Can Dogs Eat Timothy Grass?

Dogs like to eat almost everything they can get their paws on but can dogs eat timothy grass? The thing is that there are a lot of food items that might provoke your dog’s interest but may not be beneficial to its health. Therefore, even if you observe your dog chewing on something it finds delicious, that does not mean it should indigest it regularly.

That said, if you find that your dog likes eating hay, you should try to put a stop to the behavior immediately. There are several reasons for that such as the dog’s teeth not being designed to chew hay or timothy grass. This could lead to blockages, choking, or intestinal issues.

So, let’s find out why letting your dog munch on timothy grass may not be a good idea and why dogs sometimes love it so much.

Why Dogs Should Not Eat Hay?

Experts believe there are two types of hay that dogs can eat without experiencing serious health concerns: Timothy hay and alfalfa hay. Even though both types contain a sufficient amount of fibers but not recommended for dogs to eat on a daily basis. To begin with, hay is not known to provide an adequate amount of nutrition.

Although it is consumed by a lot of animals and packs essential nutrients but that does not stand true when it comes to dogs. Hay in itself is not a food item that can provide all the necessary essentials to your dog.

Secondly, as mentioned earlier, dog teeth are basically sharp incisors. They are long and pointed and designed to bite into and cut meat. Unlike other animals, dogs do not have enough chewing molars, which makes it difficult for them to chew and break down hay.

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This could lead to choking, upset stomach, and gastrointestinal issues. If your dog suddenly vomits or experiences diarrhea after eating hay or timothy grass, you should immediately consult the vet. Loss of appetite and lethargy are also among the most common symptoms.

Another reason you should not allow your dog to eat hay is that it can contain mold. Mold is known to cause toxicity and respiratory problems. Even if your dog does not eat hay containing mold, smelling it could also cause breathing difficulties coughing and breathing, etc.

What if my dog ate hay?

If you have come to know that your dog has eaten a bit of hay, you should closely monitor it for symptoms. If there aren’t any, you should not be concerned. However, if your dog has consumed plenty, you will have to seek medical attention.

Be on the lookout for the symptoms mentioned previously. If there are serious health concerns, you should take your dog to a vet. It might be that the vet induces vomiting to flush out the dog’s system. And in the worst-case scenarios, the dog might require surgery as well if hay is blocking vital orangs inside.

What are the benefits of Alfalfa Hay for dogs?

Although Alfalfa hay is a type of grass but can also be used as an herb. It has been found that Alfalfa hay contains several important nutrients such as vitamin C, A, E, K, B12, and protein. Plus, it is also known to contain essential minerals and is recognized as one of the best sources of antioxidant chlorophyll, and anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties.

In some cases, Alfalfa is used as a medicine but you should consult your vet before offering some. Keep in mind that you should only offer a moderate amount of Alfalfa hay. Overdoing can trigger serious health conditions. Moreover, you should also take into consideration any underlying health conditions. There are several eatable items out there that are beneficial to dogs but some elements can result in reactions.

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Why do some dogs like to eat hay?

The reason you might come across some dogs eating hay even after consuming a healthy meal is that it produces a smell that is irresistible to dogs. Sometimes, dogs will eat hay to make up for the nutrient deficiency not offered in full by their diet. Therefore, they might think that hay is a good source of fiber, and eating plenty of it will make their hunger go away.


Is eating grass poisonous to dogs?

Dogs without any serious underlying health conditions can eat grass. However, it should not be made a regular part of your dog’s diet. Plus, it should be made sure that the grass does not contain pesticides or fertilizers that can be extremely toxic.

Is hay ok for puppies?

Even though hay and straw are considered suitable beddings for livestock but not recommended for dogs. The beddings can contain fleas and bugs that can bite and irritate the dog, leading to skin conditions.

Is grass good for dogs with an upset stomach?

Most vets agree that eating grass helps soothe a dog with an upset stomach. However, that does not stand true for every type out there. Before offering some, you should consult your vet and offer a small amount at the beginning. If the dog does not show any symptoms, you can offer a bit more but not excessively.


Being a dog parent is not easy. Sometimes, dogs tend to lean towards things that might be toxic to their health. Before offering something new, you should make sure it is free of toxic and harmful ingredients and your dog is not allergic to them. The same rule applies to timothy grass as well, which should be replaced by other healthier alternatives to prevent life-threatening risks.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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