What Dog Owners Need to Know About Bok Choy?

With Chinese cuisine spreading far and wide, the Chinese cabbage variant, Bok Choy, has also traveled along. Bok Choy farming is no longer localized; it is now grown in parts of Europe and even North America.

Therefore, many of us have Bok Choy at home. It is safe for us to eat it but can you say the same for your pup? Did your furry friend accidentally consume Bok Choy, or are you planning on feeding it some? It all boils down to one question, can dogs eat Bok Choy?

Can dogs eat bok choy?

Yes, dogs can safely eat Bok Choy, provided that the amount is controlled. However, some dogs can be allergic to Bok Choy, so try giving your pet a few pieces cut from the leaf and see if there is reactionary diarrhea or vomiting. If everything is fine, you can give Bok Choy to your dog!

As a measure of safety, do not feed your dog, or any animal for that matter, a whole leaf or a piece of leaf that is too large. Dogs aren’t the most majestic eaters and can easily choke themselves if allowed a sizeable enough helping. Instead, blend or chop the leaves up before letting your pet eat them. You can even mix chopped-up Bok Choy leaves with other food your dog likes.

How to feed your dog Bok Choy?

Try to go as chemical-free as possible. Ideally, the Bok Choy should be organically grown in your own kitchen garden. Once you’ve found a source of fresh and chemical-free Bok Choy, here’s what to do next:

  1. Chop up the leaves into small pieces in a colander.
  2. Toss the white parts and stalk them in the bin since they are not as nutritious as the green leaves.
  3. Run water over the cut pieces thoroughly.
  4. Measure treat size carefully, taking into account your dog’s age, breed, and body weight.
  5. Serve in a clean dog bowl.
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Potential health risks for dogs that eat Bok Choy

It is necessary to take care not to feed large amounts, even to adult dogs. Bok Choy is high in fiber and stimulates movements in the gastrointestinal system. If too many gut stimulants are ingested, as in large meals of Bok Choy, your dog could end up with diarrhea. The high concentration of vitamin C could also lead to diarrhea as well as bloating.

On the other hand, vitamin A overdose would lead to a constipated and lethargic dog, and too much vitamin B6 intake will cause your dog to become photosensitive. Both vitamin A and vitamin B6 are abundant in the Bok Choy nutrient profile.

Once you’ve fed your dog even a bit of Bok Choy, take care to avoid other foods that may be high in fiber or nutrients like vitamins A, C, and B6 for at least a day. Research the diet you regularly feed them so you can keep them safe from vitamin toxicity, diarrhea, and other conditions that may be caused by ingesting a particular nutrient too much.

Related FAQs to dogs and Bok Choy!

Can dogs eat all leafy greens?

Leafy greens like cabbage, lettuce, kale, spinach, and chard are safe for dogs. They are as healthy for dogs as they are for humans. Dogs are omnivores like us. They can digest leafy vegetables just the same and get essentials like dietary fiber, vitamins A, C, K, and potassium. A balanced diet will help dogs maintain a healthy weight and a strong immune system to keep them safe and happy on their adventures in the great outdoors.

Other green vegetables like celery, cauliflowers, Brussels sprouts and asparagus are also beloved treats for many dogs. If you are planning on feeding these to your dog, take care to wash these veggies thoroughly to get rid of dirt and microbes that are almost always present. Boiling is an even better option for cleaning purposes.

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Should you cook vegetables for dogs?

No, you shouldn’t. The oils you use in the cooking or frying process will trouble your dog’s digestive system. Any veggie treats you want to feed a dog should be boiled or simply washed and chopped. Besides antimicrobial effects, boiling makes foods easier to digest since the heat produces some desirable chemical and physical changes in the food molecules.

Flavorings like processed powders or pastes are usually not a good idea. If you want to reward your pet with an extra tasty treat, top it with honey. Other dog-friendly seasoning alternatives include crushed cinnamon or peppermint.

What vegetables are not good for dogs?

Onions, avocados, mushrooms, garlic, and rhubarb are all toxic to dogs. Dogs may be omnivorous in their diets, but they are still canines. They can survive on a purely carnivorous diet as well, and vegetables may be fed only to supplement the diet.

Some vegetables and organic food that are safe for humans but can cause toxicity in dogs are:


What to do if my dog eats a toxic vegetable?

If you find out your dog has or could have eaten a toxic vegetable, get it to the vet as soon as possible. Symptoms as severe as seizures and asphyxiation might appear, but it’s best that you rush rather than waiting for something visible. Of course, it is much easier to just not leave these toxic foods where your fur baby could get to them in the first place.

Cauliflowers and cabbages are close cousins of Bok Choy itself. So whatever we’ve told you about Bok Choy can safely be applied to cabbages and cauliflowers too. Again, moderation in quantity is very important when feeding vegetables to dogs or any pets that are not purely herbivorous in nature. It’s always a good idea to do your research when you first adopt a pet and when feeding it something new.

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Wrapping up our thoughts on whether dogs can eat Bok Choy!

Bok Choy is still uncommon in many parts of the world, and many households spend decades without ever having to do anything with it. Hence, it is perfectly understandable that dog owners might panic if their pet ingests some. If your dog isn’t exhibiting any of the symptoms discussed in this article, there is no reason to worry. Just remember to feed it Bok Choy in a controlled amount.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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