How to Calm Your Nervous Dog in the Car? 6 Quick Practical Tips

Do you have a dog that gets nervous in the car? Driving with your dog can be stressful for both of you, but it doesn’t need to be. In this article, we will talk about how to calm your nervous dog in the car and how to make driving more enjoyable for both of you. We’ll also share some helpful tips on how to stay safe when traveling with pets!

What do you do when your dog starts to freak out in the car?

 It’s a stressful situation for both of you, and it can quickly escalate. In this blog post, I’ll outline a few practical methods that have worked well for nervous dogs in my practice. 

How to Make Your Dog Get Used to the Car?

Does your dog get nervous in the car? If so, you’re not alone. It’s estimated that more than 50% of dogs are afraid of riding in cars. There are a few things you can do to make them feel more comfortable and hopefully, help them get used to it over time:

  • Try taking your dog on short trips around town before going on long car rides. This will allow your pet to become familiar with being inside the vehicle without feeling like they’re heading out for hours or days at a time. Start by getting them used to the sounds and smells from outside the vehicle while it’s parked.
  • Take some treats with you to lure them closer if necessary. Once they start associating good things with being outside the car, you can try opening the door.
  • Give them a special place to sit or lie down inside your vehicle that they will feel safe and comfortable in (they should be able to get away from all sides). For example, if you have room on the back seat, put an older towel there for them; this gives them a designated place to sit. If you have a large dog, consider putting an X-pen in the back seat and giving them their space there while they’re riding!
  • If your dog is nervous about putting its head out a window or looking around while you drive, try giving them some treats to occupy them. You can also try placing a blanket over the headrests so they’re not looking around or staring at other cars.
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This is how my dogs get inside my car:

I’ll put down some treats around the door of the vehicle (normally one on each side), then I show them how to get in by sitting at the back of the car and waiting for me to open it. Sometimes I’ll have them sit on my lap, but this can be difficult with bigger dogs because they’re so tall!

6 Quick Tips to Calm Down Your Nervous Dog

1) Put their favorite blanket or toy in the car so they are more comfortable

Try putting your dog’s favorite blanket or toy in the car. This will keep them occupied while you drive, and provide a sense of familiarity so they’re more comfortable.

2) Try to Make them Occupied

If your dog is really stressed during the car ride, it might help to give them a chew toy that will keep their mouth busy. You can also try giving them bully sticks or other hard chews and letting them take their time with these while you drive.

3) Restrain Your Dog

We all know that dogs can be nervous in the car, but with these easy tips you can help make him more relaxed and comfortable.  The following are some of the best ways to restrain your dog in a car:

1) Place a seat belt around his body and buckle it tightly for security.

2) Use an old towel or blanket as padding between his back and the seat.

3) Place a metal tray on the floor for food and water.

4)Use Pheromones and Homeopathic Preparations

Some people have success with homeopathic remedies, such as Rescue Remedy and Alder Bark, which are available at any pharmacy. You can also try Bach’s Flower Therapy drops. These are available at most pet stores and can be given to your dog before their car ride for a calming effect, or during the drive if they get nervous.

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5) Use Medication

When a dog becomes anxious in the car, it can lead to serious complications. For some dogs who are seriously affected by this behavior, medication may be necessary. Talk with your veterinarian about how they feel you should deal with these types of issues if they arise.

There are several types of calming medications for dogs these include sedatives which work quickly and last from 5-10 hours; antidepressants such as clomipramine or fluoxetine which take up to two weeks to be effective but may last up to three months; antihistamines such as cimetidine which also takes about two weeks before they start working but lasts only one day; some general anxiolytics like diazepam (Valium) or buspirone (BuSpar) which have a wide range of effects and how long they last depend on the individual dog.

6) Play Soothing Music in the car to Calm Down your Nervous Dog

Some people play music in the car to keep their dogs calm and happy during a ride. Different types of music can have different effects on dogs, so it’s best to experiment with what your pet responds to best. Classical or New Age works well for some dogs, but others might like rock or pop better depending on how they usually behave when at home.

Some dogs also respond well to how the music is played; some people crank up the volume and have a lot of stuff going on when they play it, while others might prefer softer acoustic or instrumental sounds. Try different types of music until you find something that works for both you and your dog!

The following are some suggestions to try in the car:

– Classical or New Age music.

– Soft acoustic sounds or instrumental versions of your dog’s favorite tunes.

– Play calming, soothing music that relaxes you as well, like Enya for example.

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When you’re the proud owner of a dog, it can be difficult to find time for yourself. The best way to deal with this is by taking your furry friend along on trips that don’t require much physical activity. But there are many other steps you should take before heading out the door so that both you and your pet have an enjoyable experience! Planning ahead will ensure everything goes smoothly without any surprises or emergencies popping up when they least expected. Read our post about traveling with dogs for more information, including packing lists and safety tips. We hope we’ve been able to provide some helpful advice as well as some inspiration for future travels!

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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