Most people are drawn to Siberian Huskies because of their beautiful appearance and striking blue eyes. A common question that pet owners ask is “Are Siberian Huskies smart?”
Huskies are very intelligent and independent minded dogs .Also they are considered as one of the most vocal dog breeds in the world.
In this article we will unravel the mysteries related to the intelligence of huskies.
We will explore how intelligent they are and how do they compare with other breeds in terms of intelligence? What are signs that your husky is not very intelligent?

Are Huskies Smart? How Smart are They?
Huskies are intelligent, loving and playful. They are also very stubborn and difficult to train. This is due to the fact that they have been bred for centuries as a sled dog, where their intelligence was only needed for small tasks like managing a harness or pulling at the right time. As such, huskies have not been bred specifically for obedience skills. However this doesn’t stop them from being one of the most popular breeds in America with over 100 thousand new dogs registered each year! So what makes these furry friends so special? We will explore some reasons why huskies are smart below:
Reasons Why Huskies Are Smart:
1) Huskies are considered as independent-minded dogs.Their brains process information faster than other dogs.They are also considered as one of the most vocal dog breeds in the world.
2) They are able to quickly learn how to do new tricks and commands.
3) They are good at solving problems on their own and with humans.Also,Huskies are extremely dramatic.
4) They are keen observers, meaning they are more likely than other dogs to notice when something is out of place or a human has dropped food from the table. Huskies can be hard-headed though so even if you offer them treats in exchange for doing what you want them to do, it will often take many repetitions before they understand that there are benefits for obeying your commands;
The intelligence of a husky is defined by their ability to understand, remember and use knowledge in order to perform tasks that are challenging for other breeds. The canine IQ test known as “AKC Canine Good Citizen Test” measures this type of intelligence with an objective series of tests which are administered during early adolescence . The test evaluates a dog’s ability to learn and behave in ways that are necessary for living with humans.
Huskies are ranked as the 20th most intelligent breed out of 157 breeds tested by AKC Canine Good Citizen Test.
How Smart are Huskies Compared to Other Breeds?
Border collie is known as one of the smartest dogs, with an average canine IQ score of 120 – 140 (compared to around 100).
Border Collies are used mainly as herding or working livestock because they like physical work where they have something active to do at all times. A border collie can be taught over 200 words and commands!
German Shepherds are also fairly high on intelligence rankings too, but huskies come after poodles, beagles and border collies.
What are the signs that Your Husky is not very Intelligent?
Huskies are intelligent dogs but they are not the brightest when it comes to obedience skills. This is due to their ancestry as a sled dog in cold climates where their intelligence was only needed for small tasks like managing a harness or pulling at the right time. As such, huskies have not been bred specifically for obedience skills. However this doesn’t stop them from being one of the most popular breeds in America with over 100 thousand new dogs registered each year! So what makes these furry friends so special? We will explore some reasons why huskies are smart below:
One way to measure your Siberian’s intelligence is through an online IQ test. As a dog parent, you are in the best position to know what your pup can do and if it is capable of understanding commands or tricks, for example! In general though, huskies are intelligent dogs but they are not the brightest when it comes to obedience skills. This is due to their ancestry as a sled dog in cold climates where their intelligence was only needed for small tasks like managing a harness or pulling at the right time.
Why is My Husky so Stupid?
A lot of husky owners have questioned the intelligence of their pup. The truth is that many people just don’t understand how to train a husky and confuse them with other dog breeds. They are not stupid, but they do require more attention than some other breeds because they love to run around and play outside. If you properly train your husky, you will find out how intelligent this breed really is!
However there are many different types of intelligence in dogs just as there are for humans. Some breeds have higher levels than others. This means that some dog breeds will require more training or mental stimulation than others due to individual differences in temperament and personality. There’s not much you can do about this other than provide ample opportunities for your Husky to exercise his brain through various activities like obedience class or agility course if he/she enjoys those things (or if you enjoy doing them with
Huskies Personality and Temperament
The husky is a breed of dog that gets its name from the Arctic region, where it originated. They are known for their thick coats and gentle temperaments. In this post, we will explore what makes them such an amazing pup!
Their coat is made up of two layers: the undercoat and outer guard hairs. This protects them in both cold weather and snow storms as the fur insulates against heat loss or heat gain
Husky has a general personality which includes being smart, stubborn, energetic, loyal but also independent at times. These traits make them great pets because they love to please their owners while still maintaining some independence
A common misconception about this breed is that they are hyperactive or destructive . This can be true if the husky is not exercised regularly or are left alone for extended periods of time. If this happens, your pet will most likely develop separation anxiety and become destructive to release their pent-up energy .
Top 5 Training Tips to Make Your Husky More Smart
The husky is a very intelligent breed of dog, but they can be difficult to train. With these top 7 training tips for your husky, you’ll have the smartest pet in town!
1) Teach your Husky Basic Commands
Give them a command and then wait 3 seconds before rewarding them with treats or another reward. This teaches them patience and gives them time to think about what you are asking from them.
2) Use positive reinforcement
When training your husky by giving him treats as rewards instead of negative reinforcement like smacking their nose with your fingers if they don’t listen to you. You want the treat to be something he enjoys so it will motivate him more in future lessons.
3) Keep all commands short and simple
just one word at most .
This makes it easier for the husky to learn and understand you.
4)Using clickers
A clicker is a device used by pet owners or trainers that makes a clicking sound when pressed, usually made from plastic or metal. It can help train animals because it provides a positive reinforcement for correct behavior, meaning they’ll want more clicks and rewards later on in the training process.
5) Take them out hunting with you
When you are out hunting with your husky, they are exposed to all of the scents that are in their environment and this helps them learn how to use their senses.
Among Siberian Huskies, intelligence is usually measured by which training method they can best understand quickly.
The most intelligent dogs are those who have a high endurance level because it allows them to explore new areas without being tired or exhausted from exploring too much. They are also very curious about unfamiliar objects around them so they will want to investigate what these things are on their own time.
Huskies typically do not like working for others as well when compared with other breeds due to the fact that Siberians were bred for independence and freedom while living outdoors during colder climates where food was scarce.
Huskies are not as bright and fast when compared with other breeds such as German Shepherds, Collies or Whippets so they are often more independent minded because of this.

Are Huskies Smarter than German Shepherds?
Who is smarter?
Huskies or German shepherds?What do you guys think? Let us know in the comment section below.
This is a question that has been debated for years.
To answer this question, we need to identify what the definition of intelligence is and then compare the two breeds.
Intelligence can be defined as one’s capacity to learn or understand things in their environment and use this knowledge to make decisions or solve problems.
The difference between these two breeds when it comes to intelligence lies mainly on their ability to work well with humans which is an important trait for any dog breed wanting a job such as herding sheep, retrieving lost items, etc.
Huskies are known for being independent thinkers who have trouble obeying orders from people they don’t fully respect while German shepherds have been bred specifically by man over hundreds of years to be the perfect balance of intelligence and obedience.
So are huskies smarter than German shepherds? Yes, but only because they are not as obedient which is a trait that can make them better at some jobs while making them worse at others.
In the end, it seems like there are more arguments for why Huskies are smarter and vice versa. So what’s the truth? Let us know in the comment below!

Are Huskies Smarter than Golden Retrievers?
Huskies and Golden Retrievers are both popular breeds.
But which breed is smarter: the husky or the golden retriever? The intelligence of a dog varies from one to another, but as a general rule, huskies are considered more intelligent than Golden Retrievers.
This is because they have been bred for centuries specifically to be used in sledding competitions – so they were bred not only to look slim and sleek but also to work hard! If you’re looking for an active companion who will keep you on your toes and challenge you mentally then maybe it’s time for a Siberian Husky!