Can Dogs Eat Salmon? The Yummy Details!

Salmon is considered as one of the most delicious sea-food that we enjoy a lot. One question that is often asked by dog owners or dog lovers is that “Can I offer Salmon to my dog?” 

Let’s imagine you are enjoying a deliciously yummy meal containing crispy fried salmon and your dog is near you, you may be thinking that should I share some portions of salmon with him/her? You’re not damn sure! You wanna know if you can feed salmon to your cute four-legged friend.

If that’s your question and headache then this article is for you. In this article, we will tell you that it is perfectly okay to share Salmon with your dog as it has a lot of health benefits. Salmon contains Omega 3 fatty acid which improves the skin of your cute pup and makes them look much better! And it also improves brain functioning, bone health, and heart health.

Can dogs eat Salmon skin?

First look at the nutritional values of Salmon skin. It contains the essential proteins and Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acid is an integral part of their cell membrane which helps them to regulate their body temperature as they live in extremely cold ocean temperatures. Their skin contains an ample amount of EPA and DHA (type of Omega 3 fatty acids ) which is more concentrated than Krill oil.

Salmon skin is generally safe to consume for your dog. It is important to remember one thing that Salmons live in the ocean so they are prone to absorb various toxins (Polychlorinated Biphenyls or PCB) and heavy metals through their skin. Moreover, Salmon skin is high in Fat, so your favorite pups must consume a limited quantity of it.

You can cook something similar to crispy fried Salmon skin whose texture is quite similar to bacon. You can fry Salmon skin in a lightly oiled pan and share some portions with your cute dog.

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Can dogs eat Salmon raw?

You must avoid offering Salmon to your dog in raw or uncooked form. As we have mentioned earlier that Salmons live in the ocean, and they are quite prone to absorb various toxins, heavy metals, and other pollutants through their skin. Raw and undercooked Salmon may contain Neorickettsia helminthoeca parasite, which is responsible for potential food poisoning for your dog.

So it is advised to offer properly cooked and boneless Salmon to your cute pups. You can choose the fresh boneless fillets to avoid tiny bones. You can poach, grill, roast (425°F), steam or bake that with no oil, salts, peppers, onions, and garlic. Slow roasting is not recommended. You can also perform stovetop searing to create a crispy flavor.

Can dogs eat Salmon eggs? 

As we all know that eggs are the source of protein that your pups need. When it comes to Salmon eggs, the answer is “YES”, it is safe to offer salmon eggs to your furry four-legged friend. According to WebMD, Salmon eggs are a good source of protein, Potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin C. Scientific research suggests that consumption of Salmon eggs and other oily fish rich in Omega 3s can help reduce inflammation, stiffness, and joint pain of your dog.

If you want to offer Salmon eggs to your dog, make sure you washed them properly and refrigerated them for a few days to kill the harmful bacteria as much as possible and then salted it before serving. It is better to serve salmon eggs occasionally as a part of the main diet. Your dog won’t be upset to relish Salmon eggs!

Can dogs eat Salmon bones?

Dogs love chewing raw bones. You have noticed that while you offered delicious yummy chicken to your furry doggo. You can offer either properly cooked boneless fillets or Salmon head with bones. Dog’s teeth and digestive system are evolved in such a way so that they can eat and digest raw bones. However, sometimes choking happens due to chewing tiny bones and it may cause gastrointestinal upsets too. So it is better to debone those tiny bones before offering.

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Can dogs eat Salmon if they have a blood disorder?

If your dog has a blood disorder, then you must not offer them Salmon before consulting with your Vet. The reason is that, if your dog has some kind of blood disorder, then the fatty acids present in the Salmon may worsen the situation. 

However, If your dog is healthy then it rarely inhibits blood clotting disorders.

Can dogs eat Salmon skin cooked with garlic?

No, you should avoid offering Salmon skin with onions and garlic because ‘Thiosulfate’ that is present in onions and garlic is poisonous to dogs and may cause Renal failure.

Can dogs eat canned Salmon or Tuna?

The short answer is “YES”. Canned fishes like Salmon, Tuna have a lot of health benefits for your dog. Their taste is quite similar though. Your Dogs will get protein and the Omega 3 fatty acids present in them helps to improve your Dog’s eye, brain functioning and overcome joint pain, Osteoarthritis, etc.. Canned fish are good for your dog because they are well preserved and processed. 

Except for canned Salmon or Tuna, you can also offer Sardines, Mackerels, Krill, etc. as an occasional treat to your dog.

Can dogs eat Salmon sashimi?

Salmon sashimi is nothing but thinly sliced Salmon served without rice. You can share some portions of Salmon sashimi but it is better to feed your dog properly cooked boneless fillets of Salmon, freeze-dried.

Can dogs eat Salmon oil pills?

Fish oil is a nice addition to your furry friend’s diet and when it comes to Salmon oil, it supplies necessary Omega 3 fatty acids to them which is considered as “Good Fat “ for your dog. According to recent scientific research, dogs need EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid ) to overcome or reduce the inflammation due to Osteoarthritis type disorders. Fish oil is a very good source to supply EPA and DHA.

Dogs can’t metabolize ALA(Alpha-Linolenic acid) which is found in Flaxseed, Canola, and other vegetable oils. Rapeseed oils and fish oils contain Erucic Acid, which if consumed in larger amounts may cause Cardiac problems (Myocardial Lipidosis) or cell damage etc.

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Before taking any type of Pills, it is always recommended to consult with your Vet first. Generally, the recommended dose of Salmon oil pills depends on the bodyweight and current health condition of your furry friend.

Before buying any type of Salmon oil pills from the market, it is always advised to know about product sourcing beforehand and the product should be free from any type of genetic modifications. Owners must be aware of the potential presence of pollutants and heavy metals in fish oil pills like Salmon oil pills. However, after extensive research, scientists from the Harvard University Of Public Health concluded that the health benefits of fish oil intake generally far outweigh the potential risks.

Can dogs eat Salmon head?

There is no harm in feeding Salmon head to your dog. Raw Salmon heads are the source of protein, Omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. So they also help in boosting overall skin health (Coat Development), mobility, etc.

Your dog can eat the whole Salmon head, no need to dissociate the bones from that. However, if your dog’s dental health is not that good or it is too small to eat the whole Salmon head, then it is better to grind it and serve it in small pieces. Like other raw meaty bones, they will definitely enjoy it.


I hope it is now clear to you that you can easily feed Salmon to your dog without any problem. Simply use the ways I talked about in this article and you will not have any problem feeding Salmon to your dog. Below are related articles you can read to enhance your knowledge of what you can feed to your dog. Enjoy!

Do dogs eat…

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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