Is It Safe for Your Dog to Eat Dragon Fruit?

Dragon fruit, as its name suggests, is an exotic fruit. The balanced flavor it holds inside its flesh and its nutritional value make it a favorite among many fruit lovers. We understand your enthusiasm but is it really okay for your dog to share it with you? Is it safe for your beloved dog to eat dragon fruit without any risk?

What makes dragon fruit exotic, you ask? The vibrant color and the unique dragon-scales-like texture on its skin give an alien yet fascinating look. But you have to think of your dog’s health before giving in to its curiosity. We know the bright colors of this fruit are nearly irresistible for the doggos.

Can dogs eat dragon fruit?

Yes, dogs can eat dragon fruit because dragon fruit is not toxic for your dog. Give them as a treat every once in a while, but you should never use it as a substitute for a real meal.

Let your dog enjoy a variety of flavors but keep in mind the benefits and risks that the food item entails.

Health benefits of dragon fruit for dogs

It is beyond doubt that dragon fruit is packed with healthy nutrients. People love the creamy flavor as well as the beauty of the fruit. A ripe dragon fruit smells like a honey-covered banana. It is no surprise that your dog might want to eat it again and again.

While the appealing sight of dragon fruit is enough to dive into it, let’s take a quick look at how it can be beneficial for dogs in terms of health:

Vitamin C

The sour taste of a dragon fruit ensures that it is loaded with vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps in removing or slowing down harmful radicals from the body. It also helps with inflammation caused by weak bones and muscles. In this way, older dogs can eat dragon fruit in small amounts to ease joint pain and inflammation.

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Bear in mind that a dog’s body produces natural vitamins as the body requires. It’s not the best idea to keep feeding dragon fruit to your pet dog in hopes of boosting minerals. On the contrary, it might make them sick.


Calcium is an important part of the skeletal system. Dogs get the required amount of calcium through dairy products incorporated in their meals. Thankfully, dragon fruit is a good source of calcium too. Regular but controlled intake of this heavenly fruit may boost your dog’s overall health.

Not only for bones and teeth, but calcium also enhances cardiac functionality. It supports heart health and blood clotting. It also has a good effect on muscles and tissues.


While your pup’s body makes sufficient iron as required by the body, a small amount of external intake may prove beneficial in the long run. A balanced iron level in the blood ensures the number of red blood cells remains enough for the body. As a healthy treat, your dog can eat dragon fruit all while keeping its body away from anemia and fatigue.


Fiber intake is underrated even among humans. In fact, fiber plays an integral part in keeping the stomach healthy and functional at all times. 3.5 ounces of dragon fruit holds 1.8 grams of fiber which is a really good amount. A controlled amount of fibers can make your dog happy by keeping their bowel movements regular and painless. It also removes toxic waste from the body, leaving a healthy digestive tract.

Low calories

We all love chubby dogs, but it is also up to us to watch their weight. A low-calorie fruit like dragon fruit is perfect for satisfying the dog’s snack cravings. It won’t make them gain any more weight; rather, it’ll serve as a refreshing treat on a hot summer day. 3.6 ounces of this fruit amounts to 60 calories. The healthy nutrients are just a side bonus.

Healthy fatty acids

The crunchy black seeds of dragon fruits are full of fatty acids like omega 3, omega 9, and linoleic acid. These fatty acids are essential for a dog’s health as they play an important role in keeping the fur and coat healthy. In small pups, they are also very important for skin, joints, and even the brain.

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A dog’s body cannot synthesize fatty acids. Therefore, they must get them from their diets. Dragon fruit is just the right choice to give your dog these essential nutrients. But it would be best to check the amount being fed to the dog. Also, hold any other food containing fatty acid when treating your dog with dragon fruit.

When is dragon fruit bad for a dog?

Like any other food item, too much of anything is bad for health. Dragon fruits are rich in fiber, sugar, and other healthy nutrients, but is it all too safe to consume too much?

Upsets digestion

While fiber is good for many things, an overdose may cause diarrhea and vomiting. Some dogs have weak digestive systems, making it difficult to digest all that fiber.

Decays teeth, skin, and hair

As for sugar, it not only upsets a dog’s stomach, it adversely affects teeth, skin, hair and might make them obese. Sugar tends to disturb the endocrine system that is responsible for balancing hormones. You don’t want to mess up your furry friend’s beautiful fur now, do you?

Causes obesity

Chubby dogs look cute, but unhealthy weight gain is a big no. Large amounts of sugar in dragon fruit may cause obesity in a dog. Not only do the extra pounds make it hard for them to remain active, but it also puts pressure on the heart, bone joints, and overall energy.

How to feed dragon fruit to your dog?

Now that we have established that dogs can eat dragon fruit without any immediate risk, it is time to ponder on how to give them this tasty treat.

First and foremost is that make sure your dog likes dragon fruit. Don’t be surprised if your dog retches at the sight of it; some dogs don’t like the sweet and mushy taste it offers. Offer them a tiny amount at first and observe their reaction. If they welcome it, you’re good to go.

Before giving a dragon fruit to your dog, make sure that the skin is peeled off completely. Feed your pup the soft flesh of the fruit in small pieces. Do not feed it fruit’s skin. The hard skin with spikes is a big no for dogs since they can’t chew it well enough. Cut the fruit’s flesh into smaller pieces and watch your pup devour it happily.

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Should I be concerned if my dog has eaten too much dragon fruit?

So your dog has finally gotten the better of you and ate that dragon fruit you were keeping for yourself? You should be concerned, yes, but panic is not the answer.

What you can do is to keep watch over the next meals your dog takes. Since the pup has already taken its sugar intake, avoid feeding it sweet items for at least two days. Make sure that the dog is hydrated at all times so that the extra fibers pass out with ease.

In the meantime, you can also take your dog out for a walk or to the playing field. The more it stays active, the better it digests the dragon fruit.

If your dog seems less active than usual or you notice signs of vomiting and diarrhea, rush to a vet ASAP. The vet will know how to treat your pet friend, and everything will be fine again.

Related FAQs

Can dogs eat dragon fruit skin?

No, dogs must never eat the skin of dragon fruit. It is hard and has spikes, making it nearly impossible for dogs to chew it properly.

Can dragon fruit cause gas issues in a dog?

Yes, the high amounts of fiber in dragon fruit may cause gas problems in a dog. It is advised that you should feed small amounts of this fruit to your dog.

Can dogs eat purple dragon fruit?

Dragon fruit of all colors and kinds is safe for dogs. However, the fruit must be ripe, and only the flesh must be fed to the dog.

How much dragon fruit should a dog eat in a day?

1 to 2 spoons of dragon fruit flesh is enough for a dog. It must always be given as a treat.

The final verdict on whether dogs can eat dragon fruit

A ripened dragon fruit is safe and healthy for your dog. You can feed it to your pup every once in a while but make sure that the amount never exceeds a couple of spoons. The right amount will do wonders for your dog’s health while it gets to enjoy a delicious treat!

Photo of author

Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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