Can Dogs Eat Kimchi?

Your dog might want to taste everything you eat, but can dogs eat kimchi? Kimchi is a popular Korean side dish and condiment made using fermented radishes, vegetables, and a variety of seasonings and spices. The result is a tasty dish that is proven to be healthy among humans.

However, when it comes to pets, dogs should never eat kimchi. The primary reason is that kimchi consists of several ingredients that might be harmful to your dog.

Therefore, let’s discuss further and try to find out what makes kimchi a not-so-desirable food item for your furry friend.

Is kimchi safe for dogs to eat?

When it comes to deciding whether kimchi is safe for dogs, most experts remain divided. Some believe that kimchi should be avoided, whereas others believe that dogs can have kimchi in moderation as long as it isn’t too spicy.

It is argued that fermented food items, especially fermented vegetables, have numerous health benefits for both humans and dogs. However, it is important to keep in mind that the digestive systems differ as well. What is suitable for humans may not be appropriate for dogs.

A major factor that comes to mind while offering kimchi to dogs is the ingredients used, like garlic, onion, and salt, that might prove toxic to dogs, especially if consumed regularly. Plus, kimchi is also spicy, which can lead to health concerns like diarrhea, pain, and GI.

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In addition to that, if your dog has ingested some kimchi without you being aware of it, you should not panic. Look out for any reactions and provide medication accordingly.

Are all vegetables safe for dogs?

Most vegetables are safe for dogs, but some can be harmful too, like onions, garlic, chives, etc.

For instance, there are a lot of variations of kimchi that are mostly associated with fermented cabbage. However, some variations do not use fermented cabbage but other fermented veggies.

Considering the number of variations, it is important that you thoroughly consider the ingredients used before offering kimchi to your dog. Some food ingredients are known to be beneficial to humans but are the opposite case when it comes to dogs.

The difference primarily lies in the way the digestive systems work in both humans and dogs. A chief characteristic of the digestive system in dogs is that it isn’t made for processing vegetables. And then there are the teeth.

Dog teeth are long and sharp to help eat meat. However, human teeth are long and flat to help chew and ingest vegetables as well. Therefore, in some cases, dogs might also end up choking on certain vegetables.

Furthermore, the human digestive tract is comparatively longer since vegetables and other high-fiber foods take time to process. On the other hand, a dog’s digestive tract is 20 times smaller, which is only made for processing meat. This is why you can find undigested vegetable pieces in dog excretions.

Is fermented food safe for dogs?

Yes, fermented food is safe for dogs to eat. You might have come across wild dogs eating dead animals or feeding on their prey. The interesting factor here is that the dog consumes the fermented stomach contents of the dead animal. This way, they get plenty of fermented food along with beneficial bacteria.

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In addition to that, before dogs are domesticated, they receive a sufficient amount of phytonutrients and antioxidants from their prey’s digestive organs. At the same time, fermented food is loaded with probiotics as well. Since probiotics are also found in kimchi, it is safe to say that your dog can improve its overall health if only safe vegetables are used.

Moreover, fermented vegetables contain detoxifiers and chelators that help the body get rid oftoxins and heavy metals. Plus, fermented foods also come with vitamin C, B complex, K2, and enzymes that help produce choline, amino acids, and acetylcholine.

So, yes, fermented food is safe for dogs as long as the food item itself is not a danger to dogs.

Potential health benefits of kimchi

Kimchi can be made using several different ingredients, offering varying health benefits. According to several studies, fermented food items help you improve your dog’s immune system, dental health, and bowel movements. In addition to that, your dog is better able to manage weight, maintain a stable blood sugar level, and even get protection against parasites.

How can I feed kimchi to my dog?

Make sure to feed your pup a small quantity of kimchi to see how it reacts. Ensure that the kimchi does not contain any vegetables that are toxic to dogs. When feeding kimchi, just keep fresh water next to your dog because kimchi contains lots of salt, which can make it thirsty.

You can gradually increase the portion of kimchi per 20 pounds of body weight if your pup enjoys it.

It is quite possible that a puppy quickly develops a taste, while a mature dog does not. In this case, you should not force your dog to eat veggies. The taste and texture might not suit your dog in the long run.

Related FAQs to kimchi and dogs!

Is fermented cabbage good for dogs?

Yes, fermented cabbage is good for dogs as it is loaded with essential nutrients. It can either be offered alone or used to flavor hot dogs or any other food items.

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Can dogs eat Korean cabbage?

All types of cabbages are safe and healthy for dogs. They are rich in antioxidants which will benefit your pup a lot!

Can dogs eat spicy food?

No, spicy foods should not be given to dogs. Spices can cause stomach issues in your pup, such as pain, diarrhea, and gas. These foods may also increase thirst and lead to vomiting.

Does kimchi help with weight loss?

Several studies suggest that kimchi might help with weight loss as it contains fewer calories. However, dog owners should carefully select the ingredients so that the risks do not outweigh the benefits.

What foods are toxic to dogs?

Foods such as chocolate, chives, garlic, onion, and avocados are proven to be toxic to dogs. They can raise serious health concerns if offered regularly. If your dog is displaying some unusual signs, you should consult a vet and opt for healthy and safe food items.

Concluding our thoughts on whether dogs can eat kimchi!

Overall, kimchi is not going to be harmful to your dog as long as the ingredients used are safe and healthy. Vegetables like onions and garlic can be toxic for dogs, and you should avoid them at all costs. However, if you have accidentally placed a piece or two in your pup’s bowl, do not panic and closely monitor your pet. If any signs seem concerning, provide medication or consult a vet.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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