Can Dogs Eat Tamales?

It’s not surprising to see your dog wagging its tail when it comes to treats but can dogs eat tamales? Even though dogs are fond of food but that does not mean they will have a good time working with every food item.

In the case of tamales, the experts seem to be divided. While some are of the view that dogs can eat the meat inside the Tamales as long as it is not seasoned with toxic ingredients, others believe that dogs should avoid tamales altogether since dogs sometimes tend to be sensitive to human foods.

So, let’s take a closer look into what are the potential risks and benefits associated with feeding Tamales to your dog and how you can feed it the right way to avoid any serious health concerns.

Are Tamales safe for dogs to eat?

Although Tamales in themselves are neither harmful nor toxic to your dog but the ingredients used can be problematic. For instance, spices, salsa, onion, etc. are among the basic ingredients used in the preparation of Tamales. In addition to that, the corn huff can also carry health risks for your dog.

Considering the fact that Tamales also contain a high amount of sodium, it could lead to sodium poisoning if your dog happens to consume Tamales in excess or offered with due negligence. Therefore, if you plan on offering some Tamales to your dog, be 100% sure that it does not contain any ingredients that might upset its health.

What ingredients of Tamales are harmful to dogs?

Tamales contain sodium, spices, saturated fats, corn dough of genetically mutated corn, and the husk, which makes it a slightly risky food item for your dog. To begin with, salt or sodium is added during the meat filling and masa in tamales. This means that Tamales tend to contain a generous amount of sodium.

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A little salt in your dog’s diet might not do any harm but if given in excess can lead to salt poisoning as mentioned earlier. Too much salt results in high blood pressure and can lead to chronic cardiovascular problems in the long run. And in the worst-case scenarios, sodium poisoning can also cause severe dehydration, which is not good for your pet’s overall health.

Furthermore, when it comes to spices, Tamales contain garlic, salsas, onions, and several other seasonings. These spices are made for human consumption and not animals. Plus, garlic and onion are proven to be toxic to dogs. They can cause gastrointestinal problems in your dog, leading to irritation, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Moreover, traditional Tamales contain a lot of lard that is used in the masa. In simple terms, lard is rendered fat from pigs and other saturated fat sources. What this means is that too much-saturated fat is not good for your dog’s health. The reason is that saturated fat triggers and increases the levels of bad cholesterol in your dog. Not only does this increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases in your dog but also puts it at a higher risk of inflammation.

Next, comes the genetically mutated corn that is increasingly becoming popular. However, GMO-tainted foods are not safe for dogs to consume. Experts believe that feeding your dog tamales made from genetically mutated corn can have serious health risks in the long run. It could lead to allergies, blood-sugar problems, and even cancer.

Finally, the corn husk of Tamales can give your dog a hard time when it comes to digestion. Your dog might be able to digest a small piece of the husk but offering a large piece is not advised. Since the digestive system in dogs is not designed to process such food items, your dog can easily end up upsetting its stomach.

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What are the benefits of feeding tamales to your dog?

Tamales tend to contain proteins, fiber, vitamins, and minerals that can help improve your dog’s health. For instance, Tamales contain meats of beef, chicken, and pork. These are known to carry high amounts of protein. If served in moderation, a good amount of proteins will help strengthen your dog’s bones.

Fiber on the other hand is known to help with digestion processes. An appropriate amount of fiber will help prevent constipation in your dog. Plus, fiber also helps with passing food through the digestive tract.

Moreover, Tamales also contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. It is rich in iron, zinc, potassium, and vitamins like A, K, and B. These minerals and vitamins combined help improve immunity in your dog. In addition to that, your dog receiving a sufficient amount of these vitamins and minerals gets to develop and improve its bone health.

However, despite the presence of healthy ingredients in Tamales, some people believe that there is still some uncertainty surrounding their consumption and side effects.

How to make healthy Tamales for your dog?

If you don’t want to risk your dog’s health by offering pre-made Tamales, you can easily make some at home. This way, you can ensure that the Mexican delicacy is free of any harmful ingredients that might pose a health risk. To begin with, you should consider replacing the meat. Meats with a lot of saturated fat should be avoided.

Look for healthier alternatives and add some beans, turkey, and even vegetables for that matter. Since beans and vegetables tend to contain a lot of fiber, your dog will receive some help with digestion as well. Additionally, avoid adding spices and ingredients like garlic, onion, and salsas. Plus, be careful of the amount of salt included.

And finally, exclude the husk. The husk possesses the highest risk to your dog. Therefore, remove the husk and only offer what the inside to your dog. Tamales husk can lead to choking, leading to death within minutes.

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What to do if my dog accidentally consumes Tamales?

If your dog happens to accidentally consume Tamales, you should look for signs such as nausea and vomiting. Depending on the size and breed of your dog, it may or may not show symptoms. Smaller dogs are more sensitive and will show such signs in a matter of a few minutes. Meanwhile, mature dogs can sometimes walk away without any symptoms whatsoever.

FAQs related to dogs and tamales!

Are tamales good for digestion?

Yes, tamales are known to contain a sufficient amount of fiber. This is beneficial for both humans and pets in terms of digestion. However, if consumed in excess, can lead to several health problems.

How many tamales can a dog eat?

Dogs can eat Tamales in moderation. If you own a puppy, you should offer a tiny piece that is easy for digestion but without the husk. And in the case of a mature dog, you can offer tamales once or twice a week, having removed the toxic ingredients.

What human foods can I feed my dog?

Human foods such as berries, melon, cheese, and fish are relatively safe for dogs to eat but only in moderation. Dogs should never consume too much of any food item, especially human foods. Their digestive systems are not made to process complex food items.


As a dog parent, it is your utmost responsibility to look after your dog’s health. Tamales maybe a popular Mexican delicacy but unfit for your dog. Therefore, just in case you plan on offering some Tamales as a treat, make sure that you prepare them at home and avoid using harmful ingredients.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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