Can Cats Eat Popcorn? Risks and Alternatives

You can’t go to a movie theater, sports game or even the mall without being offered popcorn. But the question is, can cats eat popcorn?

This is a common question that many cat owners ask themselves. The answer is yes and no.

Some people believe it is okay for their kitty to nibble on this snack from time to time but others think that it can be harmful and should never be given to your cat. 

Cats are carnivores, they mostly need animal proteins to fulfill their dietary requirements. They shouldn’t eat something which has high amount of carbohydrates. The reason is their stomach can’t efficiently digest carbs. Popcorns are generally loaded with salt, sugar and high amount of carbs which can be harmful for your kitty if it is consumed in a larger quantities. However, if you share few bites with your feline friend, then nothing will happen.

In this article, we will talk about the risks of feeding your cat popcorn as well as alternatives so you can make an informed decision on if it’s right for you and your kitty!

About Popcorn

Popcorn is a favorite snack that many people enjoy. It’s often eaten at the movies or at home on movie night with friends and family.

Popcorn is made up of three main ingredients: corn, oil, salt. The most popular type of popcorn you see at movie theaters is buttered (meaning it contains butter). The main ingredient of popcorn is corn which supplies essential nutrients like:

  • Fiber
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Zinc
  • Manganese
  • Vitamin B

A serving of popcorn can have up to 30 grams of carbohydrates. In addition, there are about 3 grams of fiber per serving. However it doesn’t stop there; one cup could also provide around 2% calcium and as much as 10% iron.  

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It is now clear, the above mentioned ingredients and nutrients are not at all necessary for your kitty cat.

Health Risks of Offering Popcorn to your Cat

Have you ever fed your cat popcorn? If so, you are not alone. Many people believe it is a harmless snack for their pets. However, there are five risks of feeding popcorn to your cat that should be considered before doing so. 

First and foremost, the high sugar content in this food can cause an upset stomach or diarrhea which may be dangerous if the kitty has already eaten something else that could make them sick such as meat or dairy products.

Secondly, popcorn also contains polyphosphates which have been linked to kidney problems in cats according to research by The National Institute of Health (NIH).

The third risk is choking on small pieces of popped corn kernels which can lead to airway obstruction or aspiration pneumonia if swallowed whole.

Fourth, popcorn contains butter which is a dairy product and can cause stomach problems for your kitty. That means, when kitty eats too much cheese on top of her popcorn, she may get an upset stomach or vomit up the food later on from all those dairy products.

Lastly, the salt content in this food can lead to dehydration if consumed heavily on an everyday basis or repeatedly throughout the day- even though it contains water.

Why Does My Cat Want Popcorn?

Cat lovers and owners alike know that a cat’s love for popcorn is one of the most baffling things about them. It’s not just that cats like to eat it, but they also will go out of their way to steal it from your hands. So why do cats want popcorn so much? There are three possible reasons.

First, cats may crave salt which is found in butter as well as some types of popcorn kernels.

Second, they may be attracted to the smell of the corn or even more so with caramelized corn because this type has a stronger aroma than plain air-popped corn.

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Third, there is a theory that when you give your cat something he/she likes such as food or attention then he/she feels more bonded to you.

Alternative Healthy Snacks to Offer Your Cat Instead of Popcorn

Cats are small, furry, and adorable creatures that most people enjoy keeping around the house. Many cat owners often offer their cats popcorn as a treat and snack because it is inexpensive, easy to make, and usually well-received by the feline. However, while there are some healthy benefits of popcorn for humans like containing fiber and antioxidants, this form of food may be detrimental to your cat’s health.

There are several alternatives that can be used as substitutes for popcorn in order to please a cat’s palate and avoid the risks of feeding it. Some suggestions include crunchy treats, tuna fish (in water), or sardines on top of wet food–these can keep their attention for a while.

There are also many safe snacks that can be given to your cat such as bananas, cooked pasta with tomato sauce, or scrambled eggs- these can provide the same amount of sugar without risk of impeding their health in any way! You can even feed them some dry kibble and offer water at meal times so they can satisfy the need for their thirst.

Now we will discuss 11 alternative snacks you can offer your cat instead of popcorn so they stay happy and healthy!

  1. Carrots
  2. Pumpkin (great way to add fiber content to your kitty’s diet)
  3. Tuna
  4. Salmon
  5. Zucchini
  6. Catnip
  7. Dry cat food
  8. Broccoli
  9. Liver
  10. Yogurt (safe food for both cats and dogs)
  11. Bananas

Can Cats Eat Cattle Corn?

Cattle corn is safer to eat than popcorn because kettle corn contains sugar, salt, and oil.

Popcorn on the other hand is harmful food for cats. It often contains compounds that are toxic to cats such as salt, sugar, and oil.

Cattle corn, which is relatively high in protein and contains no BHA or BHT, but it’s also higher in calories than the regular kind. So if you have a cat and you’re just looking for an alternative to other dry foods because of allergies or food sensitivities, then you can offer cattle corn to your kitty cat.

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Now let’s look at the 3 reasons why cats can eat cattle corn. 

1) It has less carbs than regular corn flakes (5g vs 16g).

2) The protein content in kettle corn is higher than popcorn and it contains no BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) and BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene).

3) And lastly, it can have up to a third less sugar than regular corn flakes (0.25g vs 0.75), which can be helpful for diabetic cats and pets with bladder issues or diabetes mellitus.

Is Microwave Popcorn Bad for Cats?

Yes, you should never give microwaved popcorn to your cat.

The first is that cats lack the enzyme necessary to process high-fructose corn syrup and this can lead to obesity or diabetes. The second is that many people don’t know about a condition called “popcorn lung”. It’s caused by diacetyl, which gives microwaveable bags of popcorn their buttery flavor. This chemical was linked with bronchitis in humans who inhaled it while working at factories producing microwaveable popcorn packets.

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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