Dogs and Dried Apricots: Are Apricots Safe for Dogs?

Who doesn’t like the tangy, sour, and intense taste of dried apricots? Almost everyone does. Thus, when you decide to keep a dog as a pet animal, you may have a question, “can dogs eat dried apricots?”.

Dogs can safely consume many food items that humans eat; however, some edibles may be toxic. Let’s find out if dried apricots are healthy food for your dogs!

Can dogs eat dried apricots?

Yes, dogs can eat dried apricots as dried apricots are not toxic for dogs; however, apricots seeds, leaves, and skin can cause harm to your pup. These parts contain cyanide which is dangerous to dogs. Since dried fruits have added sugar, they can lead to weight gain and cause stomach problems. Thus, dogs can eat dried apricots but in moderation.

Some food experts comment that drying apricots remove toxicity from the fruits. Therefore, they are not harmful to canines. Still, it would be better to practice caution and ensure that dried apricots do not have seeds, leaves, or skin. Moreover, dogs can eat apricot in a bit of portion; even if they feed on apricot flesh in large quantities, it can negatively affect their health.

Dried apricots are beneficial as they are antioxidants and are a good source of potassium. Since store-bought dried apricots have added sugar, it would be better if you made dried apricots at home.

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How to make dried apricots at home?

Making dried apricots at home is not a difficult task. Below are the steps for how you can do it.

  1. Cut the apricots in half and remove the pits.
  2. Fill a large bowl with water and add lemon juice. Dip the apricots in it.
  3. Take apricots out and pat them dry.
  4. Set the slices with the skin side facing down on a dehydrating tray.
  5. Set the dehydrator to 135°F.
  6. Insert the tray and wait for 20 to 24 hours.
  7. Keep checking the portions and remove them when they are dried but are pliable.

Supposedly, you do not have a dehydrator; you can use an oven. Set your oven temperature to 125°F and put the tray in. Drying apricots in an oven may take up to 10 hours. Remember, homemade dried apricots are comparatively safer for your dogs.

What to do if my dog eats too many apricots?

Consult the vet right away. Apricot seeds/pits can cause a choking hazard, and consuming fleshy fruits in a large quantity can lead to stomach problems. Seek veterinarian care and save your dog from apricot poisoning.

Dogs love to sneak around and eat happily whatever they get their hands on. If you have kept dried apricots in its reach, chances are your dog will devour plenty of them at once. In some cases, dogs may throw up, and if they don’t, you can induce vomiting and make them throw up.

Apricot seeds may cause apricot poisoning as they contain cyanide. Supposedly, your dog has eaten many apricots; in that case, you need to monitor its condition. Looks for the signs below that may start to appear after some time of consuming apricots:

  • Extreme lethargy
  • Loss of conciseness
  • Dropped ear
  • Wrinkled nose
  • Collapsing
  • Panting
  • Tail tucking
  • Weakness

If the dog shows any of the symptoms listed above, rush to a veterinarian and take immediate assistance.

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How many apricots can I feed to my dog?

A small pup can safely eat half apricot a day. Ensure that daily intake of fruits, including apricot, is not more than 10% of your beloved animal’s diet.

Give apricots as a snack, and do not make it a meal. Besides, if you are introducing apricots to your dog, give it a small amount, and observe your dog’s reaction. The dear animal may love the taste and ask for more. Even if it does, do not give in to its demands and feed apricots in moderation.

Can dried apricots cause poisoning in dogs?

No, dried apricots are safe for your dogs and would not cause poisoning. Since dried apricots do not have pits, they do not possess choking hazards. However, you should avoid sharing them as they can upset your pup’s tummy. 

Apricot’s flesh does not pose any harm, but its leaves or seed may cause poisoning in dogs. Generally, signs of apricot poisoning appear after 15 to twenty minutes of dogs consuming apricot kernels. Dried apricots do not contain seeds; thus, they are not potentially harmful to canines. However, they are high in sugar content, and consuming vast amounts of sugar can be dangerous for your pup.

What are the symptoms of apricot poisoning in dogs?

Following are the symptoms of apricot poisoning in dogs.

  • Watery eyes
  • Bright red gums
  • Dilated pupils
  • Vomit
  • Bloody stool
  • Drooling
  • Shock
  • Difficulty in breathing

Related FAQs to dogs and dried foods!

Are apricots harmful to dogs?

No, apricots do not pose health threats to dogs. You can safely feed apricots to your dogs, but you need to remove seeds from them. The seed contains cyanide, and eating them can lead to health issues in dogs.

Which dried fruits are safe for dogs to consume?

Dried foods are rich in minerals, vitamins, and fibers. Just like humans, your dogs should also eat dried fruits. Here are a few dried fruits that your dog can safely eat:

  • Dried cranberries
  • Dried mangoes
  • Dried jackfruit
  • Dried bananas
  • Dried apples
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Can dogs eat dried figs?

Yes, they can, but in moderation. Figs have loads of dietary fiber, which can be good for the digestive system. They are also an amazing source of natural sugar.

Which fruits can my dog eat?

Here are some fruits that you can feed your dog in moderation:

  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Cranberries
  • Cantaloupes
  • Oranges
  • Peaches
  • Blueberries
  • Apricot’s flesh

Can dogs eat dried apples?

Yes, they can. However, you need to be mindful that an excessive number of apples can be dangerous to them. Apples are low-calorie and a healthy food item for your dogs. They are a good source of vitamin A and C and contain dietary fibers and antioxidants.

Dried apples do not have water content, but they are safe for dogs. Cut apples into small slices and feed them raw. You can add cinnamon powder on apples, toss them in the oven, and give your dogs a delectable snack. Whether dried or raw, apples are safe for dogs.

Concluding our thoughts on whether dogs can eat dried apricots

Fruits are beneficial for our well-being and are a good source of minerals and vitamins. Therefore, some pet parents may feed fruits to their dogs without thinking that they can be toxic to them.

The truth is not all fruits are beneficial for dogs. Dried apricots have a distinctive flavor, and your furry friend may want to eat them in abundance. While a small number of dried apricots may not harm your canine friend, overeating them can be toxic.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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