Can Cats Watch TV? Funny Facts You Can’t Miss

Cats are known for their curiosity and love of adventure. They’re also well-known for being the most popular pet in America.

Many children can’t resist the urge to pet a beautiful, fluffy cat.

But can cats watch TV? The answer is Yes! Cats don’t have the same perception as humans. They process images faster than we do. Even though your kitty may be sitting directly in front of the screen, she won’t know what’s happening there.

Believe it or not, some cat owners have reported that their cat will actually sit in front of the TV screen when they are watching a program! Whether you want to try this with your kitty or not, I’ll go into more detail about this.

Can Cats Watch TV?

Many people find their cats to be extremely intelligent creatures, but the truth of the matter is that like most animals they can’t understand human language. However, in recent years there’s been a lot of research into how cats see and process images including via TV screens or by viewing reflections in mirrors.

One common misconception about how felines view images is that they have a long focal length and go cross-eyed when fixated on things up close (just like humans). But instead, it looks as if they possess both monocular and binocular vision that specializes in catching all kinds of movement- even during the rapid pursuit. In fact, high-speed video footage has shown that when hunting prey, cats can focus simultaneously using both their eyes without experiencing any eye-crossing.

The “can cats watch tv” debate is a bit of an old wives’ tale stemming from the idea that they can’t blink when staring at something up close and this could make them go cross-eyed. But as we know, it’s not true since felines can actually see in both monocular and binocular vision.

Now let’s go over some of the interesting facts related to this.

Cats can see in the dark, but not as well as humans. They can only detect light levels up to six or seven times dimmer than a human can. This is why they often hunt at night when it’s too dark for people to see them.

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Cats can’t distinguish between red and green colors, but can distinguish blue from yellow or pink.

A cat’s eyes don’t move in their sockets as ours do- they’re on a rotating platform that can turn up to 120 degrees. This gives the feline 360-degree vision!

Another Interesting fact is that you may have noticed your cat staring at your TV screen before, it’s not because they’re bored! They might be trying to figure out what you’re watching or see if there is something interesting that they don’t usually get to see.

Is It Bad for Your Cat to Watch TV?

Many cat owners wonder if it is bad for their cats to watch TV. It turns out that watching TV can be a great way to spend time with your kitty and even help them relax. Cats love staring at screens, whether they are on the computer or television!

There are some tips you should follow when letting your cat watch TV though.

  • Make sure that the screen isn’t too bright or moving too quickly for your pet.
  • Don’t let them sit in front of TV all day.
  • Keep other pets away from the room where the TV is because they may want to jump up there as well.

One thing’s for sure, while it might not be good for humans who stay glued to their TVs all day long, it can be a great way for cats to kill some time!

Do Cats Enjoy TV?

If you’re like me, your cat is by your side at all times. Cats are natural predators and they love to watch the wildlife outside our windows or on TV. But did you know that cats also enjoy watching television? It’s true! They can be found lounging around while we watch Game of Thrones in peace. We may not understand their fascination with TV but it makes them happy so why not indulge them a little?

The average cat spends about 2 hours per day just sitting on the couch next to its human companion; this means that some cats spend more time watching TV than others do sleeping!

Here are 3 reasons why your cat might be enjoying television:  

Watching TV makes your kitty calm

Cats can be extremely territorial and can get anxious when they are home alone. When you’re at work, your cat can enjoy watching TV to keep them company during what would otherwise be a lonely day. TV can help calm their nerves in the same way that humans like to turn on some music or flick through photos of friends while they’re away from family members for long periods of time.

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Cats Love Anything that Moves even if it’s Rapid Pursuit

TV screens show constant movement, that’s why cats are attracted to the screens!

Fun fact: Cats have three eyelids with which they control how much light gets into their eyes. Apart from the two normal eyelids, the third lid is called the nictitating membrane. This lid helps them keep their eye safe when catching prey or walking through tall grass.

They have keen sense of hearing

Cats have a keen sense of hearing which is much more sensitive than ours- an interesting noise can keep them entertained for hours.

Joy of chasing Mice

Watching other animals on screen may remind cats of the joys of chasing birds or mice around at home and no matter how good they get at catching these critters outside, there’s always room for improvement!

What Does a TV Look Like to a Cat?

Cats would need about 100 frames per second to experience the same thing that a human would with 30.

A TV needs a high refresh rate for moderate movement, but 60 hertz or greater is recommended by most people, so it’s safe to assume 100 frames per second. In short, TVs designed for humans work well for all of our senses, but not necessarily for cats’ senses. A television simply displays an electronic image on a screen quickly enough and this image appears in motion because of the persistence of vision. It does not sense anything and reacts as other animals do to sound or smell signals. 

A cat’s vision consists of both rods and cones, which detect different types of light. Cones that detect color are concentrated in the center of the eye. A human typically has about 6 million cones per square millimetre. That same area will have only 2 million or so for a cat, who must make up this difference by having a superior rod-based night vision.  

Cats rely mostly on their peripheral vision, while humans focus more inwardly due to our depth perception and other aspects of our visual needs at close range- such as reading small print- which require some degree of convergence from both eyes to fully process detail. This lends an advantage to cats because they can see better out of one eye than humans can.

Cats can also see much better in dim light than humans can, and can make use of the smallest amount of available light. This is especially important for cats who hunt their prey at night time, as they rely on both sight and sound to locate it before pouncing.

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Why Do Cats Watch TV but Dogs Don’t?

Why do cats watch TV but dogs don’t? What is it about the feline species that allows them to indulge in this activity while the canine counterparts can’t seem to get enough of a good nose scratch or belly rub? Is there something unique about an animal’s eyesight that makes one more receptive than the other? Or could it be because their brain operates differently when they’re looking at screens?

Whatever the reason may be, we’ve got some reasons why your cat might just enjoy watching those humorous pet antics while you try to catch up on some Netflix!

Cats love high contrast images

Dogs have a dichromatic vision which means they see color only in shades of gray.  

Cats can see much finer details in a high contrast image, such as the lines on a screen or three-dimensional objects that are unique to TV and computer screens.    

Dogs can’t do this because their brains don’t process images as deeply- they can only focus on certain wavelengths of light which is why it’s hard for them to distinguish between different colors!

Cats are more independent than Dogs

Cats are more independent than dogs so they do not need as much attention from their owner to be satisfied.


If you have a cat, it may be time to introduce them to the TV. Cats can see many of the same colors although some red colors are desaturated. They also process images at a rate of 70-80 Hz which is faster than what most televisions show so they might not be able to identify as well with their slower processing speed.

But don’t worry! There are plenty of things on television that cats love such as sounds, outlines and movement. So grab your furry friend for an evening in front of the tube and enjoy watching together!

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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