed, and oily foods are not for canines and disrupt their stomach. While feeding a small egg roll may not cause an instant reaction or a severe health issue, it can lead to heart problems or intestinal distress.

Let’s read about why dogs should not eat egg rolls:

Egg rolls are high in sodium

Dogs cannot consume as much salt as humans. Salt in a small amount is essential for your dog’s health; however, going overboard with it can lead to severe consequences. Most egg rolls recipes require you to add a good amount of salt. Besides, most people prefer purchasing readymade egg rolls, and shops tend to add high sodium content.

Consuming excessive salt can result in salt poisoning in your dog. It may suffer from vomiting, fever, diarrhea, or seizures because of high salt consumption.

In addition, a high intake of sodium can cause hypertension and kidney issues in your pup. You need to ensure that your dear animal does not consume more than the recommended amount of salt.

Egg rolls are high in carbs

Egg rolls are high in carbs that can be harmful to dogs. Dogs are generally energetic and need to intake carbs to maintain energy. However, when they consume excessive carbs, they may get sick.

Plus, too many carbs lead to obesity, heart issues, and other health problems. Carbs are converted into sugar; therefore, it can also lead to the development of diabetes in your furry friend. Some veterinarians comment that intake of excess carbs is also one reason for developing cancer in dogs.

Egg rolls ingredients are toxic to dogs

Egg rolls taste scrumptious and are hard to resist because of their ingredients. The combination of spices, such as onion and garlic powder, chili flakes, and soy sauce, make it irresistible. All these spices are toxic to dogs and can cause several health problems.

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Moreover, several people add veggies in egg rolls, especially cabbage and spring onion. While none of these are toxic to dogs, they can cause gastric issues in dogs. Hence, it is better to avoid feeding egg rolls to your dogs.

Egg rolls are fried food

The most crucial reason dogs should avoid egg rolls is egg rolls are fried food. Processed and fatty human foods are neither good for you nor your canine friend.

One or two egg rolls may not cause severe health issues, but oily food can lead to a plethora of health problems over time. Your dear friend may get an upset stomach, kidney issues, cardiovascular diseases, pancreas inflammation, or become obese.

Can dogs eat spring rolls?

Spring rolls are generally made with rice wrappers, and they do not upset the dog’s stomach unless your pooch goes overboard while eating them. Besides, several spring rolls aren’t fried; instead, they are steamed or oven-baked. If you ensure that spring rolls do not contain any ingredient harmful to dogs, you can safely feed spring rolls to your dogs.

However, making spring rolls a part of their daily meal won’t be good.

What is the safe egg-roll alternative for dogs?

So, now that you know whether dogs can eat egg rolls, you might be wondering about other alternatives to egg rolls for dogs. Dogs can eat rice wrapper spring rolls or baked egg rolls with safe fillings as a substitute to normal egg rolls.

Ensure that you do not add any element that is toxic to dogs. Add a little salt and keep the eggs raw as they decompose fat. Since oily food can cause several health issues, you can toss egg rolls in a tray and bake them for your dear animal instead of frying.

Related FAQs to dogs and egg rolls!

Can dogs eat egg sandwiches?

Egg sandwiches are okay for your dog as long as you feed them occasionally. Besides, dogs can safely consume bread in any way; however, it does not give any substantial nutrition to your dog. Egg sandwiches in large quantities or giving them daily can cause health issues in dogs.

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What is the difference between egg sandwiches and egg rolls?

Egg sandwiches have bread slices, and they are not fried food. Egg rolls are generally fried and often do not have eggs in them. Egg rolls wrappers are made of wheat and give a crispy taste when fried or steamed.

What should I do when my dog eats an egg roll?

You do not need to fret as one or two egg rolls do not cause any harm to your pup. However, you need to monitor its condition and see if it shows any diarrhea, vomiting, or bloating symptoms.

Can dogs eat eggshells?

Yes, you can feed your dog eggshells but only after consulting the vet. Eggshells are a rich source of calcium, and dogs need plenty of it.

Make sure to keep the eggshell edges round so that they do not harm your dog while it is consuming them.

Concluding our thoughts on if you can feed dogs egg rolls!

Egg rolls have a distinctive aroma, and your dog’s strong sense of smell cannot miss it even from afar. Whenever you eat them, your furry friend would demand you share your food with it. However, you must not give in to its demands and should avoid feeding egg rolls to your dogs. Egg rolls’ ingredients can harm a dog’s stomach and lead to other issues. So, prepare something special for your dogs while you feast on your egg rolls.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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