Can Dogs Eat Monk Fruit?

Considering that monk fruit is a natural alternative to sugar, you might have wondered can dogs eat monk fruit as well? It is a well-known fact that excessive sugar intake in both humans and dogs is not healthy. However, sometimes you need to treat your dog by offering something special for being a good pet.

Well, yes, dogs can eat monk fruit. It is not the healthiest option for your dog but does not cause any harm either. If your dog has accidentally ingested monk fruit, you do not need to panic. However, keep an eye on your pup, as some dogs may have sensitive stomachs that might react to the fruit.

Therefore, let’s take a closer look at what exactly monk fruit is and how it can affect your dog’s overall health.

Is monk fruit poisonous to dogs?

Generally, monk fruit is termed safe for dogs. This sweetener does not pose any threat as long as it is free of xylitol, which is poisonous to dogs. In fact, back in 2006, a study conducted on six dogs found that offering monk fruit every day for six months did not have any effect on the organs, blood, etc.

However, that does not mean you should continue feeding monk fruit to your pet. Anything that carries more risk than benefits should be avoided. At the same time, if your dog happens to ingest some, you should not panic. Additionally, experts are of the view that artificially sweetened foods should not be part of a dog’s regular diet.

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If you plan on buying a monk fruit sweetener for yourself, make sure it contains erythritol, which is relatively safe.

What to do if my dog has eaten monk fruit?

If your dog has eaten monk fruit, you should closely monitor it for any symptoms even though monk fruit is not known to cause any harm but keep in mind that there are not enough studies conducted on its side effects. Therefore, some dogs may walk away without any symptoms, while others may suffer from serious ones.

In addition to that, monk fruit is a new sweetener in the market. It is neither common around the world nor popularly grown, which can make it expensive. Therefore, unless you are aware of the ingredients inside the monk fruit, you should avoid offering it to your dog. And if your dog has a sensitive stomach, you might observe it vomiting after ingesting monk fruit.

Is stevia toxic to dogs?

Similar to monk fruit, other sugar-free products such as stevia, sucralose, aspartame, and saccharin are not known to be toxic to dogs. Then again, as long as there is no xylitol, you should not be worried. At the same time, if you were wondering, these sugar-free products do not cause bloating either.

For instance, monk fruit, a type of sugar alcohol, is 25 to 100 times sweeter than regular sugar and acts the same way as other sugar alcohols. However, when it comes to bloating and abdominal discomfort, neither stevia nor monk fruit is known to result in any serious health concerns.

Stevia vs. Monk Fruit: What tastes better for dogs?

Both stevia and monk fruit carry unique tastes. Stevia tastes sweeter but has a stronger bitter aftertaste compared to monk fruit. Therefore, it totally depends on your dog’s preference and which he develops a taste for.

Apart from the taste, some dog owners also wonder if monk fruit causes diarrhea. Keep in mind that pure and natural monk fruit sweeteners do not influence or affect your dog’s digestive system. However, if you were to opt for commercially available monk fruits, you should know they contain bulking agents. These ingredients can cause diarrhea, gas, and other intestinal symptoms.

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Does monk fruit spike insulin?

No, natural sweeteners like monk fruit and stevia do not raise glucose levels and contain relatively fewer calories than sugar. With that said, monk fruit is less likely to cause any spike in your dog’s insulin level. As a result, you won’t observe an increase in your dog’s weight as well.

And plus, it is a proven fact that consuming too much sugar affects the liver, teeth, and heart and adds to the overall weight. However, monk fruit is not known to cause any of these concerns. 

Related FAQs

What kind of sugar is in monk fruit?

Monk fruit contains natural sugars like glucose and fructose, but these sugars are not responsible for its sweet taste. The reason behind the sweetness is the unique antioxidants mogrosides in it.

What artificial sweetener is toxic to dogs?

Xylitol is toxic to dogs. It is found naturally and is extracted from corn cobs and birch. It is used as a sweetener in commercial products like candy, gum, toothpaste, and baked items.

This sweetener is absorbed quickly by dogs and is very harmful to them if they consume a bit too much of any of the items above.

Is monk fruit safe for kidneys?

Yes, monk fruit is safe for kidneys; it also helps prevent different kinds of infections such as sore throat or gum infections. Therefore, people with weaker kidneys can safely try monk fruit or its extract to prevent kidney-related conditions.

Concluding our thoughts on whether dogs can eat monk fruit

While your dog might get away with eating a small amount of monk fruit, it is not a good idea to offer it the sweetener voluntarily. Artificial sweeteners are primarily designed for humans and not dogs. Therefore, unless strong research concludes that it won’t harm your dog if offered regularly, you should opt for healthier alternatives than monk fruit.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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