Can Dogs Eat Jojoba Oil? – What Happens if Your Dog Eats Jojoba Oil?

The use of jojoba oil in different skincare products has become quite popular. The juice of the Simmondsia Chinensis, or in simple words, the jojoba plant, offers a long list of benefits for humans and animals alike. Dogs being the troublesome furry creatures they are, will eat about anything they can find (they are lucky to be cute, aren’t they?). What happens if your dog gets its paws upon some jojoba oil? Can dogs eat jojoba oil without any repercussions? Is jojoba oil safe for dogs to ingest?

Can dogs eat jojoba oil?

Although jojoba oil is not toxic to dogs if consumed in small amounts, it is not essentially meant to be eaten. Jojoba oil is mostly used as a skincare product for pooches.

Jojoba oil is known for its moisturizing and skin healing properties in dogs. It is a sort of liquid wax and should be used only externally. So, jojoba oil should not be a food option for your dog.

What happens if a dog eats jojoba oil?

If your dog ate a small amount of jojoba oil, the chances of any side effects are very low. However, if swallowed in a large quantity, jojoba oil can result in some health problems. Consult a veterinarian if any of the following health issues occur.

  • Vomiting and nausea: The dog will feel nausea leading to a lot of vomiting. Although the frequency will get significantly lower after 24 to 48 hours, nausea still is very uncomfortable for the dog while it lasts.
  • Diarrhea: The excessive amount of jojoba consumed will lead to a stomach disorder in the canine, causing diarrhea accompanied by a very foul-smelling and waxy poop. This can be very inconvenient both for the pet and the owner.
  • Dehydration: If the vomiting and diarrhea persist, it can drain the poor dog causing an extreme case of dehydration. Dehydration can be fatal to the pooch.
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Jojoba oil benefits dogs

While jojoba oil is not made for ingesting, it serves another beneficial purpose in pooches. Jojoba oil is a natural skin healer and moisturizer. It is also hypoallergenic, thus significantly reducing the chances of any allergic reactions in dogs. Ranging from treating inflammations to saturating dried paws, jojoba oil has a decent catalog of benefits for dogs.

It can either be directly applied to the skin or be used as a carrier oil to dilute other essential oils.

No dry skin in winters

During winters, your dog’s skin and paws can get very dry. This can cause scorching and itching, which can be annoying for the dog. Using jojoba oil for your dog’s dry skin is a good idea. Jojoba oil, being a natural humectant, uses its natural moisturizing properties to keep your dog’s body safe from dryness, thus reducing the risk of developing other skin diseases.

Treats hotspots

Hotspots in dogs are extremely painful and can be triggered by several things. Usually, scratching or chewing the skin leads to bacterial inflammations known as hotspots. A few drops of jojoba oil poured on the hotspot several times a day can cure the inflammation.

Ensures a soft fur

Jojoba oil can make the dog’s fur soft and fluffy. It can also unclog any clogged hair follicles, ensuring healthy fur. Made from jojoba seeds, the oil proves to be helpful in maintaining a soft, shiny, and smooth fur. Sprinkle some drops of jojoba oil on the dog before combing its fur.

Effective ear cleansing

Cleaning your dog’s ears can be a hefty task. Their ears are a lot more sensitive to pain. You need to take extra precautions when cleaning your furry friend’s ears. With the help of jojoba oil, you can gently and effectively cleanse your dog’s ears from wax. Add two drops of jojoba oil to each of the dog’s ears. It will get rid of the wax in a few minutes while also moisturizing the ears.

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What is the best way to use jojoba oil on dogs?

You can use jojoba oil alone and directly apply it to a dog’s skin. You can also mix it up with a shampoo base or other essential oils to make a diluted solution. The mixture will be much safer to be used on dogs compared to solely using the essential oils. Some other carrier oils include coconut oil, avocado oil, olive oil, etc.

Jojoba oil alternatives for dogs to eat

As jojoba oil is not ideal for consumption, there are some other oils that are safe and healthy for dogs. Some of the beneficial oils for dogs include:

  • Hemp oil
  • Fish oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Sunflower oil
  • Olive oil
  • Flaxseed oil

Related FAQs to dogs and jojoba oil!

Is jojoba oil toxic to dogs?

Jojoba oil is not toxic to dogs if eaten in a small proportion. But, the oil is not meant for consumption, and consuming a large amount can lead to health problems like diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, etc.

Is jojoba oil good for a dog’s coat?

Jojoba oil can soften the dog’s coat if used regularly. Pouring a few drops of jojoba oil on the coat will keep the fur smooth and shiny.

What oil is good for dogs’ itchy skin?

Jojoba oil, along with coconut oil, is adequate in treating itchy and dry skin on dogs. Both oils have natural moisturizing capabilities.

Final words on whether dogs can eat jojoba oil!

Without a doubt, jojoba oil can do wonders for your dog’s skin. The oil has proven its worth when it comes to treating skin diseases and warrantying healthy fur in dogs. The oil is great at treating external skin conditions, but it is not meant to ingest. Jojoba oil is not something you should feed your dog. There are several other safe and healthy-to-eat oils you can include in your dog’s diet.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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