8 Delicious Homemade Gravy Recipes for Cats

Cats are some of the most beloved pets in the world today. They have been a part of our lives for centuries, and there is no sign that this trend will change anytime soon. Cats can be affectionate, entertaining, and just plain adorable! But sometimes they don’t always want to eat their food- especially if it’s dry or homemade. There’s one way to make homemade cat food more appetizing: using some homemade gravy recipes!

We’ve compiled 8 different homemade gravy recipes that you and your cat  will love!

8 Delicious Gravy Recipes for Cats

1. Kibble Gravy

This homemade gravy recipe is a great way to spice up your cat’s meal!


  • Kibble-Enough for one cat’s worth of food. (You can substitute homemade dog food if you don’t have any kibble on hand)- 1/2 Cup
  • Water – Enough to create the sauce. You want it thin and watery in consistency so that it will mix well with the dry ingredients. One cup should do just fine! – 2 Cup
  • Milk – A few tablespoons will be plenty here too. The milk adds some protein and thickness as well as giving an extra layer of flavor! If you’re allergic or vegan, feel free to omit this ingredient entirely.” – 1/2 tsp

Cooking Instructions

The first thing you need to do is to prepare the dry mix by adding 2 cups of water and 1 tablespoon cornstarch in a pot then let it boil until it becomes thick.

Next add one can of beef broth or chicken broth with either flavor depending on your preference.

If you are making this dish for cats that have kidney problems than try using “beef” instead of “chicken.” After everything has been mixed together next put in the dried tomato soup mix which should be mixed with a little water.

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Slowly bring the mixture to a simmer over medium heat until all ingredients are thoroughly combined.”

Lastly mix in the milk and your homemade gravy is ready to serve!

If this homemade gravy recipe is too thin for your liking*, stir in some flour with gradually increasing amounts until it reaches the consistency you’re looking for!”

*Optional Ingredient Suggestion*: To make your homemade gravy recipes extra special, feel free to add in some of your homemade cat treats!

2. Easy Salmon Gravy

Cats love salmon, so why not try out a new recipe of salmon gravy? Here are the ingredients and cooking instruction steps for making this meal specifically tailored to cats. 


-1/2 cup canned or fresh cooked salmon

-1/2 cup water

-3 tablespoons unbleached all-purpose flour

– 1 tablespoon butter

– 2 tablespoons vegetable oil

– 1 teaspoon chicken bouillon granules (or 2 teaspoons powdered bouillon) -Salt and pepper to taste 

Cooking Instructions

-In a small saucepan, whisk together the water and flour.

-Add in butter and cook over medium heat until thickened (about one minute).

-Remove from heat then stir in salmon and bouillon granules or powder.

-Add in salt and pepper to taste better.

3.Pork Rib Gravy


-Enough Rib meat to feed your cat, cut into small pieces [1/2 Pound]

– 4-5 cups of water

-A couple tablespoons of flour for thickening the gravy.

-Pinch of Salt (1/4 tsp)

Cooking Instructions

1) Preheat your oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit and then place the pork ribs on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or aluminum foil. Bake for 20 minutes per side until the juices run clear when pierced with a fork.

2) Remove from oven and let it cool before slicing into one inch pieces.

3) Add some water to your crock pot (if applicable), add in sliced pork ribs and then let it cook on low for about four hours.

4) If you do not have a crock pot, add the ribs in half inch slices to boil in water with salt. Drain and reserve broth to use later.

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5) Add some flour into your rib cooking liquid (if applicable) to make homemade gravy as usual. 

4.Savory Egg Gravy


  1. 1 Egg
  2. 1/2 tsp milk
  3. All Purpose Flour – 2 tbsp
  4. Salt – 1/4 tsp (or 1/8 tsp if your cats is on a low sodium diet)

Cooking Instructions

-Beat the egg and milk together with a whisk.

-Add in flour to make homemade gravy as usual, making sure it is mixed thoroughly before adding other ingredients.

Optional Ingredient Suggestion: Add in canned fish or tuna for an extra boost of omega- fatty acids, which are essential to overall health and can help with arthritis pain relief.

5.Meat With Rice Gravy


  1. White Rice – 1/4 Cup
  2. Chicken Legs- 1/2 Pound
  3. Olive Oil/ Coconut Oil – 4 tsp

Cooking Instructions

1) Start by browning ground beef over medium heat in a large skillet or pot until it has reached its desired level of doneness (ex: rare, medium-rare).

2) Add water .

3) Stir in the dry rice, cover with a lid and simmer on low for about 20 minutes or until the rice is tender.

4) Add 1/4 tsp salt and pepper to taste better.

5) You can serve your Kitty this Gravy Mixture and Save it for future in the fridge for upto 48 Hrs.

6.Mutton Gravy Recipe


  1. Mutton – 1 Cup
  2. Water – 4 cups
  3. Salt- 1/4 tsp
  4. Cornstarch – 1 tbsp

Cooking Instructions

1) Find some mutton meat from a butcher or grocery store.

2) Boil water in a pot and add the cut-up pieces of meat. Add cornstarch while stirring.Stir Until the Gravy is thick.

3) Add salt, pepper and thyme leaves (optional).

4) Let it simmer until the meat is tender.

5) You can also serve it over mashed potatoes or rice to make it more appetizing.

7.Chicken With Vegetables Gravy


1.Chicken Meat (Skinless)- 1/2 Pound

2.Carrots- 1 large Carrot, 1 Potato

3.1/4 tsp of Salt

4.Chicken Stock – 2 Cups

Cooking Instructions

 1) Cook the chicken breast tenderloin in boiling water until cooked through (approximately 10-15 minutes). Make sure not to overcook it so that the meat does not become dry and tough.

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2) Add sliced carrots,potatoes(Must Remove Skins)

3) Stir in spices like salt, pepper or thyme;

4)Add Chicken Stock, Chicken, Vegetables( Carrots,Mashed Potatoes )to the stockpot.

4) Pour water into a pan or add broth if desired.

5) Cover the pot with a lid and simmer for 45 minutes.

6)Allow it to cool and serve.

8.Left Over Meat Gravy


  1. Any Meat – 1 Cup
  2. Water- 3 Cups
  3. Salt- 1/4 tsp

Cooking Instructions

First, get a pot or saucepan and put enough water in the bottom so that it covers about 1/2 inch from the top before adding any other ingredients.

Second, add all of the leftover meat gravy (chicken is preferred) from our dinner last night into the pot with enough water so that there isn’t too much or too little liquid.

Thirdly, start off by stirring occasionally as this will help prevent anything from sticking at first then gradually increase stirring frequency as it starts to boil.

Fourth, add salt and stir occasionally before turning the burner down to low-medium heat for about 45 minutes or until it has reduced in size.

Fifth, serve over rice if desired!

Things You Must Remember

1. Do not offer gravy to cats that are old, sick, or pregnant. 

 2. Don’t serve your cat too much at one time because it may cause them to vomit or have diarrhea if they eat too fast, which can be hazardous and painful for their stomachs.

3. Make sure you’re using a well-balanced diet with the proper nutrients for your cat’s age and needs before adding gravy as an additional food choice in their diet plan.

4. Add water to canned foods before serving it to help make the food more appetizing but only do this sparingly.

5. Always dispose of any leftovers after feeding your cat so they don’t get into the habit of eating human food from plates or out of bowls on counters .

6.Don’t Use ingredients like pepper or onion powder as these can cause stomach irritation. Moreover,Onions and garlics are toxic and harmful for your pets.

Photo of author

Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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