Golden Retriever Dachshund Mix: A Complete Breed Profile

The Golden Retriever Dachshund mix or Golden Dox is a mixed breed of golden retriever and dachshund. This dog has a long, low-set body that resembles the shape of a Weiner dog. They are also known for their cute short legs and curled tails which makes them look like miniature golden retrievers with stubby little legs instead of long ones!

In this post, we will be talking about their history, personality traits, size, and appearance. The Golden Doxes are also sometimes called golden “Doxies”. This breed of dog is not very popular but they make for great pets as they are intelligent and loyal.

History of Golden Retriever Dachshund Mix Breed

The golden dox are a mix of golden retriever and dachshund that is often called golden dox or golden Doxie due to their looks which resembles a miniature golden retriever with short legs instead of long ones! These breeds usually have the shape of a weiner dog. They also tend to be loyal, intelligent and make for great pets.

Goldens are a popular, golden-colored dog bred in the United States since the late 1800s that has grown to be both an intelligent retriever of game on land or water as well as a prized show dog due to its golden coat and pleasing disposition. Dachshund is also from this country which is a short-legged, long-bodied breed that hunts badgers and other burrowing animals.

Golden retrievers have an average desirable size while showing the mental ability for problem-solving tests like agility trials, obedience tests, tracking trials, search-and-rescue work, and service as therapy dogs. Their well known skill has led them to be called “the scientists of the canine world”. The dachshund is famed for its courage. These qualities make the golden retriever dachshund an intelligent, loyal and easily trained dog that is much loved for its small size.

Golden Doxies are not as popular; however, they make great pets as they are intelligent and obedient to their owners. They can also be expensive but this doesn’t apply if you hunt with your golden doxie or just want an unusual pet! As always consult a vet before getting new pets!

Personality and Temperament of Golden Retriever Dachshund

A lot of people have a hard time understanding the Golden Retriever Dachshund mix, but it is really simple. They are just dogs who love to be around their humans and with other pets in general. They have an average energy level which means they need regular exercise, but not too much. Their personality is easy-going and they will do well with kids as long as they are raised with them from puppyhood on up. 

The temperament of this dog breed is very similar to that of the Golden Retriever because it has been mixed with one of the most gentle breeds there are – that’s why these dogs shed very little.

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It also makes them surprisingly lazy sometimes but only for short periods of time before they  go back to being their old selves again.

Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Adopt a Golden Retriever Dachshund

Golden Dox owners know that their dogs are the best. But it turns out, they’re even better than you think! Here are 3 reasons why Golden Retriever-Dachshund cross breeds are perfect for anyone looking for a new furry friend: 

1) They Don’t Shed Much

A lot of dog breeds have fur that falls off constantly and becomes matted, but Golden Retriever Dachshunds shed less than other popular dog breeds.They are considered as a “Moderate Shedder.”

2) They Rarely Bark

Most people want to live in peace and quiet without any loud noises waking them up at night or interrupting their work day. And while some dogs can be trained not to bark, the occasional “woof” is inevitable with these guys! 

3) They’re Small

Golden Retrievers are large dogs, but golden doxies have short legs and look like a Weiner dog. They’re ideal for people living in small spaces!

Problems of Adopting a Golden Retriever Dachshunds Mix

Crossbred puppies are more likely than purebreds to suffer joint problems (hip dysplasia) early in life and some crosses carry hidden genetic defects: Dachshunds can inherit epilepsy, von Willebrand disease, or other blood clotting disorders while Golden Retrievers can carry Type II diabetes genes.

Crossing purebred dog breeds may decrease genetic diversity and double the risk of certain congenital diseases. Inbreeding or cross-breeding should only be done with careful consideration to both breeds resulting in smaller litters that are more likely to have health problems.

The dachshund is a small dog of the hound family frequently used for hunting badgers and rabbits, while the retriever is a large breed originally developed to retrieve short game waterfowl and upland game birds.

Crossbreeding can increase the chance that health problems will emerge later in life when compared to mixed breeds that may have more varied gene pools. Golden Retriever Dachshund Mixes can usually cost twice as much for care than regular pure breeds. However, this price doesn’t apply if you hunt with your dog or are looking for an unusual pet you would like to show off at school or work. Be careful though! You should always consult your veterinarian before getting any new pets just in case.

Ethics of Crossbreeding

Many people believe that crossbreeding in dogs is against nature as it will lead to various types of health issues. When breeding two different breeds together there is an increased risk these diseases will occur due to recessive genes being passed on from one breed to the other.

On the Other hand, some experts argue that there are good reasons to crossbreed dogs including creating a more diverse gene pool which can lead to healthier animals overall. 

The Golden Dox, for example, was created by crossing a Golden Retriever with a Dachshunds as both breeds were deemed friendly yet intelligent enough to be service animals.

Important Tests Required before Crossbreeding a Golden Retriever and Dachshund

Golden Retrievers and Dachshunds are two very different breeds, but crossbreeding them is a surprisingly common practice. However, before you plan to crossbreed your Golden Retriever and Dachshunds, there’s one important test that must be completed first: the hip score. This quick test can help determine whether or not your dog has any of the genetic health problems associated with this type of breeding. The results will also show if it’s safe for them to reproduce in the future since these types of breeding often result in puppies with painful hips who have difficulty walking as they age. 

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How to Groom Your Golden Retriever Dachshunds?

Now we will cover how to groom these dogs.  The breed has a coat of long and short fur, which requires regular brushing and grooming. They also have droopy ears and nails. Most importantly, they require frequent exercise because of their high energy levels.

They are perfect for apartments because they can be small or medium depending on how much food you give them. 

The first thing we want to do is brush their teeth, it’s not something that has to be done every day but brushing will help keep tartar away which can lead to dental problems later in life.

Next, we want to clean their ears with an ear cleaning solution and gentle cotton balls- make sure you get down deep into the canal of the ear as this area is often neglected when grooming your pet! Once we’ve cleaned those up, it’s time to clean the rest of their body.

The golden doxie requires brushing, but not as much as with other breeds because they have short fur and drooping ears that don’t get dirty very easily. 

This breed is also known for being a “Moderate Shedder.” An easy way to prevent shedding is by grooming them regularly- this helps remove dead hair before it can fall off on your furniture, clothes or carpeting! We recommend using a Slicker brush to groom these dogs.

Some golden retriever dachshund mixes may come in different colors which include wheaten golden (a light tan), apricot golden (orange), and black golden retrievers. However, most are typically yellow like their retriever parent.

Food Requirements for Golden Retriever Dachshund Mix

The average Golden Dox requires about three small cups of dog food a day, which is about the same as a golden retriever.

The average daily food cost for a Golden Dox is $1.50 to $2.00 per day, which amounts to about $550- $750 annually or more if you feed your dog twice a day. This may seem like an expensive endeavor but the good news is that there are ways you can save on pet food! 

The cheapest way to buy pet food is in bulk online and have it delivered straight to your door. There are also affordable options at local grocery stores as well as discount retailers such as Costco and Walmart. With these tips, feeding your pup will be much less of a financial burden and they’ll thank you with unconditional love every time!

However, these dogs can’t eat just any kind of food- you’ll want to make sure that your golden doxie has high-quality dog food made for small breeds because otherwise, they may not get all of the nutrients and vitamins needed for their body size.

Golden Dox need to eat about 1 cup of high-quality food per day to maintain their weight. They also need to be fed twice daily with regular exercise in order to stay healthy. It is important that you feed them from a stainless steel or porcelain bowl since they have sensitive stomachs and may develop diarrhea if their bowls contain unpleasant odors such as plastic or metal ones that can emit after repeated use without proper care or washing. 

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The best foods for Golden Dox include :

  • Orijen Dog Food
  • Taste of the Wild Roasted Lamb Recipe for Small Breed Dogs
  • Natural Balance L.I.D. Limited Ingredient Diets Dry Formula with Natural Chicken, Brown Rice and Oatmeal 

In addition to these foods golden doxies also need a lot of fresh water throughout the day so make sure you have an ample supply on hand!

These dogs like to drink at least three times per day, but we recommend five cups as it will help keep them hydrated and healthy which is important considering this breed doesn’t shed very much hair that can clog up their system over time (like other breeds).  

Golden Retrievers are large in stature while Golden Doxies are small. This means golden doxies need about Three cups of high-quality food per day to maintain their weight, which is a little less than golden retrievers.

Golden Doxies are also prone to dental problems which means they should have dry kibble designed specifically for them rather than wet canned alternatives like other breeds would be able to eat without worry!

Price and Cost of Owning a Golden Retriever Dachshund Mix

Who doesn’t love a good dog that is loyal, loves cuddles and is always there for you.

A Golden Retriever Dachshund mix is just what you need! You can find these breeds at your local shelter or in a pet store near you.

The price of these dogs varies depending on the breeder, but they typically costs around $1000 dollars.

Do you know the average cost of owning a Golden Retriever Dachshund?

If not, then you’re in luck. We’ll break down all the costs and help make your decision easier when considering this dog breed for yourself or family members.

 The first thing to consider is food. You can expect to spend an average of $550-700 per year on food for one Golden Retriever Dachshund.

Next, let’s take care of vet bills- these are going to be anywhere from $800-$1000 annually depending on what type of insurance you have (or don’t). Lastly, there’s always toys and treats which are about $34 a year at most pet stores! All together we come up with an annual estimate

Final Thoughts

 If you are interested in getting a new dog, or just want to learn more about breeds, the Dachshund and Golden Retriever combination is perfect for families.

The Golden Retriever Dachshund mix is the best of both worlds for many people who like small dogs because these breeds have low energy levels which means less exercise needed than other high-energy dog breeds that need more space.  The golden retriever dachshund mix has some features found in each breed such as golden colorings from its retriever parent and short legs from its Dachshunds.

This crossbreed will combine two lovable dogs into one breed that has both an iconic look and personality. The dachsies are not as active as other breeds such as Huskies, so they would be great for people who live sedentary lifestyles.

They also have big personalities with a loud bark which makes them good watchdogs if your family needs someone to alert them of any strangers inside their home!

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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