Can I Feed Nuggets to My Dog?

Nuggets make the most delicious of all snacks. They’re easy to make and easy to eat. No hassle, only munching. You should not be surprised if your dog gives you puppy eyes the minute you’re about to eat nuggets. This cute little scenario raises the question, can dogs eat nuggets?

Can dogs eat nuggets?

Yes, dogs can eat nuggets, but they should not. The processed meat used in nuggets is unhealthy for dogs. Munching a nugget or two once in a while is fine, but you should never serve your dog nuggets as a meal!

Generally, the nuggets you get from any fast-food chain are made with chicken. Making the chicken nuggets on a commercial scale requires a ton of preservatives and processing. Neither processed meat nor preservatives are good for your dog.

Nuggets are one of those human foods that do more harm than good to your dog. Apart from the lean protein from the meat, there is not much to talk about a nugget’s nutritional value. Your dog can eat nuggets, but they’ll be compromising their health in the long run.

Hazards of nuggets for dogs

As already mentioned, nuggets are made up of processed meat (often chicken). What do we exactly mean by “processed meat”?

Processed meat is defined as mixing one or more types of meat with some ingredients that ensure the preservation of flavors. These preservatives are not healthy for humans as well as for dogs.

Sodium and potassium nitrates are the most common preservatives used in processed foods. They are added to “cure” the meat.

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Curing rids the meat of all moisture so that the edibles don’t get rotten.

It has been confirmed that these nitrates may cause cancer in humans and animals if consumed in large quantities. Nuggets from the fast-food chains are no better. On top of these preservatives, the nuggets are deep-fried in oil. All these nitrates and unhealthy fatty acids will make your dog sick.

While your dog can eat a nugget occasionally, regular consumption may cause:

  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiac problems
  • Dehydration
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy

What kind of nuggets are good for dogs?

By now, you must have figured out the answer. Nuggets are safe for your dog as long as they are prepared at home and contain no salt and spices. You can also have fun experimenting with making nuggets with different ingredients – they don’t always have to be made from meat.

Also, say no to fried nuggets when feeding your dog. Cooking oils are bad for your dog. Instead, bake the nuggets or air fry them. We promise you; that your dog won’t notice the difference!

Healthy nugget recipe for dogs

We understand your pain as a pet owner for keeping your dogs healthy. Here’s a healthy nugget recipe that you can make at home and feed your dog without any worries:


  • Carrot – 1 medium-sized
  • Sweet potato – 1 large
  • Chicken breast – 1
  • Olive oil – 1 tsp
  • Oats – a handful
  • Honey – optional


  1. Preheat your oven to 225°F.
  2. Separately boil or steam chicken, sweet potato and carrot.
  3. Once boiled, shred the chicken into small pieces.
  4. In a bowl, mash carrot and sweet potato until the mixture is smooth.
  5. Add in the chicken a drizzle of olive oil and oats.
  6. Use your hands to mix everything well together. Make sure there are no large chunks.
  7. Grease a muffin tray and use a spoon to put the nugget mixture in each slot.
  8. Bake for 2 hours and flip the nuggets halfway through the time.
  9. Cool down the nuggets on a rack before serving them to your dog.
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Related FAQs

Can dogs eat McDonald’s nuggets?

Always avoid giving McDonald’s McNuggets to your dog. Dogs should not eat nuggets from fast-food chains. These nuggets contain preservatives and other toxic chemicals that can prove fatal for your dog.

Can chicken nuggets make a dog sick?

Chicken nuggets are not directly toxic for dogs. But the ingredients used to make these nuggets are unhealthy for them. Your dog might get sick if you keep feeding them nuggets.

Can dogs eat fries?

Fries are healthy for dogs only if they are not deep-fried. If you want to feed fries to your dog, you must bake or air fry them with no seasoning.

Final word on feeding nuggets to your dog!

Dogs are omnivores. No matter what the old-school people tell you, your aim should always be to plan a balanced diet for your pet dog. Their diet should contain healthy amounts of proteins, fibers, carbs, minerals, and other essential nutrients.

Nuggets may be the easiest thing to feed your dog, but it is not the healthiest. Make sure to never feed a lot of nuggets to your dog, or else you’ll regret it later.

Photo of author

Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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