Is your cat begging for you to give him/her some beef jerky?
Well, can cats eat beef jerky? The answer is yes! But before you start feeding it to your feline friend, there are a few things that need to be addressed. Cats can eat and digest meat because they have the necessary enzymes in their digestive tract. They can also enjoy all sorts of meats, including fish and poultry. Beef jerky can be a great treat for them if it’s cooked properly or given as an occasional snack so long as he doesn’t get too many treats at once.
This article goes in depth into what are the risks of feeding Beef jerky to your cat and how we can cook beef jerkys safely for our kitty friends.
Can Beef Jerky Kill Cats?
When a cat eats too much beef jerky, it can lead to kidney failure and death.
Beef jerky is typically too high in protein for a cat’s diet; they lack the necessary enzymes to digest proteins found in meat that are higher than 10% on the dry matter basis (DM).
The excessive amount of protein can also cause dehydration as well as an inability to produce urine.
Canned food should be fed sparingly to cats due to its carbohydrate content, which needs more time for digestion than other types of food.
There are many other foods better suited for your pet such as cooked chicken or fish with only moderate amounts of fat and less than 10% protein by DM weight ,which can be fed two to three times per day.
What Happens if My Cat Eats Beef Jerky?
Your cat might be a carnivore, but that doesn’t mean they should only eat meat. In fact, beef jerky is not the best choice for cats because it can lead to several health problems if they consume it.
Below are the 5 Harmful side effects can be seen if your cat has consumed Beef Jerky.
1) Carbs in beef jerky are typically bad for cats and can cause weight gain or diabetes.
2) Beef jerky contains high levels of protein which stresses out your cat’s kidneys and intestines.
3) Some brands of beef jerkys contain added sugar which can lead to obesity among other things.
4) Cats do not have enough stomach acid to digest raw meat (especially if it’s beef jerky), which can lead to a host of problems such as vomiting, diarrhea and can even cause death.
5) Beef jerky contains high amounts of fatty acids that are not good for your kitty cat. If consumed in a larger amount can cause kidney problems.

Can Cats have Teriyaki Beef Jerky?
Yes. You can offer teriyaki beef jerky to your kitty cat as an occasional snack.
But it is best to consult with your veterinarian first as there are many dangers involved in feeding this food to pets.
Cat owners should know that some forms of jerky come with added sugars and sodium, while others contain MSG (monosodium glutamate) which has been linked to several health issues in humans including headaches and difficulty breathing.
Additionally, different cuts of meat will provide different levels of protein, which can lead to health problems in cats.
A veterinarian will be able to evaluate your cat’s nutrition needs and help determine the safest way to provide them with meat-based protein sources while avoiding any possible harm from beef jerky or other types of meats.
How Much Beef Jerky Can a Cat Eat?
This can vary depending on the weight and age of your cat. A veterinarian can help you determine how many treats they can safely have in a day or week, as well as what is best for their specific needs.
The general rule of thumb is to offer 2% of their bodyweight.
For example ,if we assume the average weight of your kitty cat is 4 kg, then it can safely consume upto 80-100 gms per day.
If you are unfamiliar with cooking beef jerky to make sure it’s safe for cats (which we discuss below), then sticking to canned or cooked meat can be a better option.

How to Cook Beef Jerky For Your Cat Properly?
The best way for a cat to enjoy beef jerky is cooked and cut into manageable pieces, so that it can be chewed easily without any choking hazards. Keep in mind, however, that if you cook the meat at too high of a temperature, it can cause the jerky to be tough and less enjoyable for your feline friends.
You can do it by boiling beef jerky in water on the stove or microwave it until cooked thoroughly- but not too long as you can make the meat dry out easily. If cooking in boiled water, bring a pot of water to a simmer and add a small amount of beef jerky. Cook for about 20 minutes, until it can be easily pulled apart with your fingers or cut into smaller pieces.
The other option is cooking in the microwave by placing several pieces of meat on paper towel and microwaving them for 15 seconds at 50% power; then flip over the meat and repeat the process on the other side.
You can also cook beef jerky in a crock pot by placing it inside of a plastic container, submerging it in water at the bottom to about one inch deep, then cover with lid for six hours or until meat is cooked thoroughly. Make sure not to let any moisture escape from the crock pot and allow it to cool before giving the food to your cat.
Can Cats Eat Dried Beef?
Well, it depends on the type of beef. If you’re talking about jerky or roast beef that has been dried out in a dehydrator, then your cat probably may not like it. Dried meat is typically too tough for most cats to chew and digest properly.
However, if you mean raw meat that’s just been cut up into small pieces (like ground chuck), then yes! Cats love to chomp down on raw meat and they have no trouble eating it at all so long as there are no bones involved.
Moreover, the fats in dried beef will upset their stomachs, so it’s best if you don’t give them any of it! It’s also important that the cat have fresh water daily because they drink less often than humans do.
Can Cats Choke On Beef Jerky?
Cats are carnivores, meaning they get most of their nutrition from meat. They also have less of an ability to chew than dogs do which means that they run the risk of choking when trying to eat pieces of beef jerky too large or tough for their mouths.
The long strands of beef jerky can become caught in a cat’s throat or airway which can lead to choking and death. If you feed your cats any type of jerky, please cut it into very small pieces that will be easy for them to swallow.
Final Thoughts
Feeding your cat beef jerky is not a good idea. Cats are able to enjoy an occasional treat, but they should eat more natural food as their main diet and maybe occasionally have little bits of meat with high sources of protein for them to thrive!
If your kitty has consumed beef jerky in larger amounts,then consult a veterinarian on how to gradually wean them off it in order to avoid stomach upsets and dehydration.
The best way to spoil your kitty? Give him lots of love and attention and make sure he has plenty of fresh water in his bowl at all times.
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