Is Sriracha Sauce Safe for Dogs?

Dipping sauces work like a charm with so many things. Bland omelet? A dash of hot sauce. Need more spice with fried chicken? Just have some sriracha sauce. Sriracha compliments, well, everything it is paired with. But can it be paired with your dog’s food? Can dogs eat sriracha sauce?

Can dogs eat sriracha?

No, dogs must never eat sriracha or any other hot sauce. Though sriracha is not directly toxic for dogs, the ingredients used are incredibly unhealthy for them. There is literally no nutritional value in sauces like sriracha.

The history of sriracha sauce goes back to 1949. A humble housewife in Thailand mixed a few ingredients and set the base for one of the most famous hot sauces in the world. Later, the recipe was modified, but the basic ingredients remained the same – salt, garlic, vinegar, and sugar.

You may want your pup to enjoy sriracha just like you but believe us when we tell you, sriracha is terrible for your dog. Why? Let’s take a look at what a bottle of sriracha contains.

Ingredients and nutritional value of sriracha sauce

Sriracha sauce can be made with a variety of ingredients. Commercially prepared sriracha usually has a few basic ingredients, including:

  • Peppers
  • Salt
  • Vinegar
  • Sugar
  • Garlic
  • Xanthan gum

Following are the elements found in one teaspoon (6.5g) of sriracha sauce:

Calories6 Kcal
Fat0.1 g
Sodium138 mg
Carbohydrates1.3 g
Fiber0.1 g
Sugars1 g
Vitamin C1.75 mg

Hazards of sriracha sauce for dogs

As you can see from the table above, there are no healthy nutrients in sriracha sauce. Your dog can eat sriracha, but it will definitely end up sick. Dogs do not have taste buds that differentiate between spicy and regular food.

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If you feed your dog something doused in sriracha sauce, it will gladly eat it all. In fact, it may seem to enjoy it. As a pet owner, you should know that some foods negatively affect a dog’s digestive tract later.

How do the ingredients in sriracha affect your dog? Let’s have a look:

  • Sugar – even a mere teaspoon of sriracha contains 1g of sugar. Imagine the amount of sugar if you feed spoonfuls of sriracha to your dog on a regular basis. High consumption of sugar can lead to obesity and diabetes in dogs. It also makes teeth and bones weaker.
  • Salt – a dog can safely have 200mg of sodium per day. A single teaspoon of sriracha has a staggering amount of 139mg of sodium. You can be sure that consumption of sriracha can lead to sodium poisoning in dogs. It also causes glaucoma, heart problems, and even stroke.
  • Garlic – onion, and garlic are the two root vegetables that must never be fed to your dog. These veggies from the allium family contain thiosulphate, which is extremely toxic for dogs. This is all the more reason to keep your dog miles away from the sriracha.

All that being said, sriracha sauce is not immediately toxic for your dog.

What would happen if my dog ate sriracha?

If you have mistakenly fed a little sriracha to your dog, the chances are high that it will be fine. However, it may feel a little discomfort and tummy aches. But if your dog starts throwing up or you see signs of diarrhea, call a vet immediately.

What should I do if my dog ate sriracha?

If your dog ate a tiny amount of sriracha, it should be fine. However, if it consumed a large amount, you should immediately rush your pup to the vet.

Related FAQs to whether dogs can eat sriracha!

What if my dog ate sriracha?

Your dog should be fine if it has consumed a little sriracha. However, the dog may get sick afterward if the amount of sriracha eaten is more than safe. You should always keep sauces like sriracha away from your pet dog.

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Is hot sauce poisonous to dogs?

Hot sauce isn’t poisonous to dogs, but they still shouldn’t eat it. The spices can upset the stomach, cause heartburn, and even ulcers in the stomach.

Can dogs eat sriracha mayo?

No, dogs cannot eat any variation of sriracha sauce. It may cause cough and sneeze in your dog as well as severe stomach problems.

Can dogs eat Nando’s?

No, dogs should not eat Nando’s because their food is spicy and can cause stomach problems like diarrhea, gas, and pain.

Concluding our thoughts on whether dogs can eat sriracha!

Sriracha sauce may be your favorite condiment, and you’d love to eat it with everything. As much as you would love to do the same for your dog, it is simply too dangerous for your pup’s health.

If you want your precious dog to enjoy his food without getting sick afterward, keep stuff like sriracha away from it!

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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