Can Cats Eat Imitation Crab? Explained with Facts

Imitation crab can be a great way to provide human beings with the nutrition and tastes they love. However, the question is can cats eat imitation crab?

Yes, cats can safely consume imitation crab. It is not harmful to your cat only if you offer it in a very less amount. Imitation crabs can be a great way to provide your cat with proper nutrition and can be a part of his/her well-balanced diet. Though the essential nutrients present in imitation crab are lower than the actual crab meat, it is still low in carbs, cholesterol, fat and mercury.

There are many misconceptions about this topic. In this article, we will answer all of your questions so you can decide if imitation crab is right for your kitty or not!

What is Imitation Crab Made of?

Do you know what imitation crab is made of?

Imitation crab is a delicious seafood substitute, typically used in sushi. It can be made out of pollock, which is a type of fish that lives all around the world. Pollock are harvested from Alaska to Maine and are considered sustainable by the National Academy of Sciences. The main ingredient of imitation crab is Surimi which is nothing but a paste of fish.

According to Oregon State University Seafood Lab, surimi is typically made from Alaskan Pollock. Although surimi can be made from various fish species, however, the highest quality of surimi is made with Alaskan pollock.

Surimi is created by combining pureed whitefish and whiting with additives such as egg whites, sugar, salt, MSG and vinegar to produce a paste that can be shaped into various forms. The pastes are cooked before packaging in order to kill bacteria and other microorganisms.

Imitation crab has been around since the 1950s when it was first introduced in Japan where they call it “seafood sticks”. It became popular for its convenience and versatility because you can use imitation crab as an ingredient in many dishes or eat them on their own like sushi. You could make your favorite sushi roll but replace the filling with imitation crab instead.

The texture and taste closely resemble real crab meat. The good news is that there’s no cholesterol or fat! But that doesn’t ensure that it will be safe for your feline friend. Research suggests that imitation crab is lower in several other nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids. If imitation crab doesn’t sound like your thing, try some other seafood alternatives instead!

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Is Imitation Crab Meat Harmful to Cats?

If you are a cat lover, you have heard the rumors that crab meat is not safe for cats. But this isn’t always true! We accept that imitation crab can never be a substitute for Regular Crabmeat but still, it is okay if you are offering it sparingly.

However, if your kitty is prone to allergic infections, then you must avoid imitation crab at any cost. Because it contains additives like Potassium Sorbate which can trigger allergies in your cute kitty. If your kitty has shellfish allergies, then you should avoid offering imitation crab.

Commercially available imitation crabs are loaded with artificial ingredients like MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) which can triple your kitty’s Insulin level if they consumed more than 2 tablespoons of that. MSG is also bad for brain health.

But there is some good news too!

Unlike other seafood, imitation crab is quite low in Mercury. Also, it contains a lesser amount of cholesterol, fat, carbs as your kitty needs mostly protein. As far as protein and good fat contents are concerned, the amounts present in it are far lesser than regular crab meat.

How to Feed an Imitation Crab to your Cat Properly?

If you can’t find a fresh or frozen option for your cat, or if you can’t find a type of crab that is safe to feed them, there are some ways to prepare imitation crab.

One thing you can do instead of feeding the whole product at once is breaking it up into smaller chunks and serving one piece at a time throughout the day. The reason this works is because sodium bisulfate can be toxic in high concentrations when eaten over an extended period. It can also lead to damage of red blood cells which leads to potentially life-threatening conditions such as methemoglobinemia.

Preventing contact with chemicals used during production like nitrates can help prevent toxicity from occurring too quickly by reducing their exposure (this will depend on how much they ingest over how long of a period). You can also break up the product into smaller pieces and serve it in small doses, rather than giving them an entire can at once.

Here are three ways that your cat can enjoy their favorite foods without the risk of choking or ingesting anything harmful. 

1) Make a homemade “fishy” broth: Fill a pot with water and add in canned tuna fish (or any other type of fish). Bring it to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Add in about 1/2 cup of imitation crab meat per serving size before removing from heat. 

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2) Make an easy sandwich: Slice white bread into even squares, making sure each piece has at least a small bit of crust so it can handle the pressure when being bitten. Add in imitation crab meat, mayonnaise and a dash of salt & pepper for taste before toasting on both sides over medium-low heat with butter or margarine.

3) The third option is simple but still delicious: Purchase some breaded fish sticks from your local grocery store and serve with imitation crab meat.

Can Cats Eat Canned Crab Meat?

It is better to avoid giving canned crab meat to your feline friend.

Some canned and processed foods contain sodium tripolyphosphate or potassium sorbate, which are preservatives that do not occur naturally in the food. Potassium Sorbate can cause skin allergies to your cat.

Though these preservatives are generally regarded as safe for humans, it is important to remember that cats have different requirements and sensitivities than humans do and they may experience stomach upset when exposed to elevated levels of these chemicals.

If you’re interested in feeding your cat wet food with this type of ingredient added, we recommend looking for one that is made specifically for cats.

Can Kittens Eat Crab Meat?

If it is regular crab meat, then kittens can eat that. If it is imitation crab, then a big “NO”. There are 3 reasons why kittens can also eat crab meat and it is important to know them before you buy your next bag of goods. 

1) Crab is rich in taurine which helps with eyesight development, heart function and muscle strength among other things. This should be good news if you have kittens running around the house as this will help keep them strong enough for playtime or even chasing each other up the stairs!

2) Some cats are allergic to beef so crab would be on their list of food options available without any reactions from their body.

3) The high protein content in crabs can help with your kitten’s growth.

By the way, we always suggest pet owners consult with their vet before introducing any new food to their dishes.

Risks of Feeding Imitation Crab to your Cat

Imitation crab can be an occasional treat for cats, but you must look carefully at the ingredients of that. Below are some risks associated with imitation crab.

1) As the name suggests, imitation crab is not the regular crab. It is actually highly processed crab meat that contains additives and can have adverse effects if consumed regularly by your kitty cat.

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Imitation crab contains MSG (Mono-Sodium Glutamate) which is really harmful to your kitty’s brain health. More than 2 tablespoons of MSG is harmful to your cat. Feeding too much imitation crab could result in pancreatitis and Gastronintestinal Upset (GI).

2) If there are any bone fragments mixed into the food they can cause an intestinal blockage and potentially kill the pet. The best way to avoid these problems is by feeding your cat just one or two pieces of imitation crab instead of several pieces at once!

3) The amount of omega-3 fatty acids present in imitation crab is far less than regular crab. Other than omega-3, imitation crab is also lower in several other nutrients compared to real crab. So, for a safer bet, you should go with regular crab meat for your kitty instead of some imitation crab meat.

3) An increased risk of obesity can also occur from eating too much imitation crab. So, moderation is the key.

4) Potential allergic reactions can also occur from eating imitation crab.

The key to preventing any of these risks is moderation and being aware that your cat can exercise self-control with this food!


If you give your cat a little imitation crab occasionally as a treat, then it should be okay. But if they have been eating imitation crab for years with no issues, we recommend switching to real seafood like tuna or shrimp instead of imitating the taste with artificial ingredients that may make them sick.

You can also find an organic canned food made just for cats for well-balanced nutrition without any fillers or byproducts. Make sure to always check the label before buying anything because some brands will say “crab” but really contain pollock fish meal as their main ingredient! So again, only feed your kitty small amounts of imitation crab a couple of times per week at most- not every day!

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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