Can Dogs Eat Gingerbread? Recipe Included

Gingerbread can be a really tempting treat for many animals. It can also be harmful to offer them this type of food without knowing what the risks are and how you can make it safe for your pet.

A lot of people like to offer their canine gingerbread treats as a way of saying thank you for being in good company, or even just in celebration of the holiday season. The issue with this is that they can be harmful if not given correctly which we will talk about below.

It’s important to know that canines are not able to digest large amounts of spices like ginger present in gingerbread. So giving them a piece or two can be fine. They can also get an upset stomach from the sugar, butter, shortening and eggs in the recipe as well.

In this blog post we will take a look at some of the most common questions and concerns surrounding can dogs eat gingerbread and what you need to know when considering if your canine friend can partake in one of life’s great pleasures.

About gingerbread

Gingerbread is a type of cake or cookie. It has been around since the Medieval times and is traditionally associated with Christmas festivities. Gingerbread was originally made with yeast, sugar, water, flour and spices. Today it can have many different variations of ingredients depending on what region you are in or what recipe you pick to follow. Some recipes contain bacon fat for flavor while others may be vegan friendly by using vegetable shortening instead of butter or lard. Gingerbread dough is traditionally rolled into a log shape before being baked in the oven where it puffs up as it bakes and then cools down to form a dense cake-like texture. The ginger in gingerbread comes from ground ginger root which helps relieve nausea and improve digestion among other things like boosting immunity against colds.

The nutritional elements vary depending on what type you’re eating but usually they range from 250-500 calories per serving. It’s important to note that this recipe will have more fat than others because it uses butter or oils instead of shortening and there’s no egg whites whipped into the batter.

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By looking at the nutritional profile of gingerbread, we can conclude that it is totally safe for your dogs to consume.

Just like other popular treats, gingerbread can also become harmful if they are loaded with excess sugar, salt or any type of artificial harmful sweeteners.

What you need to know when offering gingerbread to your dog

You need to know how much your dog can eat. It can be harmful to offer them this type of food without knowing what the risks are and how you can make it safe for your pet so we will talk about that below.

You need to know whether or not they have GI issues or allergies like lactose intolerance, wheat allergy, gluten sensitivity, etc. in order to make sure the gingerbread can be digested properly.

You need to know if they have a history of eating things like chocolate that can also cause GI issues as well and you would want to avoid offering them this type of food too.

Health benefits of gingerbread for your dog!

Dog owners are often guilty of giving their furry friends human food. It’s understandable because they want to share the tasty treats with them, but this can lead to digestive issues and other health consequences. Gingerbread is an exception! This festive treat has been known for centuries to have many health benefits for humans so it makes sense that it would be just as good for dogs too. Here are 3 surprising ways gingerbread will keep your pup feeling great all season long:

  • Ginger helps ease stomach aches and gas.
  • The cinnamon in gingerbread can help regulate blood sugar levels.
  • Cinnamon is a natural pain reliever which means less trips to the vet!

So next time you’re making a holiday treat to share with your best friend, make sure there’s ginger and cinnamon in it!

Risks of feeding gingerbread to your dog

As the holiday season approaches, many people are thinking about what to do with their gingerbread. But before you save them for next year or just throw them away, take a minute to consider that they can also be dangerous for your dog! In this post we will explore 3 risks of feeding excess gingerbread to your dogs. 

  • Gingerbread contain flour which is bad for dogs because it contains gluten and wheat which cannot be digested by dogs and can cause stomach upset or an allergic reaction when eaten.
  • The icing (or frosting as some may call it), is typically made using confectioner’s sugar which has corn syrup in it and corn syrup can cause diarrhea in some cases.
  • Raisins contain sulfur dioxide which can be toxic to dogs and can cause stomach upset.
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It’s important to note that raisins are not inherently bad for canines but they do need to have a certain amount of sulfur dioxide in them (between .05% – 0.25%) in order for it not to be harmful due to the preservatives used .

So if your pet can eat raisins without getting diarrhea, then they can most likely have gingerbread with no problem.

Some dog owners may not like that the recipe has milk in it but this is a common ingredient so dogs can still enjoy some of this treat as long as you use skim or low fat milk instead of whole milk.

The reason for this is that whole milk can cause stomach upset and can be difficult to digest so you want to make sure your pet can eat it without any problems.

And finally, the recipe typically calls for butter or oils which can cause diarrhea, Gastrointestinal upset in some cases when consumed regularly because they are high in fat content.

If your dog can eat butter or oils without any negative side effects, then they can most likely enjoy gingerbread as well.

Can dogs eat gingerbread cookies?

Every year, as the holiday season approaches, we start to see more and more gingerbread cookies. These delicious treats are a staple of the winter holidays and they make us think back to childhood memories of creating our own gingerbread houses with frosting and candy. Gingerbread cookies are a traditional Christmas treat that some people let their dogs enjoy in small amounts – but how much is too much?

Read on for three important reasons why you should limit your dog’s gingerbread consumption and tips for giving them safely. 

Here are three reasons why it’s okay for your dog to enjoy some gingerbread during this time of year:

  • The sugar content may be too high for your pup. Dogs have different tolerances when it comes to sugar intake, but an average sized 30-pound dog could eat as many as six pieces with no ill effects.
  • Ginger in gingerbread cookies is actually good for dogs because it helps soothe upset stomachs if you offer it in smaller quantities or with their main diet.
  • The spices in most gingerbread cookies (cinnamon, cloves, etc.) are also safe for your pup
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Lastly, Dogs love getting extra treats just like humans do! 

Recipe and cooking instructions for homemade gingerbread for your pet

Gingerbread cookies are not only easy and quick to make but they’re also delicious and healthy for your pup.

The best part is that these treats can be made from ingredients found in most kitchens so no need for expensive trips to the store.

This recipe calls for three main ingredients – flour, sugar, and butter – plus essential spices like cinnamon and ginger which give it its flavor profile. 

The recipe can be tailored to your needs by adding other ingredients like walnuts or chocolate chips if you want.

Recipe ingredients

  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon ginger
  • 2 tablespoons cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 3 cups flour
  • ¾ can butter at room temperature (or one and a half sticks)    
  • Flour, to dust work surface and roll dough out on 
  • Unsalted butter or margarine, to grease pan
  • Allspice or nutmeg can be added for extra flavor if desired.

Cooking instructions

Mix the sugar, flour and spices together in a large bowl then cut in butter with two knives or a pastry blender until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Next add one egg beaten with ¼ cup of milk or water to form a soft dough, roll out on a lightly floured surface and cut into shapes with the cookie cutter.

Bake in a greased pan at 350°F for 15-20 minutes or until done.

*If you want to add chopped nuts or chocolate chips, do so after adding flour mixture.*

Try these delicious gingerbread cookies next time you’re in the mood for a sweet pet treat.

These can be offered to your dog instead of traditional gingerbread cookies because they are made with low-fat milk and can’t contain butter or oils which can cause diarrhea, Gastrointestinal upset when eaten regularly.

These gingerbread cookies also have lower sugar content than other recipes so you can share these with your dog and not risk stomach upset.

Do dogs eat articles

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Immad Amir

Immad has a black Labrador who is his first child. With no prior experience of how to take care of his pooch, Immad started researching about what dogs love to eat. This blog is a journal of all the research Immad has done regarding a pet's diet.
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