Can Dogs Eat Icecream? Everything You Need to Know

If you are a pet owner, then have you ever wondered if your dog can eat ice cream? While it may sound like an odd question to ask, there are actually some great reasons why they should not. 

Dogs need to stay hydrated as well as get the proper nutrients that they need in order to live their best life. Ice cream contains sugar and dairy which can lead to digestive problems and obesity issues for dogs. Also, the high fat content in ice cream, this could cause pancreatitis in pets with certain medical conditions or those who have difficulty digesting fats. It is important for any animal’s diet that they maintain healthy weight so they can enjoy all of life’s adventures!

In this article, we will talk about some healthy alternatives to ice cream for your Fido and some frequently asked questions related to whether dogs can eat ice cream or not.

Can dogs eat ice cream?

Dogs can have a sweet tooth just like humans. But before you feed your canine friend an ice cream cone, it’s important to know how much is too much and what kind of ice cream to avoid. There are many different types of human-grade ice creams that are safe for dogs in moderation. Before giving your dog any type of food, make sure they’ve had their dinner 30 minutes beforehand so the sugar doesn’t interfere with digestion and upset their stomachs. If you do decide to give them some ice cream, be mindful of portion size and try not to serve them more than 1/2 cup per day as the high fat content may also lead to weight gain over time if consumed frequently enough which could lead to a variety of health problems.

There are some varieties that can be healthy for dogs if those are offered in moderation. However, you should avoid chocolate and ice cream with any type of alcoholic ingredient like vanilla extract or alcohol .

Some ice cream alternative treats for your dog


Yogurt can be your best friend when it comes to canines that can’t get enough of ice cream! Greek yogurt contains less lactose than most other yogurts, so if your canine is lactose intolerant or has sensitive stomach issues (which can often lead to diarrhea), then plain Greek yogurt can help out. If he/she’s not lactose intolerant or doesn’t have sensitive stomach issues, then you can just go ahead and feed him the full-fat stuff. Anyway, there are no health benefits gained from using the low-fat variety (just fewer calories). You can find flavored kinds for extra excitement if you’d like, but try to avoid anything with an artificial sweetener added as these can irritate canines’ stomachs.

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Frozen yogurt can be added to this too, but just know that it can cause more gas production than regular plain yogurt can. In addition, they can eat a lot of the stuff before they feel full. It’s also worth noting that some brands list corn syrup as one of their ingredients, so try to stick with those that use maple syrup instead for a healthier option. Corn syrup can make your canine sick!

Ice cream substitute – Coconut ice cream recipe (Dogs who can’t have dairy)

We all love ice cream and dogs are no exception! My dog also eats ice cream like I do whenever he can get his paws on it! But when my sister is cooking, she can’t stand it when he gets into the ice cream! Fortunately, I have found a great substitute recipe for her! Coconut milk can be made into an ice cream like substance and can be frozen. Then you can feed your dog this instead of real ice cream!


  • 1 can (13.5oz.) coconut milk chilled overnight in the can
  • 3 table spoon of honey or plain sugar (simple syrup)


Mix well using a hand mixer or blender until smooth and soft serve consistency is reached. If the mixture is too thin, add more sugar gradually to thicken to desired texture. Gets very hard when chilled so let sit at room temperature for 5 minutes before serving.

Rice pudding with berries

Rice pudding with berries can make a good dog treat or can be a treat for small dogs like Maltese etc.. Charlie (one of my friend’s pet) has become slightly obsessed with eating rice pudding. He can’t figure out why it happened but the doggo will sit and stare at the container when it’s in the fridge and waits patiently to serve him some. So, instead of fighting the behavior, my friend started getting creative about just what he can do with this odd addition to his diet. It seemed like the doggo would devour anything that was cooked in a rice cooker. So my friend decided to pimp a recipe book. This is one I am sure you can get your pooch excited about; even if it isn’t ice cream, canines can still have their treats!

Coconut popsicles can be made for dogs that can handle dairy too

Here’s another way to make sure your pooch stays cool on a hot day and it’s something he can share with the kids, so everyone is happy. This coconut popsicle recipe is great because it doesn’t contain any artificial sweeteners, which can cause dogs digestive distress. It also has no refined sugar, sugarcane juice or corn syrup; simply use honey (or other natural sweetener) instead. As an added bonus, this healthy frozen treat can help hydrate him as well. While you can use water to aid in the freezing process, coconut water provides all of the electrolytes he can need while avoiding any additives and artificial ingredients.

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  • 1 can (13.5 oz.) full-fat coconut milk or coconut cream
  • 1 can (13.5 oz.) light or fat free coconut milk chilled overnight in can

Cooking instructions

Shake a can of chilled heavy cream and scoop out all the solid parts into a large bowl for the recipe; discard liquid. 

Add a can of previously chilled light coconut milk and honey to whipped cream, then mix well using a hand mixer on medium speed until creamy.

Place the mixture in the refrigerator for about 2 hours to chill well; it should be very thick at this time. Once ready to serve, take popsicle sticks and push through the bottom of each one, pushing halfway through (if not using wooden sticks you can cut them from a cardboard box). Pour mixture into popsicle mold and freeze for 6 hours or more. To remove popsicles from mold, run under warm water until the outside can be easily removed.

Risks of feeding ice cream to your dog

If you feed your dog ice cream, there are five risks that could happen.

First, the cold temperature of the ice cream will cause his or her blood vessels to constrict and make it more difficult for their body to regulate its temperature. However, it is very much unlikely if you occasionally share ice cream treats with your dog!

Second, because dogs have a shorter digestive tract than humans do, they don’t digest food as efficiently as we do so when they eat something like ice cream which is high in fat and sugar it can be hard on their stomachs.

Third, some human foods coffee ice cream contain caffeine which can make your pup really hyperactive.

Fourth, dairy products can lead to diarrhea and vomiting if not digested properly by dogs, causing dehydration (which is bad).

Fifth and finally, dogs have no need for any type of sugar so feeding them can be very bad for their health. Dogs shouldn’t eat ice cream because it may contain xylitol which could lead to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), seizures, liver failure, or death.

Can dogs eat non-dairy ice cream?

Many dog owners have been told that they should never give their dogs ice cream because of the lactose. This is not true! There are a few things to consider when giving your pup some sugar free, non-dairy ice cream.

First, it’s important to know if your dog has any food sensitivities and what those might be. Second, you need to make sure the ice cream doesn’t contain anything toxic for animals such as chocolate or grapes (although there are exceptions) .

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Third, you need to ensure that you do not feed your dog too much at one time and always provide freshwater before and after feeding them any form of sweets (even healthy ones like carrots!). Now go enjoy some non-dairy ice cream with your best friend!

Can dogs eat chocolate ice cream?

Dogs should not eat chocolate ice cream.

There are few reasons that suggest that it is better to avoid offering chocolate ice cream to your furry friend. The main reason behind that is dogs can’t digest milk and dairy products efficiently like humans because they lack the enzyme lactase.

The second thing is that chocolate contains a substance called methylxanthine which is toxic to dogs in large doses. Chocolate ice cream contains Theobromine which is toxic to dogs. Unlike humans, dogs can’t digest Theobromine easily.

And lastly, chocolate ice cream is loaded with excessive sugar and fat which is harmful to a dog’s health. The fats found in chocolate can lead to pancreatitis (an inflammation of the pancreas) if eaten excessively or often enough.

Can dogs eat vanilla ice cream?

Yes, but it should not be given as a regular treat because some dogs can’t tolerate sugar well.

Even though vanilla ice cream is made with many ingredients, most enzymes and bacteria in the small intestines cannot break down processed sugar (sucrose). When giving vanilla ice cream to your dog, do so sparingly since most dogs are not good at digesting sugars. The key is to feed them natural ingredients like nuts and healthy fats that they can readily digest while providing nutritious treats for fiber poop!

Though making homemade dog treats from scratch might seem daunting, it’s actually good for your furry friend’s health.

Final thoughts

Try healthy dog treats to keep your fido happy and healthy! It doesn’t have to be ice cream every time. There are lots of delicious, nutritious alternatives that will make for a healthier life with you at the helm. We hope this post has helped give you some ideas about how to ensure your pup is well-fed without sacrificing their health or yours in the process. What kind of snacks do you feed your dog? Leave us a comment below and let us know what’s on the menu today!

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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