Golden Retriever Chihuahua Mix Breed: Detailed Guide

The golden retriever chihuahua mix breed is one of the most popular mix dog breeds in the world. It’s a cross-breed between golden retrievers and chihuahuas, and it looks just like a golden retriever!

They have many of the best attributes from both breeds and they are great with kids!

In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about golden chi dogs – from their personality traits to how much they cost. We’ll also include some pictures for you so that you can get an idea of what these adorable puppies look like!

What does a Golden Retriever Chihuahua mix look like?

The Golden Chihuahua is a mix between Golden Retrievers and Chihuahuas. They are beautiful, intelligent dogs with a loving personality.

They are often called the “Golden Retrievers of Chiweenies.” The Golden Chihuahua has some resemblance to both breeds in their facial features and coloring.

Typically, they have long hair that can be either wavy or curly.

In most cases, this breed’s coat is lighter than that of other chihuahuas; however it ranges from blonde to red-golden to dark brownish-yellow.

These dogs also typically weigh between 10 and 20 pounds and stand anywhere from 8 inches tall at the shoulder up to 14 inches tall at the shoulder (depending on whether or not you include ears). 

They have the golden retriever’s average lifespan of 12 years.

Golden Chihuahuas are sometimes called golden chi, golden chugs or golden doodles on various social media platforms and websites!

History of Golden Retriever  Chihuahua Mix Breed

Golden chi owners may be curious about the history of their dog. So, what is the history behind the golden retriever and chihuahua mix breed? The first documented crossbreeding of a chihuahua with a golden retriever was in 1986 when Lisa Clark bred her pet Chihuahua to one of her father’s golden retrievers. This new hybrid became known as a “golden chi” or “chiweenie.” These dogs are often referred to as “designer” breeds and are popular among celebrities such as Paris Hilton, Reese Witherspoon, and Ryan Gosling who have all been spotted with this type of dog.

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They are also popular for being hypoallergenic because they don’t shed as much or have any fur.

The golden chi is a perfect pet for people who suffer from allergies because this breed sheds very little and has hair rather than fur. Their coat also doesn’t need to be groomed often, only requiring an occasional brush every once in a while!

Reasons Why You Should Adopt a Golden Retriever and Chihuahua

Golden retriever chihuahua mix breeds are the perfect combination of two different worlds. Golden retrievers are known for their lovable and trusting nature, while chihuahuas are known for being fiercely loyal to their owners. The golden chi is a great pet if you’re looking for a new furry friend that will make you laugh every day! 

5 reasons why you should adopt a golden retriever chihuahua mix breed: 

1)They are Energetic

 They’re energetic enough to keep up with your active lifestyle but small enough not to get in the way when they want some cuddle time too – 

2) They love their hoomans very much

You’ll never have another dog that loves people as much as they love everyone and everything else –

3)Good for family and with Kids

 Their friendly demeanor makes  them a perfect match for any family.They will definitely love to play with your kids for a longer period of time and make  them happy!

4)Golden Chi’s are adorable

 Golden Chi’s are utterly adorable (I mean, just look at those golden retriever eyes!)You’ll never have to worry about being lonely again – they love people and other animals too!

5) They require minimal grooming 

 Their coat is short so it doesn’t need to be groomed much more than once or twice per week.

Golden Retriever Chihuahua Personality and Temperament

Golden Chihuahuas are friendly by nature and will become attached to their owners quickly.  They love attention so they’re not good with being left alone for long periods of time . That’s what makes them such great dogs for kids since they’ll want all the hugs that your children can give them! These playful pups won’t  hesitate to start wrestling with your kids, but they know when it’s time for bed.

Golden retriever chi dogs are fun-loving and affectionate animals who will be happy to cuddle up on the couch or go running through a field with you! Those golden eyes just never seem to lose their sparkle and that big tail will always wag – even if they’re unhappy about something! These playful pups love nothing more than going for walks around the neighborhood because these little guys have lots of energy. They often enjoy playing in water too so don’t forget those doggie life jackets and boots (just make sure they fit)! Golden retriever chihuahuas mix breed is an intelligent animal whose appetite can range from being ravenous to picky.

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This breed is loyal and friendly to both people and other animals  even if they’re cats! They make for an excellent family pet because golden retriever chihuahua mix breeds are known as hypoallergenic dogs since their coat doesn’t shed much and has hair rather than fur. These dogs require minimal grooming but will need daily exercise or else they’ll get into trouble with their energy levels. The golden retriever chi can be trained to run alongside you on your bike, go running through the forest, or just lie down in front of the fireplace while you read stories from that book you’ve been meaning to get back too!

Potential Health Concerns of Golden Chihuahua Mix 

Now let’s talk about some potential health concerns of Golden Retriever Chihuahua mix breeds.

1) Hip Dysplasia 

Golden Retrievers have a higher probability for developing hip dysplasia than other breeds because of their body shape and size.

2) Eye Problems

 Golden Retrievers are prone to eye problems such as cataracts, entropion, ectropion and glaucoma which could lead to blindness if left untreated.

3) Thyroid Disease 

The thyroid gland is located in the neck near the windpipe and produces hormones that control metabolism. If this gland becomes overactive or underactive, it can lead to serious consequences such as a higher risk for heart disease in which golden retrievers are more prone than other breeds.

4) Osteosarcoma

 This is the most common type of bone cancer that golden retrievers chihuahuas mix breed dogs could get and if left untreated will spread throughout the animal’s body until they die. The best way to prevent this from happening is through regular checkups with your vet!

5) Lipoma

 A lipoma on any dog would be considered benign meaning there isn’t an increased chance of metastasis (spreading). However, these tumors grow slowly so they may not cause symptoms in golden retriever chi animals. Left unattended, however, lipomas can grow into a much larger tumor which will need to be removed.

Price and Cost of Owning a Golden Chi

Average Cost: Golden Chi can cost anywhere from $300 to $1000 depending on location and breeder/rescue agency.

The average price for a Golden Retriever is around $400-$1200, with prices varying based on region and age range (puppy vs adult).

Golden Chi owners are always wondering how much it costs to own one of these beautiful creatures. Here is a list of the average annual cost for owning your Golden Chi. 

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 1) Food: $300-$400/year

2) Vet care: $250-500 (A Golden chi’s lifespan is 11-13 years, which means they’ll need various shots during those years as well as annual checkups. Medical expenses can range anywhere from $500-$1000 annually for these services.  )

3) Treats and toys: $200

4) Vaccinations: $150

5) Grooming (once every 6 months):$120

6) Misc.: $500 TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS – Around ~$1,000

Do Golden Chis shed a lot? How to Groom Your Golden Chihuahua?

Golden chihuahuas are known for their beautiful, flowing coats that never seem to stop shedding. It’s not unheard of for a golden chi owner to vacuum the same spot on the carpet over and over again without ever satisfying their need to rid themselves of all the pet hair. The answer is simple: because they’re dogs with double coats! Golden chis shed year-round, but it tends to be worse in springtime when new growth starts popping through.

There are plenty of things you can do at home to help minimize your dog’s shedding like brushing them often or taking them outside more often.  If you want to really get a handle on the shedding, however, it’s worth checking out some of your grooming options.

See Shedding is natural and there are many ways to control golden retriever chi shedding.

Brushing and Shaving

One way is through brushing or shaving which will help remove loose hair from their coat

Bathing them Regularly

 Another option for golden retriever chi owners is bathing them regularly or getting them groomed by a professional every few months. This can be pricey but well worth it if they refuse to stop shedding!

 Trim Nails and hair  

 Start trimming nails by using sharp clippers before cutting off any long nail tips that might curl around into their pad causing irritation and pain for your pet.

Brush teeth at least twice per week, and trim hair around paws using scissors or a trimmer each time they do their business outside .

 Groom around their eyes with a soft cloth to remove dust and debris from the fur (you can also use eye makeup remover).


The Golden Chihuahua is an interesting mix of two breeds that have recently been popular .They’re a designer breed, which means they come with some challenges like the price and finding a breeder. If you want to add one of these pups to your family, be sure you know what you’re getting into before committing!

We hope you enjoyed learning about these two popular dog breeds and the adorable mixed breed dogs they produce. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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