Can Dogs Eat Jowar Roti?

Jowar roti is known to provide several health benefits to humans but can dogs eat jowar roti as well? Also known as jowar chapatti or phulka in some countries, experts believe that it can be toxic for your dog. You might have observed some avid dog lovers feeding jowar roti to their dogs without any signs & symptoms, but that might not be the same for your canine friend.

Jowar roti is safe for your dog to eat as it contains a number of nutritional benefits. Perhaps the biggest benefit is that jowar roti is made from whole grain sorghum, which happens to be a rich source of complex digestible carbohydrates that is safe for dogs.

So, if you are planning to add jowar roti to your dog’s diet, you must also understand the basics surrounding rotis. Let’s begin.

Can jowar roti be fed to dogs?

Yes, jowar roti is harmless to your dog. However, if it is a puppy, you should only offer tiny pieces that are easier to chew and swallow. On the other hand, if it is a mature dog, you should take a slow start and gradually increase the amount, keeping moderation in mind.

Even though jowar roti is beneficial for both humans and dogs, you should not rely on this food item alone as a regular diet for your pet. The primary reason is that dogs need other essential vitamins and minerals as well to help improve their overall health.

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Therefore, you should make a weekly meal plan and offer different food items so that your dog can take in a sufficient amount of healthy nutrients instead of focusing on a few every day.

Is roti safe for dogs to eat?

When it comes to feeding jowar or any other type of roti to pets, owners often remain skeptical. Roti is made using wheat flour which is basically gluten and is harmful to dogs with gluten allergies. However, other dogs might not show any symptoms after consuming roti. Make sure to observe your dog after giving it roti for the first time.

Jowar roti vs. wheat roti

Some are of the view that if jowar roti is safe, other types of rotis will not cause any harm either. However, that is one of the most common misconceptions. Jowar roti is made using completely different ingredients compared to the usual roti, making it a relatively safer option.

Meanwhile, the regular roti is made from wheat flour that contains gluten. If your dog suffers from gluten allergy and is fed roti made using wheat flour on a daily basis, do not be surprised if it experiences serious health concerns. Gluten is neither healthy for dogs nor humans.

On the other hand, roti does not lead to imminent death or life-threatening situations and is also known to offer several health benefits, but vets are of the view that rotis should be fed occasionally. In fact, wheat-based food should always be offered in moderation and should not be used as an alternative to your dog’s regular diet.

How are gluten and roti related?

Roti is made using wheat flour, which contains gluten.

Gluten is essentially a protein that is found in wheat and other types of grains. Plus, gluten is composed of gliadin and glutamine. Even though glutamine has been termed safe for both dogs and humans, gliadin can trigger allergies.

With that said, before introducing a new food item to your dog, you must ensure that it is gluten-free. Gluten is not only necessarily present in wheat-based products. In some cases, dog treats are also made using wheat flour, which should be avoided.

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How is gluten harmful to dogs?

Some gluten intolerant dogs can develop chronic small intestinal inflammatory disease upon consuming gluten. However, other dogs may walk free without any symptoms.

Undigested gluten accumulates in the gut, covers the microvilli, and imbalances the food digestion capacity in dogs.

The science behind gluten and dogs

It is important to keep in mind that dogs are carnivores, meaning that their digestive systems are not meant to digest human foods. Therefore, when a dog ingests food, it travels down to the stomach and small intestine, where it gets mixed with enzymes like Lipase, Protease, and Amylase.

While protease helps break down gluten present in the small intestine but as the dog continues to consume unhealthy food, the production of protease decreases in the body. As a result, the reduction in the production of protease results in gluten to be accumulated in the intestine and blocking the microvilli.

Therefore, your dog will suffer from chronic digestion problems and might also develop a gluten allergy in the long run. And since gluten is not known to offer a wide variety of healthy nutrients, feeding it regularly to your dog will lead to weight loss, nutritional deficiency, fatigue, and nausea.

What are the symptoms of gluten intolerance in dogs?

Gluten intolerance symptoms amongst dogs take time to develop. These are not immediate health concerns. However, down the road, your dog might experience some digestion problems that will need to be addressed as soon as possible.

Symptoms of gluten intolerance in dogs are as follows:

  • Rashes and skin bumps
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Foot chewing
  • Itching
  • Weight loss
  • Ear infection
  • Lackluster coat

In addition to that, the symptoms of gluten intolerance are more or less similar to most allergies in pets. Therefore, you might assume that your dog is suffering from other types of allergies, and you continue to feed it gluten-rich food.

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If you observe that your dog is lethargic or suffering from nausea and weight loss, you should immediately change its diet and opt for healthy food to see if the health improves.

Related FAQs to dogs and roti!

Is jowar good for dogs?

Yes, jowar roti is proven to improve the digestive system in dogs. Additionally, it is also a good source of Calcium and improves bone density.

Can I give bajra roti to my dog?

Yes, you can give bajra roti to your dog. Bajra or millet is a rich source of phosphorous, iron, and vitamin B, which are beneficial for your pup.

Can we give chapatti to dogs?

No, chapattis are not suitable for dogs. They are rich in gluten, which can lead to serious health concerns if offered regularly. Before introducing a new food item to your dog’s diet, make sure to read the ingredient list to avoid complications.

Concluding our thoughts on whether dogs can eat jowar roti!

Jowar roti is good for your dog’s health. It provides your dog with essential nutrients that help with daily activities and prevent health complications. Remember, other types of rotis that contain gluten are harmful and should not be offered to your dog. If your dog is already suffering from certain types of allergies, you should consult your vet and develop a healthy diet plan.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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