Can cats eat oranges safely? Is it dangerous?
These are all questions that many cat owners think about who want to give their kitty orange or any other type of treat that contains citrus fruits. The short answer is “No”.
Cats shouldn’t be given orange or any citrus fruits. Oranges and other citrus fruits have several health benefits for humans but for your cats which is obligate carnivore, it affects negatively. It is actually harmful and toxic for your kitty.
In this article, we have discussed in detail why cats can’t eat oranges and what are the potential health hazards and also some frequently asked questions related to this.

Can Cats Eat Oranges?Are They Safe for Cats?
Orange peels are not good for your cat. The plant material of the orange is actually harmful to your kitty.
It can cause liver damage and other problems that could be fatal to a cat.
The sweet citrus taste of oranges is a refreshing snack for humans, but not for cats.
Orange peels contain an organic substance known as D-limonene which is toxic for your kitty. This substance is also found in other fruit peelings such as grapefruit, lemons, limes, pomelos (pummelo), tangerines, and more.
Orange peels and the plant material of oranges are actually harmful for your kitty. The citrus oils in oranges can be toxic to cats, but it doesn’t mean you should stop giving them their favorite treats. It means that they may need a little extra help when digesting the peel or any other fruit with similar properties.
Here are some tips on how to safely give your cat an orange treat: After slicing up an orange, cut off all of the peel and remove as much white pith as possible before handing it over to your furry friend. You might also want to consider using a vegetable peeler instead of a knife so you don’t get any residue from the blade onto the fruit’s surface. Another trick can be to soak the orange peel in water overnight. This will remove some of the acidity and make it easier for your cat’s stomach to process what they eat.
But the funny thing is that most of the cats don’t like the smell of oranges.
That’s why we suggest you do not give oranges to your kitty. Simply because cats don’t need that.
Cats are evolved as carnivores so most of their daily food demands are met by meat (Protein). So, it can be more useful to give them chicken or mice instead of oranges which can have bad effects on their health.
What Will Happen If A Cat Eats an Orange?
If a citrus fruit like orange is consumed by your cat, then it will cause gastrointestinal distress. The acidity of citrus fruits triggers nausea and vomiting in cats. If you notice this happening after giving your furry friend a treat like orange then take them to see their veterinarian immediately for further evaluation because there might be other underlying causes for their symptoms than just eating an acidic food hazard.
It can also lead to stomach ulcers if consumed in large quantities.
Orange peels and the plant material of oranges are actually harmful to your kitty. The citrus in orange peels can cause kidney, liver, and heart damage to cats.
Orange peels contain a substance called D-Limonene which is an organic compound that has been shown to have cancer-causing effects on animals when consumed by them in large quantities.
The potential health effects can vary depending on how much they eat at one time and can also depend on their age and health. If you notice any symptoms after your cat eats an orange, then seek veterinary attention to determine the cause.
What Does A Vet Do If Your Kitty Has Consumed Oranges Accidentally?
If a vet is seen by an animal emergency clinic for abdominal pain or vomiting they will need to be tested for different diseases such as pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction, or poisoning among many others.
These tests can include blood work, X-rays of the abdomen, and chest radiographs (or X-ray images).
They may even do ultrasounds if there are other things that might require imaging like looking at kidneys in addition to examining them with a physical exam.
To diagnose these conditions it can take about four hours since most veterinarians have limited resources so this can take up to a day before they can have an idea of what is wrong with the animal.
Do Cats Like Orange Peels?
No, cats hate the smell of orange peels.
It’s important to know the risks of feeding your cat orange peels. They should not be given oranges or peels. Here are some reasons:
1) Orange peels can cause stomach upset and vomiting: If you’ve ever eaten an orange and gotten a sour stomach, imagine what it could do to a cat! This is especially dangerous because cats have sensitive digestive systems that don’t take kindly to this kind of thing.
2) Citrus fruits like oranges can cause kidney failure in cats: The citric acid in oranges is bad enough on its own; when paired with the natural sugars found in citrus fruits, it becomes much worse for your kitty’s kidneys. It doesn’t matter if the orange is peeled or not, it can still cause kidney problems for your cat.

Can Cats Eat Mandarin Oranges?
Cats are unique animals that have strict dietary needs. Owners often worry about what their cats can eat, as well as what they should not be eating.
Mandarin oranges are also part of the citrus family.
So, the same rule also applies here.
Cats should never eat mandarin oranges and here’s why:
These citrus fruits contain compounds known as furanocoumarins which can cause the cat to develop “bitter syndrome” and become severely ill. The illness is characterized by vomiting, anorexia, high fever, rapid heart rate, and jaundice (yellowing of the skin). If you’re concerned that your cat may have eaten any type of citrus fruit or is exhibiting symptoms such as these after exposure to citrus fruit- call your veterinarian right away!

Can Cats Drink Orange Juice?
Cats should not be given any type of citrus juices because they can cause kidney damage and there are plenty of other things to give them if they’re thirsty.
Orange juice is not good for your cat’s kidney health! Orange juice is a no-no for your feline friend.
The citric acid in oranges can cause stomach upset to your kitty.
If you’re looking for a safe and healthy treat, try watermelon or ice cubes with catnip instead! It’s important that we all take care of our furry friends so they stay happy-healthy and perfectly adorable. Instead of giving oranges and orange juices, you can also offer canned tuna to your kitty cat.
A can of tuna can’t cause any damage to your kitty’s kidney, and it tastes pretty good too! Cats love the taste of fish smells as well.
Tuna can be offered in a can with water or even on its own, but this is not recommended if you are feeding dry food only because cats do need some type of moisture in their diet. If your cat does not drink enough liquid then it can become dehydrated and suffer from diseases like lower urinary tract infections (UTI).
Dry foods contain more than just carbohydrates- may also have an overall lack of protein which will lead to other issues such as hair loss that could potentially turn into anemia later down the line. There are plenty of things you can do to help keep your cat happy, healthy and kidney function in top condition.
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