Can Dogs Eat Miso Soup?

Miso soup is a delicious food item that is usually consumed as a main course but can dogs eat miso soup as well? Made using several different ingredients like proteins and vegetables, this salty broth has a unique flavor profile.

Even though it is popular amongst humans, when it comes to dogs, you should avoid miso soup due to its salt concentration and ingredients like onion and garlic that are proven to be harmful. Typically, offering a taste won’t do much harm, but placing a full bowl will surely mess up your pup’s digestive system.

Let’s dig deeper and see why this food item is healthy for humans but the opposite for canines.

Is miso soup safe for dogs?

Miso soup is known to pass on several health benefits to humans, but not in the case of dogs. As mentioned earlier, miso soup is made using several ingredients that are not suitable for dogs. It can cause an upset stomach in your pup too. Although your dog can have a taste of it, you cannot offer miso soup as a regular food item.

Furthermore, miso soup is a traditional Japanese soup that is made using dashi stock and miso paste. The miso paste is basically a fermented soybean ingredient. Meanwhile, the dashi stock comprises several different ingredients based on flavor strength and profile. The most commonly used dashi ingredients are dried sardines, bonito flakes, or dried shiitake mushrooms.

Therefore, miso soup is not supposed to harm humans as their digestive system is engineered to process such food items. However, in the case of dogs, this soup is more of a risk than a healthy food item.

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What are the risks of feeding miso soup to your dog?

Even though offering a taste won’t harm your dog, most experts suggest that you should still avoid offering miso soup regardless of the quantity. The reason is that there are several health concerns attached, such as dehydration, sodium toxicity, and allergic reactions.

Soy allergy

Since miso is made using fermented soybean paste, there is a huge chance that your dog will be affected if it suffers from a soy allergy. Some reactions can be deadly, and even tasting the soup can trigger allergic reactions. Therefore, you must be aware of the ingredients used in soups and other food items before offering them to your dog.


Pancreatitis is a serious health concern that can occur in your dog if you continue to offer it miso soup for longer periods. Although pancreatitis happens due to several different factors, some of them are related to the diet of dogs. For instance, if the diet happens to be rich in fat, it can lead to pancreatitis. The symptoms of this disease are fever, diarrhea, vomiting, etc.


Miso soup has a salty flavor since salt is added during the soup preparation process. It is well-known that high salt content is dangerous for dogs as it can lead to several health concerns, and dehydration is one of them. If you observe that your dog has a dry nose or has lost its appetite, you should reconsider the diet plan.

On the other hand, if your dog is drinking too much water and making frequent visits to the bathroom, it might point to a dehydration problem.

Sodium toxicity

Another major health concern related to miso soup is sodium toxicity. Sodium toxicity, also known as salt poisoning, can have serious consequences on your dog’s health. Some common symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and even seizures in worst-case scenarios. These reactions do not occur immediately but will do so as you continue feeding miso soup to your dog.

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Related FAQs to miso soup and dogs!

How bad is miso soup for dogs?

Miso soup can be dangerous to dogs, provided that harmful ingredients are used. However, suppose the salt concentration is less and relatively safe ingredients are used. In that case, your dog should not have a problem ingesting it.

Can you eat raw miso paste?

Humans can eat raw miso paste, but it is not recommended for dogs. This is primarily due to high sodium content that can result in serious health reactions. This is why dog owners need to go through the ingredients to keep them from triggering any reactions.

Can dogs eat tofu?

Yes, dogs can eat tofu; however, it should be offered in small quantities as a treat every once in a while.

Concluding our thoughts on whether dogs can eat miso soup!

Miso soup itself is not toxic to dogs. The only reason it is considered dangerous is due to the ingredients used. For instance, onions are toxic and should be avoided. However, miso soup is associated with a lower risk of breast cancer in humans. This means that dog owners should be careful while selecting ingredients as what might be safe for them could be toxic to their furry friends.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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