Facts About Feeding Napa Cabbage to Your Dogs!

Contrary to popular misconception, dogs are omnivores. Their diet must consist of 30% vegetables and fruits. If you’ve been going all-meat for your dogs, you might have been doing your job wrong. Vegetables are important for your dog and what better way to introduce veggies than to cut up some good old napa cabbage. But can your dog eat napa cabbage?

Can dogs eat napa cabbage?

Yes, dogs can eat napa and other cabbages. Napa cabbage is a healthy vegetable for dogs as it contains dietary fibers and vitamin C. It also has some antioxidants which keep the dog’s body from developing cancerous cells.

The leaves of napa cabbage are slightly longer than the regular cabbage. The head of the cabbage is also a bit wider with light green and white colored leaves. Napa cabbage is also known as Chinese cabbage and is frequently used in Chinese and other Asian cuisines. You can feed napa cabbage to your dog, but “moderate quantity” is the key here.

What are the health benefits of napa cabbage for dogs?

Let’s take a quick look at how napa cabbage can improve your dog’s health:

  • Napa cabbage contains vitamins that are not only essential for a dog’s body but also boost their digestive system. The dietary fiber in napa cabbage helps in digesting the food properly. It binds itself with the bile in the stomach and excretes out without any problem. Dietary fiber also prevents constipation in dogs.
  • The excess of different vitamins in napa cabbage ensures healthy skin and fur for dogs. Dogs who eat napa cabbage regularly with their meals have healthier and hydrated skin. The vitamins prevent dry patches from being formed on your dog’s skin.
  • Napa cabbage is rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are the elements responsible for eliminating harmful radicals from the body. These radicals may cause abnormal cell growth, resulting in cancer.
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How to give napa cabbage to your dog?

Napa cabbage can be used as a standalone meal. But we advise you to use napa cabbage as the secondary food item in your dog’s meal. Your dog can eat raw napa cabbage, but the chances are that it would be too hard for them to chew.

Start by feeding small quantities of napa cabbage to your dog. Keep an eye on their reaction to it. If you find your dog gassy or nauseated afterwards, stop feeding napa cabbage to them completely.

The best way to feed napa cabbage to your dog is to steam it unseasoned and cut it up into small pieces. That way, your dog can enjoy all the goodness of napa cabbage without choking. Steaming also softens the fibers in napa cabbage, making them easier to digest.

Another benefit of steaming napa cabbage is the breakdown of the hazardous thiocyanate. Thiocyanate is toxic for dogs and can cause serious health issues. Steaming the napa cabbage breaks this toxin down to be no more dangerous to your dog friend.

Hazards of napa cabbage for dogs

Cabbages of all kinds are generally good for your dog’s health. The only things you should be careful about are the ways to feed napa cabbage to your dog and the quantity. You might be enthusiastic about introducing this cabbage to your dog, but there’s a chance that your dog won’t like it at all.

If you feed too much napa cabbage to your dogs, they can get gassy or worse, diarrhea and vomiting. The same can be said about feeding raw cabbage to your dog. Raw napa cabbage is hard to chew and may cause indigestion in your dogs.

The toxin thiocyanate can cause hyperthyroidism in dogs. Feeding raw napa cabbage may result in your dog getting sick from thiocyanate. That is why it is recommended to feed your dog cooked and unseasoned napa cabbage.

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Related FAQs to napa cabbage and dogs!

Can dogs eat Chinese cabbage?

Yes, dogs can eat Chinese cabbage. Chinese cabbage is the same as napa cabbage. Napa cabbage or Chinese cabbage is safe for dogs but in controlled quantities.

How much napa cabbage is good for dogs?

Adult dogs can eat a handful of napa cabbage with their regular meals. Puppies should not be given more than two bites of napa cabbage per meal.

Can my dog eat cabbage every day?

Yes, dogs can eat cabbage every day. They are rich in antioxidants and vitamins that are good for a dog’s health. The quantity of cabbage must not exceed a handful.

Can dogs eat raw cabbage?

Dogs can eat raw cabbage, but it is not generally recommended. Raw cabbage has fibers that are difficult to digest for dogs. Steaming or cooking the cabbage without seasoning is the best way to feed it to the dogs.

Final verdict on can dogs eat napa cabbage!

Napa cabbage is among the healthiest vegetables for your dog. It contains a ton of wonderful nutrients that contributes to your dog’s health. As a good pet owner, your job is to feed your dog the right way and in suitable quantities. Adopting this lifestyle will ensure a happy and healthy dog.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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