Although teddy grahams are a delicious snack for humans but can dogs eat teddy grahams? Before we answer this question, it is important for you to consider the ingredients used to make teddy grahams such as sugar, salt, honey, etc.
In addition to that, teddy grahams are also a high-calorie snack that is not healthy for your dog in the long run. Combined with sugar and honey, your dog might suffer from several health concerns if you ignore the quantity offered. On top of that, teddy grahams have little to zero nutritional benefits, which makes them a not-so-preferable snack for your furry friend.
So, let’s dig a bit deeper and see why you should avoid teddy grahams and what health scares it could lead to. Let’s begin.
Are teddy grahams safe for dogs?
Teddy grahams are safe for dogs as long as they are offered in moderation. This snack is not something you offer to your dog on a daily basis since it does not contain any nutritional benefits. Plus, there are some teddy grahams that might also contain chocolate or xylitol, which is extremely harmful to dogs.
This means that even if you plan on offering some teddy grahams to your dog, you should carefully go through the ingredients list to make sure it is free of toxic items. If offered regularly, teddy grahams could cause diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. This is due to the fact that teddy grahams are high in calories and sugar, which can contribute to unhealthy weight.
In addition to that, some dogs might also experience allergic reactions due to the ingredients used. Therefore, if you are skeptical about feeding teddy grahams, you should offer one or two pieces at the most and wait for any symptoms. You might observe sneezing, coughing, or scratching.
Furthermore, you should avoid offering anything that is made using an artificial sweetener. Artificial sweeteners can result in long-term health concerns such as diabetes if consumed regularly.
Can I make offer homemade graham crackers to my dog?
Yes, you can prepare some graham crackers at home and feed them to your dog, ensuring that the recipe is free of any potentially toxic ingredients. Commercially available graham crackers contain a lot of ingredients to meet the majority’s needs and preferences. However, you risk the health of your dog by feeding them.
The good news is that preparing graham crackers at home is not rocket science. You can use bananas, cinnamon, graham flour, brown sugar, and peanut butter. These ingredients when compared to salt, sugar, etc. tend to provide relatively better nutritional value, preventing your dog from gaining weight or suffering from diabetes.
What if my dog eats teddy grahams?
If your dog happens to eat teddy grahams while you were not being attentive, you should wait and watch out for any symptoms. In the case of your dog eating a small amount, it is most likely to walk away without any symptoms. However, if it has devoured excess amounts, you might need to provide medication upon consulting the vet.
In addition to that, the symptoms also vary based on the age, size, and breed of the dog. Some dogs walk away without showing any symptoms, while others take time to show. Therefore, even if your dog seems to be perfectly fine after eating teddy grahams, you should monitor it closely just to be on the safe side.
What are the different types of graham crackers and can dogs eat them?
There are several different types of graham crackers available in the market. To begin with, dogs can eat Annie’s Organic Bunny Grahams which are made with organic ingredients. This means these crackers are free of any pesticides or potentially toxic ingredients. However, you need to keep in mind that they are still high in sugar and calories.
Then, comes the Honey Maid Graham Crackers that do not contain sugar as the second ingredient. But still, these crackers come with 140 calories in one serving. Additionally, Honey Maid Graham crackers mostly use oils and flours. These ingredients are quite safe but not healthy for long-term consumption.
Moving on, dogs can also eat Peanut Butter Graham Crackers. Peanut butter happens to be an excellent source of proteins for dogs and you can use it while preparing homemade crackers as well. But you have to keep in mind that peanut butter should only be offered in moderation. Peanut butter graham crackers can also be high in sugar, which might lead to complications.
Can graham crackers cause diarrhea in dogs?
If consumed in moderation, dogs are less likely to suffer from diarrhea. It also depends on the breed and size of the dog. Some dogs process carbohydrates and other ingredients better than others. However, if it is the dog’s first time eating graham crackers, you should expect a bit of stomach upset.
What kind of crackers can dogs eat?
Dogs can safely eat unsalted or plain crackers but in very small quantities and on rare occasions. And since they are made for humans, dogs should be offered snacks that are packed with healthy nutrients.
Can dogs have a Ritz Cracker?
No, dogs should not be eating Ritz crackers. They can be harmful to your dog’s health since they are packed with gluten, salt, sugar, and carbohydrates. Plus, dogs suffering from wheat allergies might also have a problem after eating Ritz crackers.
Teddy grahams in themselves are safe for dogs but you should avoid offering them if possible. The main problem lies with how many your dog eats and how regularly. Considering the fact that teddy grahams contain several ingredients that are potentially harmful to dogs, you should either opt for homemade teddy grahams or other healthier alternatives.