Can Dogs Eat Jujube?

If you are a dog owner, you are always looking for something new to offer your dog. Keeping that in mind, can dogs eat jujube fruit? Well, it’s true that jujube fruit offers some promising benefits for the four-leggers, but it contains a rich concentration of sugar and other ingredients that might cause some health concerns.

However, jujube fruit as a whole is perfectly safe for your dog as long as it is used with other herbs and offered in moderation. Packed with antioxidants and nutrients and offering stress and anxiety relief, this fruit is quite popular amongst dog owners for a reason.

So, let’s discuss why and how jujube fruit can help improve your dog’s overall health by keeping a few things in mind.

Is jujube safe for dogs to eat?

Yes, jujube fruit is safe for dogs to eat but keep in mind that jujube fruit is high in sugar. With that said, it is suggested to offer it in small amounts to your dog. Plus, jujube fruit can also cause some digestive problems in your dog. So, if your dog has a sensitive stomach, you might want to avoid offering jujube.

Can dogs eat Indian jujube?

Yes, the Indian jujube is perfectly safe for dogs to eat as well. Jujubes are an excellent source of vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants that help with the digestion process and bowel movements and improve heart health in dogs.

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Additionally, jujube fruit is also recognized by its name as the “cooling” fruit, which helps dogs suffering from mild diarrhea or an upset stomach relax. But then again, it should be kept in mind that jujubes, whatever the type, should be offered in moderation as they can lead to gastrointestinal issues.

Plus, consider the age of your dog before offering jujube. If it’s a puppy, you can offer a small amount but not if it’s a mature dog with underlying health conditions. Moreover, if your dog experiences allergic reactions, you should avoid offering jujube or any other food item that might add to the intensity of the after-effects.

Are jujube seeds safe for dogs?

Some dog owners often remain concerned about ingesting jujube fruit seeds. Dogs should not consume jujube fruit seeds because they are toxic. The seeds are known to contain a toxin called saponin, which can lead to serious health concerns.

If you observe that your dog is experiencing diarrhea, vomiting, and excessive salivation, you might want to keep the seeds away. However, if your dog accidentally ingests some while you are not paying attention, you might want to contact the vet immediately.

What are the health benefits of jujube in dogs?

Jujube fruit contains healthy dietary fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins that help the dog with its regular activities. For instance, dietary fiber is good for the digestive system. The fibers help the food move through the digestive system and prevent constipation as a result. Similarly, dietary fiber is also known to prevent the risk of diabetes and heart diseases.

Along with that, jujube fruit contains a rich amount of vitamin A, zinc, potassium, magnesium, riboflavin, thiamin, niacin, etc. These vitamins are essential for your dog’s overall health. Plus, the antioxidants present in the pulp of jujube fruit help the dog fight free radicals and reduce the risk of age-related diseases.    

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How can jujube fruit harm dogs?

Jujube fruit is safe for dogs, but its seeds are toxic. Jujube fruit is pretty healthy but can be dangerous to dogs with underlying health conditions. This fruit contains cyanogenic glycosides that might react with medication and may lead to serious health concerns. The reason is that the glycosides release cyanide when consumed, and it is toxic for dogs.

Therefore, if you are offering jujube fruit to your dog, closely monitor it. If there are any reactions, you can induce vomiting or provide medication based on the symptoms.

How many jujubes should I offer my dog?

It is suggested that jujube fruit should not be offered more than 10% of the dog’s regular diet.

While the fiber and vitamin concentration is one thing, the high sugar content is another. It is a well-known fact that regular intake of sugar can cause diabetes and weight problems in dogs that can become very difficult to counter, especially in mature dogs.

With that said, if you plan on introducing some healthy fruits to your dog’s diet, make sure that you study the ingredients to avoid health complications.

Related FAQs to jujube and dogs!

Can dogs eat Chinese dates?

Yes, dogs can eat dates but in small amounts due to the high sugar content in this fruit.

Can dogs eat goji berries?

Yes, dogs can eat goji berries but in a small quantity. Goji berries contain loads of vitamins and antioxidants. They can even improve your pup’s immune system!

Is fruit toxic to dogs?

While some fruits are actually healthy for dogs, others, such as avocados, can be harmful. You can offer healthy fruits in moderation to your dog as a treat on an occasional basis, but not if they are on medication or suffering from a medical condition.

Can you eat jujube fruit raw?

Humans can eat jujube fruit raw without any serious concerns. However, when it comes to dogs, you will need to break it down into pieces so that it is easier for your pet to chew and swallow. Keep in mind that dogs are carnivores, and their digestive systems might struggle to digest something it is not designed to do.

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What fruit is bad for dogs?

Fruits such as grapes and cherries are extremely toxic for dogs as they can cause kidney damage. Plus, citrus fruits like grapefruit, limes, and lemons can lead to an upset stomach. Therefore, if ingested, you should opt for medication or contact your vet if the reactions are serious.

Concluding our thoughts on whether dogs can eat jujube fruit!

Jujube fruit is a popular fruit in most parts of the world thanks to its health benefits. It does not cause any immediate harm to humans, but if your dog is already receiving sugar from other food items, it is best to avoid offering jujube fruit due to its high sugar content.

However, if your dog is free of any health concerns, you should add a small amount of jujube to your dog’s diet as a treat if it has been a good boy or girl lately.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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